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Posts posted by MajorDad

  1. Just got the word that Dave Taylor from Edmonton died suddenly yesterday (heart condition or some such problem).

    He started jumping in the 90's at Eden North and had around 1000 jumps or so. He was only in his mid 40's.

    He hasn't been jumping a whole lot the last few years as he had started up his own construction company. He went to events such as the Belize Boogie and the Canadian Invasion when his schedule permitted.

    Deepest condolences to his wife, Crystal (another Eden North Jumper from the 90's).

    Hug a friend today, they sometimes leave unexpectedly.....:(:(:(

    Eternal Blue Skies, Dave :(

    Major Dad
    CSPA D-579

  2. to clarify....

    After the OP's Level 5 (unlinked exit - 360 Right - 360 Left) he went on to do two more jumps that day to get his stability issues sorted out.

    Those two jumps were done with a PFF Instructor with over 4000 jumps. (Yes, they were repeats of Level 5)

    As he already posted, he intends to get the stability issues sorted out in the Eloy tunnel when he heads south for the Canadian Invasion in January.

    Sounds like a plan.

    Blue ones,

    Major Dad
    CSPA D-579

  3. Hints for the course (some of which have been covered by others):
    1. Print out the C1 Reference Book and C1 Workbook. It amazes me the number of people who show up on the course who don’t have a clue as to what is in the manuals.
    2. Do the Pre-Course work as per the instructions that you should have received from the Alberta Sport Parachute Association (send me a PM if you haven’t received the instructions).
    3. I will tell you what I need to see on the evaluations. Give me what I am asking for. If I see it, I can evaluate it. If I don’t see it, ZERO. Simple as that.
    4. It would have been a good idea to do simulated jumps with experienced coaches on your DZ prior to the course. A little late at this stage, however the course doesn’t start til Saturday Morning so you have until then…
    5. Bring your rig. Actually had a candidate who showed up without one, once….
    6. Feel free to talk to the coaches on your dropzone during the course for ideas, practice, etc. Some people take the attitude they are on their own, which is not the case.
    “Larry” is looking forward to jumping with you. He has MADSKILZ. You may want to stretch before the jumps……

    Blue Skies,

    Major Dad
    CSPA D-579

  4. McChrystal is hardly the first 4 Star to step on his dick and be faced with getting fired or having to resign over it.

    For those who are painting it as a Democratic President / Military Pissing contest, lets look back a couple of years to Admiral William Fallon, then C-in-C Central Command.

    From Wikipedia -
    "On March 11, 2008 Secretary of Defense Robert Gates announced the resignation of Fallon as CENTCOM Commander. He stated that Fallon's reason for resigning centered on the controversy regarding a recent article in Esquire magazine which depicted him as openly criticizing the Bush administration with specific regard to American policy towards Iran."

    Seems that Fallon's sins against the Republican President of the day were milder than McChrystal's alleged sins against the current President.

    Same Secretary of Defense in both cases (and he is in the chain of command).

    Let the feeding frenzy continue....

    Blue Ones,

    Major Dad
    CSPA D-579

  5. Unless the reporter badly represented what the General and the members of his staff said, the President (through the chain of command) has to remove the general from his command.

    All military officers are taught in Basic that for the military system to function (among other things), loyalty must flow both up and down the chain of command, with priority to flowing up the chain of command.

    Truman fired MacArthur when he forgot this principle.

    Looks like a 4 Star Position has opened up....

    Sad way to end a career...

    Blue Ones,

    Major Dad
    CSPA D-579

  6. Just did one with the GF yesterday that went sweet (her first!). I've done about a dozen over the years, but it's been about 10 years since the last time.

    Spent the time to walk through the grips, exit and "unusual situations" and had her do chin-ups (with gear) to show how much upper-body strength she had.

    The preparation and planning paid off and she had a hoot.

    Blue ones,

    Major Dad
    CSPA D-579

  7. Thanks for posting about this near-miss.

    Seems that since these things are small and inexpensive, lots of people are getting them before they should.

    The 200 jump recommendation is a good one.

    However there will always be those with Mad Skillz who will complain about being held back...

    Blue Ones,

    Major Dad
    CSPA D-579

  8. Have an IAD Jumpmaster IAD you, Seriously.

    Far more effective for a Mr. Bill than Shortlining....

    Also talk to those on your DZ who have done it before as there and have them walk through exits/grips/etc.

    Have fun. They are a blast when they work.

    Blue Ones

    Major Dad
    CSPA D-579

  9. I switched careers a couple of years ago and haven't looked back.

    After years of Project Managing various Industrial Construction Projects (primarily Oil and Gas), I started teaching Construction Management at the College Level. It had been in the back of my mind to do "later on" in my career. After hitting the wall hard a few years ago, an opening presented itself at the local college and I made the switch.

    One of the better moves I have made as my quality of live has improved tremendously, along with my health and morale.

    One of the surprises, has been that there is quite the shortage in qualified (i.e experienced) instructors in my field, so I have been picking up more and more side gigs. While I am not making the coin I did when I was project Managing, it is more than "enough" to do what I want to do and I have plenty of time off in the summer to do it.

    Far better than losing a year "up north" working when I should be skydiving....

    There is the phrase -
    "Do what you love and do it well enough that someone will pay you"

    You dont know how true it is until you do it!! :)
    Blue ones,

    Major Dad
    CSPA D-579

  10. Quote

    Don't worry Billy, USA's gonna need every bit of their A game to win will Canada. What a great way to wrap up the Olympics!

    Totally agree.

    Hopefully both teams bring their "A Game". It will be a great way to bring the Olympics home.

    Canada will be closed down tomorrow for the afternoon....

    Major Dad
    CSPA D-579