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Posts posted by AHoyThere

  1. Quote

    After I packed someone a slammer, I was feeling really bad. Then someone reminded me that you pack the chute, not the opening. It makes sense to me. I still feel bad that I did it, but things like this happen. At least it didn't turn into an injury or a fatality because of the pack job. That's why we have emergency procedures. ;)

    This was a long time ago, but here's a short vid of a slammer that someone packed for me.


    Didn't need to cut away but after a post-jump inspection, we did order one new riser.

    We showed the vid to the person that I had just paid to pack that rig. They felt bad and gave me that money back. But I didn't ask them to pay for the damaged riser. The tandem passenger contacted me a week later to let me know he had three broken ribs from the opening shock. And he didn't ask me to pay for that either.

  2. Quote

    use the VASST StillMotion, Ultimate S, or Production Assistant to automatically generate a motion slide show, of up to 9,999 photos. It takes about 6 seconds...

    Got a quick and easy tip for creating a slide show with Vegas Movie Studio Platinum?

  3. How about if you host each of the categories as a separate contest? You could accept entries for two months for each contest.

    Take entries during Feb/Mar for 'Funniest Four Way'.
    Then 'Sexiesst Tandem Student' through Apr/May.
    Then 'Composition' during June/Jul.
    'Unusual' Aug/Sep.
    And 'Artistic' during Oct/Nov.
    That way we could have an ongoing comp throughout the whole year and get to see a lot of pics in various categories.
    Then in December, you could take all of the winners from each category and vote for the Best of Show or Best of the Year overall winner.

    And then start all over again in February with five new categories for the next 10 months.

  4. I didn't know what a wall sit was. Had to look it up. I've decided,,,, I don't like wall sits. Got 1:30 on my first try.
    Edited to add: I also got 1:30 on my last try.

  5. Some other person in our household (who will remain nameless) got their computer wacked by accepting a virus update invitation.

    I've been working on it for the last three days trying to clean it up.

    Free AVG is one option. http://free.avg.com/us-en/download-avg-anti-virus-free-edition

    This is my first attempt using the new microsoft free virus solution. Might be worth a try. Anyway, the price is right.


    Let me know when you manifest that skyvan load. I want on. I'll bring my camera too.
    Good luck.

  6. Quote

    I rarely comment on what cameras are coming out (when I'm aware of them) due to NDA's.
    However. I assure you with 100% certainty that there is no 7DMKII coming out next spring nor in 2010 at any time.



    I can't wait to see in the camera in the future with full frame sensor and 1080 24p capability.

    You wont' have to wait long. :P

    Our season is done until spring. It is always fun to see the latest new technology. I suppose the NDA makes it easier to say what is not coming out rather than what is coming soon. Anyway, maybe spring will be time for a new camera. -Cheers.

  7. Quote

    The focusing system on the 7D is the same as in the 1DMark4 so its very good! at least they made alot of improvements since the MarkIII.

    As for the focusing issue i would suggest pre-focusing on the ground, and shooting at a high aperture!

    Canon 30D is what I have now. I think it might be time to upgrade.
    Three versions up from 30D (skipping the 40/50D) up to 7D is probably about right. Maybe there will be a 7DmkII released by this spring. Who knows?

  8. Quote

    What camera and what lens? And next question, what settings, and what conditions? Ie, if you're using just about any Canon eos or Nikon DSLR with a f/2.8 fixed lens like the sigma 15mm or canon 15mm, shoot at 1/500s on a clear day, ISO 200 or so, with AIservo turned on your pics should come out sharp, if not, make sure the helmet is steady and most of all keep your head still ;) But most likely your problem is in the setting and/or your lens, something a more expensive camera won't help with, in fact a more expensive camera generally requires MORE knowledge of settings plus a good-quality lens. Although if that's the excuse you're using to buy a very nice camera, :):ph34r:

    I attached one picture from last weekend as an example. I have plenty of other examples at home including one where three shots were taken within one second and only one was sharp. Again I have mixed results, many pictures are sharp but too many are soft (imo).

    For this attached pic, here are the specs and settings...
    Canon 30D
    Canon EF 20mm, f/2.8, USM
    Shutter priority 1/400 (might have been 1/500)
    ISO 320.
    Aperture resolved to f/8
    AF Servo
    9 focus points selected.

    No crop or any other adjustment was done to this picture other than to resize it smaller for upload.


  9. Quote

    Remember, this is for camcorders. Using this chart for an APSC or full frame DSLR could lead to a bad day.

    Can you give us your recommendations for keeping subjects in focus with the DSLR?

    I've switched back and forth with manual / auto focus. I've used a single AF point (center one), and I've used all nine AF points. Sometimes the images are sharp as a tack, sometimes they're soft and slightly out of focus. I'm ready to go buy a 7D just because they (supposedly) have improved the AF system.

    Got any more affordable suggestions?

  10. How about this...

    I'll take the 9 year old cat.

    In exchange, I'll give you two kittens that are only 6 months old.
    It will only cost you $2,000.

    It works out well for everyone.

    You get to save $2,000 instead of spending $4k.
    I'll fly both of us down for a weekend of skydiving in Florida.
    Your wife can have two new kittens.
    And the 9 year old cat will be very comfortable in the country.

    It's a win-win situation for everyone.

    Good luck, let me know if I can help.

  11. Quote

    -The faster the recycle time the better. (however when compairing statistics among different flashguns remember that the more powerfull ones take longer to recycle untill full power simply because they need to charge more power. Therefore you cannot directly compare just the seconds to 1/1) Also the possibility of using external battery pack is a bonus.

    -Decent amount of power (guide number)

    + 1 on the external batter pack.
    An external battery pack will make a huge improvement in recycle time of the flash.

    This is the one that I use.
    Quantum Turbo 2x2.

    I simply wear a weight vest under my jump suit and clip the battery pack to the front of the vest, zip the jumpsuit up over the battery, and run the cable up the neck of the jumpsuit and to the flash. The routing of the cable is such that if I ever have to cut away the helmet, the cable will pull easily out the top of the battery.

  12. Thanks for asking the question. I'm new w/ this too and I've got the exact same issue.
    Right now I'm running a Dell quad core. I've got more ram than 32bit XP can address. I brought home 64bit Windows 7 that I'm going to switch to. But I'm not really expecting that to help with editing in Vegas 9.

  13. Those are some GREAT pics. For a number of years we would jump year around here in Iowa. For some reason 25 degrees and warmer would be fine but below that and it seemed to be too cold. Now we're older and smarter and really don't jump in the winter like we used to.