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Posts posted by 2shay

  1. I know two people who were knocked out in ff and the cypress saved them. I think that your friends do not jump aad's becasue of swooping at a high wing loading, but I don't know how high, but a few of my friends are around 2.2 or maybe higher and they do swoop and they do wear aad's. Personal preference of course, but for someone like yourself, I do not see what your argument would be for not jumping one?
    don't try your bullshit with me!!!

  2. I would very strongly reccomend that you sell the x fire 1 if you have one. I had two friends have their's collapse and nearly killed both of them. They both had the line mod done. They both said how much they loved that canopy and how great it treated them and after that they never jumped them again. It is up to you of course, but they were absolutely surprised becasue they had no problems before. No outrageous conditions made this happen either, they just happened. The x fire 2 has a different lineset than the one as well.
    don't try your bullshit with me!!!

  3. sadly this kind of stuff happens way too often and nobody does anything about it, and typically the dz claims to be the best around that only lets certified riggers pack their tandems. What would the customer think if a guy like yahoo was packing? They may not go. I have seen TI's lie about never packing a malfunction, when obviously they themselves had actually had and packed that mal. Funny how good ole' business has went out the window.
    don't try your bullshit with me!!!

  4. I would guess every 500 for lines and trim mostly but then again I suppose I should have relined mine a while ago but I still love it and feel no need to so what the hell, I don't know.
    don't try your bullshit with me!!!

  5. If you are smart about it you will have it sent to you once. I sent my helmet to austrailia and was only 80-100 if I remember correctly. You are right maybe not a rip off, but once again not a "DEAL" either
    don't try your bullshit with me!!!

  6. midsunderstanding Because you had put euros down. Another way to get a good deal is to piece a system together maybe container reserve, and then add main and cypress all used of course. Once again I think that you could find a better deal than that one. Plus I really did not like my experience with javelins
    don't try your bullshit with me!!!

  7. if your profile is correct, you can swoop with your current 170. I would start messin with it and then as you get better take it further and further. Then when it does not really scare you to bring it in hot, start doing hp downwinds until it does not really scare you anymore. If you can do that your skill will improve two folds and your step down to a 150 won't feel like to much of a step at all. Canopies are like motorcycles you can kill yourself on a 50cc mini trail or kill yourself on a 1000cc crotch rocket, chances are much less on the 50 though. If you cannot pretty well do all of the suggested on a 170, at your loading you are not helping yourself to downsize.
    don't try your bullshit with me!!!

  8. I got a 2004 vector 3, 04 pd reserve 01 cypess all for 2000 dollars in the year 2005. Added a viper canopy for $500 with less than 300 jumps on it and was set. I am telling you that you can find these deals on dz.com, and the getting out of the sport sales that you see you can get even better deals. I am telling you to look around, do not get in a rush. Cypress 2's are going for 1295 new form aerostore so I don't know where you got 1800 for a cypress 2 that is almost 2 years old now. You can more than likely demo from someone you must just have them ship it to your rigger (because they would know where to find your rigger if something went wrong) unless you are a huge guy or something I can't see why you could not find something that will fit you on dz.com that should really be the only limiting factor. I have bought and sold many items on this site with absolutely no problems. I have owned an 03 javelin that had all the bells and whistles and the main flap was open on almost every sit fly that I did, and yes the main was the right size. I did not like it at all, it was pretty but that is about it.
    don't try your bullshit with me!!!

  9. if the price is 2200 euros thats a effing rip of and I would not get a javelin and would sure as hell not get a sabre 1, do some more shopping. Stick to vector 3's, voodoos, mirages, infinity, and wings. You can find a way way better deal elswhere.
    don't try your bullshit with me!!!

  10. Do you think this could have been avoided by jumping a smaller helmet that is not so wide and bulky? I do. I jump a mindwarp when not jumping camera (which is not that often), and I jump a rawa camera helmet most all the time, and have had 0 problems in hundreds of jumps. both helmets are small and sleek. I really think you should have the least amount on your head as possible and I feel the camera should be enclosed to reduce snag points. Just my 2 cents. Hope everything works out for you.
    don't try your bullshit with me!!!