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Posts posted by TaylorC

  1. Quote

    Ok nuff said,
    The question was raised: Is it safe and/or correct to leave the lowers disconnected?

    The manufacturers do not recommend this practice, some quite adimately.

    Therefore the correct answer to the question is no.

    And yes I only jump either a SET 400 or 360 in the Dual Hawks.

    hope you mean a 366 ;)

  2. Got my cx100 today and i am using an opteka .3 on it and with the step up ring its plenty wide enough for tandem. It is very comparable to my royal .2 in how wide the shot is. Believe this might be do to the stepup ring that is on it. Anyone else using the HD lens for handcam?

  3. Quote

    I agree with Harry. Been freeflying for many years and have competed at nationals in VFS as well as freefly.
    I have about 80 hours in the wind tunnel over the past 10 years but every time I go to a wind tunnel the instructors never let me get on my head unless I pay for a coach.

    just get someone to sign you off...

  4. Quote


    If factors such as the altitude place competitors at an unusually high risk of injury or death, he may have to decide whether or not it is safe for the competition to continue.

    Back in the beginning of the sport there used to be "low pull contests", whereby two people would play "chicken" with each other to see who would chicken-out first and deploy their parachutes before impacting the ground in freefall. Imagine if someone had suggested that USPA turn these contests into an official event at the National Parachuting Championships. Balderdash! Are you crazy! That little sport activity promoted extremely dangerous stunts, but fortunately, we came to our senses, grew out of it, and are now much safer for it.

    And now today we have thousands of skydivers intentionally flinging themselves at the ground under canopy at low altitude and high speed, to see who can approach the fastest and pull out of their dives the lowest. It occurs to me that canopy swooping is just like low-pull contests. But while low-pull's were always an unofficial thing between individuals, swooping is actually approved and sanctioned as an official competition activity by USPA! But it's an activity that is creating untold danger and carnage in our sport.

    Will we wise-up and eliminate this activity as "too dangerous", just as we did low-pull contests?

    Yeah plz tell me your joking cause if not that is a pretty ignorant comment to make...

  5. Quote



    hail fun nazi fuhrer :D

    Please allow the Nazis to own their reputation and stop diluting what they did by spreading their name around to others. The Nazis of WW II Germany were THE Nazis and no one else deserves to be lumped in with them. It's fucking disgusting! No one else should ever be called one. Unless they were.

    Who are you? The historical reference Nazi?

    LOL B|

  6. if your butt is lower than your knees chances are you are not strong enough in your legs and you probally have your arms back behind you like you would in sky making the old school style of sit ;) one way to fix this is to get stronger with your legs and push your feet down more and push your head back which will bring your back back and you will now be in more of a sit position.