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Everything posted by GTAVercetti

  1. Uhh, not meta? I don't know. I am going to need a hint here. Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.
  2. nice. Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.
  3. Wait, so now I am meta? Alright. I guess that is close to existential. Or something. So I will take it. Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.
  4. It is easy. 'Not' jokes are awesome. And I am glad you are not sad for me. Did you just laugh out loud out loud? That is very meta of you. Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.
  5. exactly. Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.
  6. Ahh, the not joke. A truly awesome form of comedy. You are not sad for me? Well, that is good. I guess. Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.
  7. good god I am giving you a hard time. And it is awesome. Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.
  8. I believe the word you are searching for is "you're." Feel free to google the difference. Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.
  9. Now how am I supposed to smoke an ellipsis? Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.
  10. This gets my vote for most entertaining post of the day, though perhaps not for its intended humor. I swear there is a comprehensible thought somewhere in there. Something about monkeys and unicorns I think, depending on the strength of the yen. Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.
  11. This is an awesome rule man. Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.
  12. hmm, that is tough. they are approaching giantness. Upon first glance, they do indeed look to be of the large variety. But they fit your face better than most girls. I would probably have to view them in person to make a full ruling though. Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.
  13. Well rock the house for us then!
  14. Dammit ryoder! She was supposed to google it herself. Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.
  15. Awww don't get mad now. Everything is going to be alright. Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.
  16. Especially on a girl like that! her head is WAY too tiny for them. Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.
  17. No, I am not a hairdresser. I just know lots of useless information. All hair above the scalp or skin is dead. Cutting it does nothing for growth. Hair grows about 1/2 inch per month cut or not. You can google this yourself. Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.
  18. It absolutely depends on the glasses. A nice set that goes with her face and nothing is sexier. But then we have sunglasses. For fuck's sake, can these things STOP GETTING BIGGER?! I mean dear god, sunglasses will soon take up the entirety of our heads. So in summation. For me: A stylish pair of glasses = excellent. A giuant pair of sunglasses = teh suck (particularly the white ones) Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.
  19. that makes absolutely no sense. sheesh. women. Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.
  20. Well everyone is wrong. It is a myth. The only thing a good trim might do is make the hair look nicer by getting rid of split ends. Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.
  21. no, seriously. huh? That is not amusingly insecure like the bathroom scale thing. It is just stupid. Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.
  22. HA. The average has gone down then. It was 18.1 when I did it. And I agree, cultural knowledge should never be part of an intelligence test. Intelligence stands outside of any specific societal information. But then I don't think we are supposed to take this one very seriously. Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.
  23. Well, I am from nowhere, but the town 4 miles away? you might have heard their chocolate. Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.
  24. Yeah, I would have separated those tasks myself. But hey, that is just me. Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.
  25. You got a 6 didn't you? Don't be sad. Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.