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Posts posted by dgm458

  1. Quote

    The infamous Little Johnny, no doubt! :D:D

    Speaking of...

    The class has a substitute teacher today and she decides that since the lesson plan is rather thin, she'll test the children's English skills by assigning a large word to each student to use in a sentence.

    For the first child, Sally, the teacher chooses embarrassed. Sally replies, "I fell on my bottom and I was embarrassed."

    "Well done." said the teacher.

    For the second child, Bruce, the teacher chooses pathetic. Bruce replies, "This game is pathetic."

    "Good use of the word," replies the teacher, "but go to the principles office."

    For the third child, Johnny, the teacher chooses indefinitely.

    Johnn replies, "When I feel my balls slapping off of Sally's ass, I'm indefinitely!"

    Man asks woman: Do you know what the difference between smoking a cigarette and giving a blow job is?

    Woman replies: No.

    Man says: Well then, would like to smoke a cigarette?

    How do you tell if a blond is having a bad day?

    She's got a tampon behind her ear and her pencil is missing.
    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  2. I'm a pretty religious Lost follower, but missed an episode or two due to being out of town and the VCR not working right. Keep telling myself TIVO!

    I thought my friend (who was trying to bring me up to date on the missed episodes) said that Ethan was killed by the guy than played in LOTR????

    I think Boone dies in the next two episodes...I've been predicting that one since his relationship to his step-sister was exposed. The same week in USA today there was an article in which they said one of the main 14 characters will die by the end of the season and he's been my choice since.

    Fav episode-Hurley's flashbacks. How weird is that? Too much of a connection to the island. Locke's whole story is kind of weird too...the island is talking to him? Just keeps me coming back for more.

    I guess it turns out that the plane they found had absolutely nothing to do with the hatch and finding a way to open it. It simply set into motion the chain of events that led to the light coming on.

    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  3. Quote

    I want to speak to Texas weather

    Yeah the wind definitely sucked at SDD on Saturday. Drove for 3 hours, participated in safety day, waited around, drove 3 hours home. I did get a half price jump ticket, but I didn't get the freebee!

    At 11:30 AM the winds were holding steady at 21-25 MPH, with gusts up to almost 35 MPH. Then at about 3 PM, they peaked.

    The only guys that were in the air were the big boys that could push any size canopy and those flying the small bedsheet type. I saw one guy landing in the normal landing area drop about 20 ft just before landing because of the turbulence and there were a few that had a hard time staying on their feet because the wind would try to drag them back.

    There were plenty of times as a student that I flew backwards and trust me, it's not fun upon landing and can be downright scary in the air.

    I can't tell you anything about their instructors...I didn't do my training at SDD. Being safety day though, that may have caused some of the frustration. Some of the instructors were running around alot, seeming to pull double duty. SDD was pretty busy on Saturday.

    Just my 2 cents.
    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  4. I didn't see: Friend's bed with him passed out on other side; Taco Bell dining room (eatin place is too vague); Drive Thru Bank while waiting in line; In a car in the middle of a tornado; At school; At the preacher's house; swimming pool; & In a car with red and blue lights flashing behind you.
    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  5. Seriously...how long have you been tappin' it? If you've been at it for awhile and it hasn't improved any, then it most likely won't.

    Try this...."You're boring in bed babe."

    One of two things will happen: 1) She leaves you and you move on to better things; 2) She cuts you off for awhile, but makes an effort to improve once she starts giving it up again.

    None of this was meant to sound crass
    ***End of Disclaimer***
    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  6. They didn't jump from Dillingham though, but somewhere on the South shore.

    I didn't know there were any skydiving operations on the South Shore. Must have been just for the show.

    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  7. Quote

    I mean if I wanted to I could have my address listed As 1000 Highway 412 E Suite 151 and what it really means is this package will be delivered to the Post Office(which resides at 1000 HW 412) and to put it in P.O. Box 151.

    For Post Offices in the United States this is inaccurate. The physical address of a US Post Office will not show up in most address databases because it doesn't even exist in the Post Office's official address database. If you rent a PO Box at a US Post Office, you must address any item to that PO Box as "PO Box 1151, City, State, Zip"

    However, if you rent a "private mail box" such as the type at the UPS Store or other private company that offers Post Office boxes, then your mail must be addressed to "John Doe, 1000 NW 4th St., PMB 1151, City, State, Zip"

    If you have a question about whether or not a specific address is a business address or a residential address, call the Post Office for that specific zip code and they may share that information. You should be nice though because most people who call the Post Office act like idiots and the clerks get sick of it after awhile.
    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  8. Reading some of these posts, I just can't imagine if I had spent as much as some of the people here.

    My first jump (IAD Student) was 5/11/2003 and these are my expenditures (US $):

    1st Jump Course=$130
    13 Student jumps at 45 each=$585
    15 student jumps at 50 each=$750
    35 jumps at 0-20 each=$581
    Used gear with AAD=$1200
    New protec helmet=$35
    Used helmet=$150
    Used jumpsuit=$50
    Used altimeter=$100
    Repacks/AAD checkup=$396
    Used main=$375
    Total=$4,759 and does not include any travel expense, lodging, meals or beer.

    This total should be a little higher, but many jumps were weathered out and I've had to sit out a few small periods of time due to injuries, both skydiving related and non-skydiving related.

    You can get a good deal on some nice used gear if you simply shop around instead of buying the first thing you see. Also, check pro shops at local dz's for used gear.

    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  9. While some of you mention Ad-aware, there is another, similiary pronounced program that works wonders. It's called adware away, located at www.adwareaway.com

    It's free for three days and it's the only program that successfully rids your pc of the about:blank popup.

    Norton and McAfee are fine, but they can be "too safe" sometimes, preventing key items to run in your computer, especially if your computer is equipped with bundle software (a set of disks that comes with a new computer that has not only the operating system but also extra software).

    My 2 cents.

    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  10. Each state has their own weird set of laws concerning strips clubs, or gentlemen's clubs as their called here in Oklahoma. Absent specific state laws, it's up to individual counties and cities.

    In Oklahoma, you can have full nudity, but no alcohol may be present so most of them opt out of the full nudity. There is a few left that are called "juice bars."

    No touching is allowed in Oklahoma. If you do, you better be sure there is an "undercover" guy in there watching with his cuffs ready to apply to your wrists. Happens all of the time. It's funny to see whose names are in the newspapers for being arrested at local places because they broke the law of "no touching." Radio dj's, tv newscasters, local political icons, etc.

    Just my two cents.
    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  11. With only 60 something jumps to my credit, I don't have much room to brag about who has signed my logbook....but I do have BMX guru Mat Hoffman's pen in my book.

    I also have a couple of the Mullins kids signatures, not that it's bragging rights, but I like to point out that they put fake license #'s by their pen.

    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  12. I was held up in Honolulu when trying to pass through security with my rig as a carry-on in late July of this year. TSA guy held me up for 45 minutes after I went through the line before his supervisor finally asked him what was taking him so long and waved me through. I was within 15 minutes of my flight time.

    The TSA guy was a self proclaimed "parachuter", but he didn't know what a CYPRES was, which is what caused alarm to the screener. He swabbed my rig no less than four times, kept reading the material I gave him, seeming too interested in my log book and the fact that I was a civilian (not military) that owned "parachuting" equipment.

    Edited for bad spelling.
    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  13. I'm in the middle of buying a Saber right now...Got 700 jumps and a fresh reline for $350.

    I've got a few test jumps in on the canopy and am experiencing the same brisk openings. Nothing that hurts, but it certainly wakes you up.

    I spoke with a packer about the problem and she recommended to not roll the nose, but to push it elbow deep into the canopy when packing and then rolling the tail super tight. That seems to be doing the trick for me. I also quarter the slider pretty large, out as far as it will go on all four sides.

    Rolling the nose did absolutely nothing for the opening.

    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  14. My dense friend was a victim of this type of scam. He was selling something on the internet for about $3000 and got a buyer from somewhere in Africa who send a cashier's check drawn on a Florida bank account. The "ship to" address for the goods being sold was in Great Britain.

    I don't know if my friend tried to cash the check at a Western Union or was attempting to send money back as the result of an overpayment on shipping or what, but Western Union refused to process any amount of money over $1000 to any African country unless certain stipulations were met. This finally sent up a red flag in my friends head.

    He contacted the individual and told them that the bank won't credit his account for 30 days and shipping was delayed.

    You guessed it. The cashiers check bounced...fake bank account numbers although it was a legit bank.

    My friend contacted the FBI, Secret Service, and US Postal Inspection Service, all three of which blew him off.

    Wiring money may work differently. Talk to your bank first. I successfully did a wire transfer from Kuwait into my account, but I set it up with my bank first to restrict my account to no outgoing transactions (savings account).

    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  15. I thought I would give an update on the jumps we made in Hawaii last month.

    My brother and I both made four jumps at Pacific Skydiving Center. They flew a King Air plane that was pretty quick getting to 14.5 and 15K. My first jump was a little weird, simply because we were exiting over the ocean it seemed like.

    The landing area is a bit small, but it's larger than my home dz so there was no problem with the size of the lz to us. The tree line was another story. They've done a remarkable job of clearing most of the trees along the east end of the fence, but some remain across the road on private property. You have to make sure to stay out of the turbulence for a good landing. The winds seemed to maintain at least 15 mph all day, getting higher as the day went on.

    The scenery is absolutely beautiful. We took a throw-away camera up and took some real nice pics. Some have mountains in the background, some have ocean, some both. I'll post some pics later once I get them scanned into the computer.

    The folks at Pacific were very friendly and outgoing. The dzm/dzo was a frenchman named Guy and he was very helpful. Two of our four loads were nothing but fun jumpers. We would have made more jumps during the week had they stayed open later during the day. They close early.

    Jump tickets were only $20 to 15K. I pay that for 10K at home. What a deal.

    If anyone ever get the chance, definitely jump in Hawaii. Even travelling with my gear as carry on went smooth except for one overzealous TSA guy in Kahilui on Maui. The guy claimed to be a skydiver but didn't have any idea was the Cypres was. He held me up for 20 minutes trying to tell me my rig wasn't allowed as carry-on. The look on his face was priceless when I told him and I taken it as carry-on on more than six flights in the previous two weeks.

    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  16. I hit something with my foot once passing through 3500 just as I was about to pull. I swear it was a bird cause it hurt like hell. Do birds fly at 3500?

    Saw a camera flyer once land cussing up a storm. Turns out he lost an expensive lens during freefall. A couple of minutes goes by and another jumper comes up behind him and says, "Hey, did you lose this?" He caught the damn thing in free fall. I was a student at the time and I thought that was the coolest thing.
    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  17. This question may need to be in another forum, but I present it here anyway.

    My brother and I are travelling to Hawaii in July and plan to go to Dillingham to make some fun jumps. I know that there are two dz's on the airstrip and I am looking for opinions and which is better and why.

    Right now I'm leaning towards going to the non-USPA affiliated dz because everyone I have spoke with so far has said that they are friendlier and the plane is better.

    I was also told that the landing area is a bit constricted. True?

    Thanks in advance.

    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  18. I don't have the luxury of owning a Pro-Track to count my freefall time for me so I have to do a manual count via the table in my logbook. My friend and I were discussing our dive the other day and we disagreed on the amount of freefall time.

    The tabel in my book reads as follows:
    (RW time; 2500 pull altitude)
    Exit Alt. Time
    2500 0
    3000 6
    3500 10
    4000 13
    4500 16
    5000 20
    5500 23
    6000 26
    6500 29
    7000 32
    7500 35
    8000 39
    8500 42
    9000 45
    9500 48
    10000 51

    We exited at 10000 and pulled at 3500. To me, that means 45 sec. of freefall time. He had like 55 or so for the same altitudes. I count my pull time as being the altitude in which I pull the p/c from the BOC, not when I'm in the saddle. I think my friend is counting it up until he's in teh saddle. How about everyone else?
    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  19. I have been testing different helmets and decided to recently purchase a Z1. It has the least amount of wind beneath the visor during freefall, is more sturdy (IMO), and fits more comfortably. The Havoc was a close second. The only thing that I didn't like about the Havoc was the way the helmet secures (lone chin strap). It's almost impossible to lose the visor from a Z1 during freefall. Oxygen's lose them all of the time. I even purposely jumped with the visor open on a Z1 and as long as I didn't look face down, I barely felt any wind in my face at all.

    My 2 cents.

    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail