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Everything posted by Nelyubin

  1. The U.S. has sent to Kiev 26.02.2014 additional contingent of Marines. Guard the embassy and U.S. citizens. You call this an invasion?
  2. Spend more greenbacks? Do not confuse the real resources with waste paper.
  3. Mr Cameron should consider how to pay foreign debt.
  4. Source;,0,5534961.story Question: is there any legitimate reason the US should get involved? 30 years ago we'd be concerned with the spread of communism, but that's not an issue since Russia isn't communist now. We'd also be concerned if Putin was a dictator, but regardless of his beating up some people against him, Russia as a whole seems to be doing quite well compared to before the wall fell. I'm just not sure we have any moral grounds to stop him. This is the right decision by the president and the board of the federation. Many Russian citizens in solidarity with him. As for the statements of Obama and other politicians - the dog barks, but the caravan moves on.
  5. My both children started jumping in 14 years. Itself I started jumping in 16.
  6. systems old Centro Internacional de Paracaidismo de Varadero Carretera Vha Blanca, Km 1s, Varadero, Matanzas, Cuba Phone: +53-45-667256 but it is old number. what now precisely I don't know
  7. Jumping every day. MI-8 helicopter. Jump along with rental and laying costs about $ 50. If you jump with your system, then $ 30. Rent from 120 to 280 feet. If you come back home through the US. Don't take with itself the Cuban cigars. Don't take with itself anything Cuban. There can be a trouble in US.
  8. "This" deprived parts of the rights and freedoms on the basis of sexual orientation.
  9. In USA only last year to repeal the law against gays. And already started to teach others what they should do.
  10. Gone far from the topic. Shortly. If the purpose of the trip visiting the Olympics, there is not any problems. If the purpose of the trip public demonstration and campaigning for sexual orientation, the problems will be. Good or bad, is another question.
  11. Then why do you think a valid superiority propaganda same-sex relationships?
  12. Excuse but you didn't ask. That to say no in essence, hold the jokes for snotty girls.
  13. Google to you in the help. [URL][/URL]
  14. Thus you don't consider that heterosexual marriages have a superiority over the same-sex. Did I get you right?
  15. The person stored and using drugs not the addict? Yes you rave dear.
  16. Air Force nuke officers caught up in big cheating scandal
  17. My heterosexual marriage has produced no offspring, nor can it. So same-sex relationships are equivalent to my relationship. Should I not be allowed to talk about my marriage in front of children? You then an exception that proves the rule.
  18. Same-sex relationships do not give offspring. Obvious. No need to lie about social equivalence of such relations.
  19. Staff at the U.S. State Department does not know the law. The law has no such proposals. In the law there is no such sense. The law prohibits the promotion of a minor. OK, "the U.S. State Department does not know the law" (nothing new here), but can you agree that there is a crackdown on gays in Russia? Please read in the original law. Do not use gossip.
  20. Staff at the U.S. State Department does not know the law. The law has no such proposals. In the law there is no such sense. The law prohibits the promotion of a minor.
  21. This was your claim. That is not backed up at all by your links. They do not address the relative effects of human vs volcanic activity, and the only eruptions that had a measurable effect on climate were the largest, most devastating eruptions in Earth's history. Learn to read, indeed. ;) Reference is made to the facts confirming the significant effect of eruptions on climate. There is currently no evidence to support the impact of human activities on climate. An analogy difficult?
  22. Strange conclusion. Learn to read.
  23. The first part of my post was a joke. Sorry if unsuccessful.