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Everything posted by littlclimb

  1. I can tell you if you call an amstaff a pit bull the owner might bit you *** I feel the need for just a little bit more education. The American Pit Bull is the same breed as the American Staffi. The AKC would not allow the American Pit Bull as a recognized breed into their club unless the name was changed. Seems a few members were offended by the "Pit Bull" reputation and thought by renaming it people would think it was a different breed. Guess their plan worked! The American Pit Bull was, however, recognized by the UKC. They are same breed and rose by any other name is still a rose. I own a staffi, and its amazing how many people calm down when you call her a staffi and how many people get stiff when you call her a Pit. Pit, Staffi...Gracie. Best dog I've every owned. I have had three labs, one golden, a heeler/lab mix, Springer Spaniels, and german Shephards. Each have their own unique training needs. A responsible owner researches what those needs are and owes it to the dog to make sure they get it. Next time you take a trip to the SPCA, notice how many cute lab mixes there are. Then ask yourself why. As a Pit Owner it is my responsiblity to make sure that Gracie is trained correctly so that she is a pleasure to be around when we take her in public. It is also our responsiblity to protect her from the people that are miseducated by the media. No dog should ever be left alone with small children (their high pitch squeals sound just like an injured animal) All owners have the responsiblity to know their breed, the needs of that breed, and deliver. Your dog is depending on you to do this. Unfortunately owning a dog is like having children. Any idiot can have one, and they don't come with training manuals.
  2. Yes, after kicking and screaming John agreed to bring Jake home. We won't mention all the puppy kisses he received and that Jake followed him all around the yard at the SPCA. Kicking and screaming all the way. Its awesome having an animal lover for a BF. :-) Jake is one of the best Christmas present I could have asked for.
  3. The DZO at my DZ said it perfectly when I told him I wanted to do TM also... "Youre going to take the most complicated gear on the dropzone, jump an intentional malfunction, with someone strapped to the ftont of you trying to kill you,,,and for that you get to be part of everyone's first jump" Sign me up!! JC
  4. I have "WWJD?" on my cutaway seemed appropriate. Susan
  5. Has your wife said why she doesn't want you jumping? The one thing I learned from my 19 year marriage and my current 3 year relationship with my sweetheart is that a happy man is a man that gets to follow his dreams. If he has a dream he wants to chase and I support him...even if that dream is dangerous, a wonderful side of the relationship develops. Support can be either by joining them in the chase or cheering them on from the sidelines. Sitting on the side line and not being supportive or not being allowed to join in the dream will only lead to resentment on both sides of the relationship. Guys....this goes both ways, the ladies have dreams they'd like to chase too. Skydiving was my dream and I only intended to do one jump. John was supportive and we went through AFF together. Neither of us expected to get hooked. It has opened a whole new world up to us. We both have similar and different goals where skydiving is concern. There are days that I'm doing 4-ways and he's sitflying and other days where we're jumping together. Somedays we can't both get to the dz and that's okay too and we always tell each other to have a good time. When I had my surgery last spring and was grounded for 12 weeks I still went out to the dz with John on the weekends. I figured I could either sit at home and feel sorry for myself or I could be at the dz with friends. The best medicine for me was seeing his smile after each jump. I think its great that you are encouraging your wife to do AFF with you and I wish you the best of luck. Susan
  6. Called Mirage today about my hip rings. Dan was great and I should have the container back very soon. I'll have to wait a bit, but at least it won't drive me crazy to have it sitting here ready to go while its raining, sleeting, snowing etc. John might be jumping off the roof or down the stairs if this weather lasts too long....and mine is cooler ;-) Susan
  7. Our new Mirage containers arrived this afternoon. They look great! Unfortunately John will get to jump his before I get to jump mine....someone forgot the hip-rings and mixed up Twiggy's leg measurements with mine. Oh well, I hear that patience is a virtue and maybe by the time it gets back the temperature will be back up to something tolerable....11 degrees here in Texas....Brrrrr! I haven't decided if I like the other mix up on my rig or not. Mirage put a soft reserve handle on my container. It looks great but I really had never gave the choice much thought and went with the metal mainly because that is what I was used to..and have used. Any Opinions on whether I should keep it or have Mirage put the metal handle on? I'd like to hear a few Pros and Cons. By the way the workmanship on the containers is awesome and they look so small compared to our old containers :-) :-) Susan
  8. We just got our new Mirages in and it looks like mine will be going back...they forgot my hip-rings and instead of the standard metal reserve handle they put on a soft handle. I had my first reserve ride on jump 7. I distinctly remember feeling the cold metal in my hand and there was no doubt that I had a good grip on it when I pulled it. Before I ask Mirage to put the metal handle on, I'd like to hear some opinions of the soft handle vs the metal handle from those who have had to use them. Susan
  9. Better yet put a bow on him and put him under the tree! Susan
  10. Wonder how he'd look on my tree! Susan