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Posts posted by dgm458

  1. You all are forgetting the build up to being a bitch. There is practice and a warm-up involved..almost like she's on training wheels for awhile.

    Start by stalking. Call him trying to get him to go out after work. When he says no, go to his work and sit out in the parking lot for hours on end.

    Follow him home. Nevermind he lives 25 miles away out in the sticks. Follow. Follow. Follow.

    Did I mentioned this was a night job? The following home is performed in the pitch black night with no headlights on.

    About 8 AM, start knocking on his door. When he finally awakens and answers, act like all is cool. It throws him off.

    Have your friend call him on his cell phone the next evening while he's out with his girlfriend. Have friend say that you need him right now because you've just miscarried. Nevermind that you've never even slept with him.

    Break into his car and leave your hair in the backseat. It makes great dramatics considering that your hair is brunette and the g/f's is blonde.

    I could keep on going, but the nightmares may start again.
    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  2. My signature line says it all.

    BTW-it's directed at those who can help it but choose to be stupid.

    Have a nice day:)
    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  3. On some cell providers, the caller can hit the # or * key and go directly to voicemail.

    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  4. So the kid only has 25 jumps? When I first read the thread title I thought it was the canopy that had 25 jumps...until I read the thread.

    1.4? Holy moly! Does your S&TA know? (Do you even have an S&TA?)
    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  5. Quote

    most red-blooded American males who try to fix machinery without any actual training and only a vague sense of mechanics often end up buying more parts and possibly creating more damage before the pro gets called in...
    Horse hockey... Men are born with a natural mechanical ability. It's one of the gifts from god that make men such wonderfull creatures! Take me for example... I can fix anything (my wife doesn't seem to think so), it may take a little longer than it would take a pro, but I just have this tallent.

    I've been pretty lucky I guess; I've repaired a washing machine that a repairman told me was done for, two refridgerators (having to take one completely apart), a clothes dryer (twice), a home heating unit, a 2-ton A/C, several cars, several small appliances, and on and on. The only thing I don't really fuck with is electricity (like power boxes). That's where my luck has ran out on prior occasions so I stay away.

    I've also repaired countless computers. My line of work has absolutely nothing to do with any of this, I'm just mechanically inclined, albeit sometimes lazy.

    When it's a job too big, I don't pay big bucks either. I find someone that I know.

    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  6. If you like scenic drives and if you'll be in the right areas...

    Hwy 50 west out of Pueblo to Hwy 69; turn south to Hwy 96 in Westcliffe; go east to Hwy 165 which goes back to I-25 in Colorado City.

    On 165 there is a place called Bishop's Castle about 20 miles west of I-25. It's a homemade castle and it's still a work in progress. It's currently about 5-6 stories tall and admission is free but the guy likes donations!

    Also on 165-I've seen bear everytime I've ever travelled this road. This trip takes about 4 hours.

    Another good trip is to go up the highway that runs on the east side of the rockies from I-70 (west of Denver) up to Estes Park. There are lots of elk to be seen there this time of year. You could make this drive and come back down another state hwy to jump at Mile High.
    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  7. Congratulations, Your score is 9 out of 15

    I only felt that I actually knew 3 or 4 of them...the rest I just guessed.
    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  8. Quote

    I need attention...

    Is there a sign up sheet somewhere or am I first in line?
    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  9. :P:3:1

    That tongue is sticking out for a reason:3 swell jumps:1 case for the first time I needed a rigger in a pinch-both of my toggle keepers blew out on the same jump. Any reason to buy beer is a good reason.
    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  10. dgm458=David G. Miller + Union Local #
    Not very creative, but no one else uses it and I use it on multiple websites/forums as a login ID. Been thinking of changing it...
    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  11. Quote

    It is less likely that you're being scammed (though still possible) if they are only looking to pay for gear. Scammers don't want gear they want money.

    This is not true. My friend was almost a victim of this type of scam. He was selling an item for $1500 and a man from Nigeria sent him a cashier's check for $5000. Saying he mistakenly sent too much money, he asked for $3500 to be returned. He provided an address in the UK for the item to be shipped to on a prepaid DHL account number. All my friend had to do was crate up the item, label it, and call DHL for pickup.

    BTW-my friend deposited the check at the request of the FBI and it took five weeks to be returned, although the money was available to him immediately. The scammers draw up the checks from real banks but with dormant or fake account numbers that are not often the same.
    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  12. I once bought some speakers from Circuit City that were on sale for half price at like $20 each. I paid and then they discovered that they only had one in stock and I bought four. I opted to wait to get all four at once.

    A week later they call and say that they're in. I go to pick them up and one is missing. Seems someone returned one before I got there and they gave him mine as a replacement. So I leave with three.

    2 days later they call to say they've got the last one in. My dad picks it up for me and when he returns he comments that the speaker looks too big for what I'm using it for. I'm dumbfounded so I go out to his truck to look and I'll be damned if he doesn't have one big box in the back of his truck-a box with four smaller boxes inside each with its own speaker.

    I didn't say a damn thing because we put over 200 miles on our vehicles to buy those suckers.
    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  13. I am A qualified but with no number (got my pretty yellow card in my log book) and am B qualified except for water training. I'll get the B after I get water training, but around these parts it's rather hard to come by. We're going to just end up paying an instructor to give us water training at my house.
    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  14. I've got a couple for you guys:

    #1 My then g/f (now wife), her kid (2 years old) and myself are in my blue pickup driving through the city at about 1 AM when we get pulled over by multiple cops, guns drawn. First cop walks slowly up to my window and says to the others, "He's not black; we got the wrong one." I told the cop "Didn't they teach you guys that that shit is illegal (referring to profiling)." Gets a shitty grin and his face and says some black guy just robbed a gas station and fled in a white pickup. I said, "You're either having one helluva fuckin night or that color blindness is starting to catch up." Another shitty grin and he splits.

    #2 Got pulled over for doing 65 in a 55. I was pissed because at the time I didn't realize that they had lowered the speed limit to 55 for the stretch of road I was on. Cop comes to side of my truck and asks, "Do you have a paper tag?" I replied, "No, why did your mom forget to wipe your ass for you?" Come to find out my tag was expired so the dude impounded my truck for failure to pay taxes due to the state. Got it back two days and $600 later.

    #3 Got pulled over in a construction zone doing 28 in a 35 (yes you read that correctly). I went slow on purpose because I knew that they patrolled that zone like crazy at that time of the night (I got off work at 2 AM). Comes up and asks if I'd been drinking. I told her, "No, but I would have downed a couple of I knew I'd be running into ugly women on my way home." Oops-crazy lady called for backup, held me at gunpoint until they got there (including a federal off-duty cop who was just passing by), made me participate in every type of field sobriety test imaginable, including reciting the alphabet backwards while standing on one leg with one arm extended. I got to go home an hour later.
    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  15. Amazon wrote:

    In Episode 2.. Anakin went back to find his mother who had been freed by CLIEGG LARS ..and then he married her. He is the father of OWEN LARS, and BERU WHITESUN is his girlfriend in episode 2. So Lars is his step brother. In Attack of the Clones Anakins mother had been taken prisoner by a hunting party of Tusken Raiders .

    ChasingBlueSky wrote:

    For years Owen was listed as the brother of ObiWan (books, RPG books, games, etc). Then when Ep2 came out people were pissed that Lucas had changed it. The continuity factor here? Obi Wan never met Owen and Beru, Padme and Anakin did. Would he have gotten the idea from 3PO? R2?

    Here is the source of my "confusion." It's been over a year and maybe two since I saw EP 2, but I now remember being confused about the change in the storyline after thinking for almost twenty years that Owen Lars was the brother of Ben Kenobi. My mistake. I knew I should have watched EP's 1 and 2 before seeing 3.


    There were plenty of good SW geek moments to be happy about in the movie

    I agree. It was neat to see the large trees on the planet Kashyyk (sp?) where the wookies lived. Also-the credits for EP3 listed Tarkin but I never caught him on the movie...he must have been on the imperial star destroyer in the end of the movie. I never saw Lucas' THX1138 in this one either.
    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail


    As a long time fan of the saga, I think this film was the best of the six. It was very slow to start and if you hadn't seen the other episodes you probably left the theater thinking WTF? However, that first "slow" part did turn out to be important in the end. The movie did turn very dark, very quick beginning with the death of Mace Windu. The darkness is what made the movie, and more importantly, the entire story line of all six movies. His struggle to accept the darkside explains why Vader so easily turned against the dark side in Return of the Jedi.

    It did answer a lot of hanging questions, but it failed to address all points.

    It didn't explain how Obi-Wan chose the family in which to leave Luke. The man is actually the brother of Obi-Wan.

    Another boo-boo. In Return of the Jedi when Luke asks Leia what she remembers of her mother, she remembered images of her real mother and there was no mention of her mother dying during labor.

    Third-How long does it take to build a death star? Obviously it takes about 18 to 20 years for the first, but the second took only about three. Go figure.
    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  17. Ditto on the drive to Hana. Anyone who goes to Maui and has a rental car needs to do this. You should leave early in the AM though, like around 7 or 8, and plan on it being an all day excursion.

    There is a book you can buy in the airports in Hawaii...can't remember the name but it's paperback. It tells you everything there is to know about Maui, from the secret waterfalls on the road to Hana (hiking involved) to the best snorkeling locations. Good places to stay are in Kihei and Lahaina. Lahaina has good shopping.

    Did you know that Hawaii consumes 85% of the world's spam? Yuck.
    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  18. "All the small things" in my pants.

    Blink 182
    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  19. Quote

    Edit: Oh yeah T-mobile blows ass too.

    I second that motion. It took six tech's to fix my problem with my phone and I'm still not convinced that it's fixed. Only tomorrow will tell.

    Also, I pay extra for T-Mobile to T-Mobile free calls and last months bill charged me for some of these calls. I inquired and get this crap-if you aren't on a T-Mobile tower, even if you have free roaming and nationwide, the free T-Mobile to T-Mobile doesn't count. Where's that in the fine print?
    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  20. 0:5:2:1:2

    0-She's "in a mood"

    5-Total jumps for weekend; sunset 3-way RW on Saturday after working all day, 1 attempted 14 way (got the 8 star), 1 5-way spider that went to crap, 1 five point 8 way that was just sweeeeeet, and a 2 way sit with my bro that resulted in an almost cut

    2-I'm so tired I forgot why I put this two here

    1-1st time back to OSC in two years-great boogie guys. Jack has really turned the place around. A few really nice hula girls wearing coconuts too. WOW!


    On my last jump, I unstowed my brakes and my right brake line had a knot in it at the finger trap...holy cow. Just when I let go of the toggles to cut it started flying right. I landed off and had to hitch a ride. Thanks to the babe in the Chevy P/U:)
    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  21. There have been a few.

    I had a jolt of electricity travel through me when an electrical box on the outside of a house blew up in my face. The sparks blinded me for about 48 hours or so.

    I was driving behind a small car that was doing 60 in a 65, I was speeding up coming right up on her ass readying to pass. Girl fell asleep and went left of center on two lane highway, hit car on other side doing about 70 head on, her car spun a full rotation with the other spinning 1.5 times. Debris rained on my truck because I was so close and I came mere inches from being in the accident. Both drivers died. It was terrible...guy coming the other way was a firefighter with the unit that responded to the accident. His dad also was and was one of the responders. Terrible day.

    Been a couple of other near misses on the road, including road rage.
    Failure to prepare is preparing to fail