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Everything posted by patworks

  1. SKY, DANCE, AND REALITY -- At a 1994 Old Farts Reunion, due to new advances in communications, Skratch and I converse. Here is my babble on that rap. Green Skydiving: New Boogie mechanics form natural dives Recognize that all dives have a beginning, middle and endpoint. Realize different parts of the skydive feel different. Design the dive to appreciate that man-made notions of sequential maneuvers cannot displace the reality of time and space perceived by the participant. The participant's true mind set is dictated by a timeless reality of heaven, sky, and ground. The relationship of the ether to the firmament is fixed. Disregarding this reality brings discord. Sequential-formation is not the point -- In this world there is not a matter of the number of sequences you make or points which you accrue on a skydive. A jump is not a sequence of maneuvers. Rather, it is a ceremony scripted in accord with its place in a potential skydive. In this view a dive involves airplane, sky, people and ground: all in a dynamic relationship. No matter which you are, the others move. Thus no dive can be reduced to just the component where you touch each other for a sequence of points in a flat plane. Rather, here you are always touching each other in a higher plane of existence and awareness whether you are physically in contact or not in contact. Moreover, the dive cannot be singly focused on the flat dance of sequential, rather, the laws of nature, physics, emotion, and flight decree that it is a medley of dances mandated by altitude and orchestrated by the divers and their mental spaces. Three phases of a jump -skr- The dive must have three levels: 1) the exit part, 2) the skydance part, and 3) the get-ready-to-open-your-parachute-and-save-your-life-part. Notwithstanding their actual component of time and distance, they have vastly differing psychic values and emotional weights Alpha & Omega: beginning and end -- While every right thinking person of conventional wisdom just KNOWS that the areas of time and space around the exit and the pull are but brief moments in the totality of a dive, the skydancer knows truth: emotion controls time. That truth means that the longest part of the dive is in the neighborhood of the exit and the parachute opening. The alpha (exit) and the omega (pull) of the jump. The temporally longer middle part pales when compared to these. Time & feeling -- Thus, there is a very different feel, both emotionally and physically about this alpha and omega. Time seems to expand more and moves slowly. Your pulse, heartbeat, and emotional state are MUCH higher. Moments last for minutes. The more emotion (adrenaline) the slower your clock turns. There is a special reality surrounding these times. From a statistician's perspective this alpha and omega are but a fraction of then skydive. For them, like a hamburger, the meat is in the middle. From 12.5, only about ten percent of the skydive, or less, is consumed by the exit. Only ten percent, or more is consumed by the break-off, track and pull. But, as in sex, the courting, and foreplay may consume the bulk of the time, nevertheless, the intensity of the climax is what unfailingly commands attention. In that moment, both partners are one being. In freefall, at exit and around the time to pull, you, your sky mates, the sky, and the ground are one orchestra which is at crescendo. No wonder the Hindus depict their gods as male-female in union! I posit that this sitting-face-to-face which the sutras describe is a similar union. In this worksian skr mantra, the exit is evoked by the word "GO!" and the terminus is signaled by the break-off. In both cases, the angels singing is all in your head.
  2. See any gaps in history so far? If you do I'll try to fill that gap. am I missing anything? tell me if you see a hole where the rain gets in .... keeps my mind from wandering. pat Pat Works nee Madden Travis Works, Jr .B1575, C1798, D1813, Star Crest Solo#1, USPA#189,
  3. The Skydiving Museum WIKI primary source material 50,000 hits June 6 2015 now 1/3 loaded Open Source WIKI: edits and inputs needed. Citations are consistently used. What is documented: -- personnel parachutes, fall-breakers, delayed opening freefall, skydiving, falling, participants and associated activities Dates investigated: 220 BCE-to-present day Motivations: Skies call: Parachuting. Sharing why we fall enriches parachuting. Audience: Flyers in fact or fiction explore parachutes for sport, work and adventure, from early crude Open using parasols to today’s modern airfoil designs. These pages tell an eloquent story for anyone who has ever strapped a parachute on their back, or wondered why anyone would… For scholars and professionals who use documentary editions such as this as research tools a searchable research tool for aviation enthusiasts with an interest in skydiving and the people whose contributions, passion and expertise have inspired us and made falling free a slice of ecstasy. Madden T. “Pat” Works:MA, MS, MBA, PhD (ABD), CMfgE, ORACLE Master, Member, Association for Documentary Editing (ADE), USPA-Life, AIAA, SME/CASA
  4. Pat Works’ Wiki Status Update: OR Webmaster: Mary Todd • Our new SkydivingWiki has 45,500 hits. • 200 registered users • 1,655 items Loaded to-date including: 700 Wikis-Topics; + 955 Media Items (photos/videos) • 2,000 Wikis-Topics written, yet-to-load + 1,500 more media items Following is the status of Domain-migration to the NEW site: 1. We've imported all WordPress scripts & files to the new site, Including: • • 27 each WP software script extensions or "plugins" (security, appearance, backups, broken link checker, counter, etc): • 23 Pages of SOPs, etc. • All Categories from "The Categories of Skydiving" Rev3-C. file NOTE: This is where the Table of Contents will-be 2. Yet-to-Finish; in-work: • Add Table of Contents (AKA 'The INDEX') • Change all 700 Wikis to new "The Categories of Skydiving" • Terminate/stop the URL redirect to . . . (old domain-site). • Get back to loading new content. Yay! We are feeling like it's downhill from here. Pat & Mary
  5. eMuseum Encyclopedia: Skydiving's History WIKI Online RELEASED 4/17/15 by Nancy Kemble NancyKemble, Museum Administrator SkydivingMuseum & Hall of Fame;
  6. In Texas, you don’t want to be wearing more boots than you got cattle. Some got Heards. Olav, respected Friend, mentor, icon, wizard of air. The major name associated with vertical flight forms. Mantle shared with the Kents, Michigan, Omar, Stephanna, Urgallo, Koyn, Charles, and McKeman too. Their quest is our treasure. Yep. See, ’Twas the Freak-Flyers of yore started it. It’s their fault! The Kents caught the bug at the ’83 FB Convention. It has since infected us all. They writ it in stone. Olav caught the bug early on. Took it to the streets, he did. In 86 he’s jumping with loony loved friend Scotty Carbone. Weird pairing. They were “Screaming Bullets” ….. head-long, vertical balls-out attack on puffy clouds. So, camera guy sez, can you slow that down? …. Freestyle compete? Yes. Yes. After the bug bit her in ’83, Deanna has Norman nutso on her dances for the sky. “I had to relearn flight! I could not stay with my lady when she air danced. I learned. Hard Work!" His love matched her obsession. History happened. Recently, I spent X months co-writing w/ Norman on this, the /his time of transformation towards more perfect flight via air poetry of movement. (Sky Pups together, he/we be Close since he hatched). He knew; he spoke. We talked. I learned. I captured….LOTS of iterations. now more whole.) The children of From Wings Came Flight include Chute Assis, FreeStyle, Sit Fly, FreeFly and higher speed dirt. Back in the When of Then, The Kent's are about 2/3 or 3/4 down the road to From Wings Came Flight. Norman remembers, 'Course the then-Gods want no free dance free fall stuff. ….Rather Perfect sequential formations by beautiful perfect people define perfect flight. The Rx, Period.' Norman is Norman, “My film, my production, my choice.” By then he and Deanna had realized Mike Michigan was also a solo dancer of the sky. Deanna danced flows, Michigan Danced kinetic energy. Music was common. They air meld. Happy meeting. Lifelong friends. :lovely Pas De Dux. At Pigeon Forge they work the film in the tunnel and get tunnel time for pay. Norman invites Olov to some sessions. Happenstance that the Tunnel Rat is a 16 year Old kid. Child flyer didn’t know his limits; flew head-down. “Took our breath away…” Olav saw and knew and said, “I am going to take this to the street!” He did. He Was. We are. I was his student in his First School of Air Flight early on. He rode the highway paved by air poets and dreamers world wide who lit up and went when From Wings Came Flight lit the flames of the planet’s flyers. Offspring aplenty included Chute Assis, FreeStyle, sit flying, and melded into Pre Freely in 1994 Urgallo/Nationals Event) !995, Dallas, McKean’s Championship of FreeFlight (Pilot for SSI FreeFly ProTour with $394,000.00 cash prizes on X-Games….. Hoo-HAA! Fun Times! Times that was become Now our IS. I say, Be Here Now. Fly it. So, here we are. New fish fly our air oceans vertically with élan. They meld with the sky we fly. Deflection of the relative wind evolved to existing in the current of the uprushing air and flowing within it; not riding on it. Effortless accomplishment. BIG SEA CHANGE. Major. What? Did the lights just go on?
  7. The first books on RW, Formations, and FreeFly now online (in several formats, including French, German, and Spanish Editions of the Art of Freefall RW: . . With all illustrations and art eVERSIONS of PAT WORKS’ BOOKS .PDF – all books & translations .JPEG exchange (ZIP exchange) - all .Android Tablet .Kindle .iPad PAT WORKS’ BOOKS on Parachuting: • THE WAY OF FREEFLY; THE ART OF vRW '1998 • UNITED WE FALL, (FORMATION SKYDIVING) '78 • THE ART OF FREEFALL RELATIVE WORK, '75 English o THE ART OF FREEFALL RELATIVE WORK, French Edition o THE ART OF FREEFALL RELATIVE WORK, German Edition (Text 0nly) o THE ART OF FREEFALL RELATIVE WORK, Spanish Edition [url]
  8. Something is working right well. Lots of eyeballs out there lookin' .... and, Mary just loaded our 510 th Skydiving Topic. I still have about 1,700 more written yet to post. If folks add0on, it'll get bigger than Texas, easy. Onward into senility! I forget today. I remember yesterday well. I know tomorrow perfectly. ... wait 'n see Pat Works nee Madden Travis Works, Jr .B1575, C1798, D1813, Star Crest Solo#1, USPA#189,
  9. Life is a Hotel: People check In; people Check Out. Many of the SCR original 8 have bailed out on us already: SCR's #3, #5, #7. Now packing for the trip himself is SCR #8, Brian Williams 91 is headed out. Janner n me visited with him today. His brain is doing very fine. His sense of humor keeps close company. Happy and content with his stay and his sky times. Brian first jumped in 1951 -- freefall out of a Biplane. Later took up regular skydiving in 1960 at Elsinore. Cy & Flo Perkins turned him over to Lyle Cameron who had brian do a static line 'refresher' before clearing him for 30 second delays. about '61 he, Buquor, Cagley(sp?) and Co. formed the ParaBats Sport Parachute Club. Morphed to Arvin & history. He jumped 'til about 2003 regularly. In a Hospice, now. Fine fellow, always. He welcomes visitors. Prepare to smile. Pat Works nee Madden Travis Works, Jr .B1575, C1798, D1813, Star Crest Solo#1, USPA#189,
  10. Howard White: Historian, scribe, torch carrier, rich legacy: Howard was a principal player at Orange MA long times. Howard wrote much for the "Spotter" (1970's / Poynter). Major collector of parachuting facts and skydiving's artifacts. His legacy to the Skydiving Museum is still being cataloged. Correspondent for Parachutist, Skydiver, and Skydiving magazines. Trailblazer, smoothed the paths you came to fly. Admired friend. Fellow Traveler. Respect. Pat Works nee Madden Travis Works, Jr .B1575, C1798, D1813, Star Crest Solo#1, USPA#189,
  11. Growing the Sport by sharing & communicating what was smooths the sky for folks to learn by. You will agree growth comes with shared awareness of our history. Skydiving’s existential vistas — Being one of the “all of us”, I ‘IS’ now what I was then, whilst paradoxically being there became ‘me’. The treasures of skydiving reside in the trekking; Not the arriving. For sky trekkers, savory mind food and dazzling eye-candy garnish the route. Perhaps said journey reveals one’s soul, exhaling reality others behold and adopt. Like a river, sky experiences center “Now” expanding Palettes’ colors, adding hues I’d thought only raptors knew. Share what you learn!
  12. 500 Topics; 25,000 views....Good Job Mary! Pat Works nee Madden Travis Works, Jr .B1575, C1798, D1813, Star Crest Solo#1, USPA#189,
  13. Selections from Brian Giboney’s Parachuting Profiles: Ta Da! Selections from Brian Giboney’s Parachuting Profiles: now on Works' free Skydiving encyclopedia Thanks Brian Giboney for painting nice pictures of my parachuting pals. Thank you for chronicling skydivers from their historical context. Your parachuting Profiles helps to make conservation of Parachuting History better grounded by communicating Who was Who and When that was. pat Pat Works nee Madden Travis Works, Jr .B1575, C1798, D1813, Star Crest Solo#1, USPA#189,
  14. Excallent book (shoddy research) Peter Hearns Skyhigh Irvin is a fine book on the life of the greatest manufacturer and marketer of parachuting equipment ever. With a coveted 'sole Source' Military Contract, L. Irwin was the master of the world at parachuting production and marketing: unequaled genius. Was Les Irving a Designer of the Freefall parachute system? Irvin? Nope. Never happened. Total BS. Hearns and others shallow research replicates baseless U.K. gibber that Irving "Invented" and/or "Co-Designed" the US Air Services' Parachute, emergency bail-out" system at McCook Field in 1919. Horsefeathers. FACT: Camp-follower, L.Irvin made the 1st Jump there & then on that rig in the Spring of 1919 at the conclusion of the US Military Development Program for a high-reliability emergency bail-out high-speed parachute rig at McCook Field, Ohio. Designers forbidden to jump: As Military Contractors, Parachute Board members were forbidden to jump. OK, FACT: Irvin designed and developed his own S/L-only rig in parallel with the McCook Field Parachute Board's concurrent development of a free-fall-capable rig. So what? Irving's rig was tested. It failed in-test and was rejected. FACT: Smith is da man! The USA's adopted rig was designed and developed by Floyd Smith and his team. Irvin was not a player. FACT: Esteemed aeronautical engineer & designer, F. Smith had patented the basic design prior to his start-work contract commissioned by Gen. Billy Mitchell in Summer 1918. Once hired, Smith and Guy Ball started work in the Fall of 1918 at Wright Field then moved to McCook after Armistace when Congress funded the effort. LATER: Maj. E.L. Hoffman, Military lead, joined the team late in January 1919 and added 3 members to "The Parachute Board". All civilian contractors, except for Sgt Ralph Botreill, they declared all 'Automatic' static-line systems unacceptable, including Irving's. Based on extensive tests, they then adopted Smith's free-fall design (Source: US Air Force Musem, Gold, Kancke, Smith, Starnes, Ball, Russell, Botreill, history, historians, et al).... FACT: Irving jumped when all assumed he'd die in the process due to dread 'Fear-of-Falling' (A Barnstormer, Les beleived none of his dead fellows died from the act of their falling; instead, all died from impact, and all kicked and screamed all the way. YEP: The Type -A was adopted by the military. Irving scored a sole source for that USA order of 350 units. The UK then awarded Irving Parachute Company an order for an additional 3,600 units. Within 18 months L. Irving dominiated parachute sales worldwide with his "Irving Type-A" that Smith & Ball designed. Good thing happen: Subsequently Smith provided Irving with 4-6 additional patents. Smith also founded the Pioneer Parachute Company of America. So Irving is the master of parachute production and marketing. Floyd Smith is your freefall father. Remember Floyd Smith. Yo! DaddyO! Yo!
  15. Calthrop's fine parachute was NOT the first parachute. Calthrop banked 100 + years of previous parachute designs into this "Gauardian" contender. Brit. Clathrop's "Gaudarian" S/L parachute was one of the best low-speed rigs. Worked well. Enjoyed much Press and PR. Well favored by British Military, Decrepit horse Calvary sleepy sloth inerita was Supplanted by the high speed USA Type 'A' freefall rig. Leo Valentin's book "BIRDMAN" is available in English. 5-Stars. M. Valentin methods for freefall were adopted as the Training Syllabus / manual by France for Govt. Parachuting Schools in 1947.... That is the class J, Istel and R. Young carried back to the USA; we teach much of it yet today... Sorta (No PLFs, more-better info.... Basic ARCH-LOOK-PULL-Thousand...Yadda.). Book, en Francais: Borge & Viasonoff gifted me "Le Parachute" in '97. Excellent photos. Sparse words. Mystery: who is Pere Robert? : Not frères Robert! -Je demande, qui est-il ? Où est-ce qu'il a fait sauter ? Décrire ce qu'il a sauté ? (Translation: WTF??) Jumped spring-sprung canopy, tractor Tire Huge fugger Pat Works nee Madden Travis Works, Jr .B1575, C1798, D1813, Star Crest Solo#1, USPA#189,
  16. From "Terminal Cahos" early 8-way team Elsinore 1976: "Long Death" Giles "Near Death" Shehan "Death Ray" D-Ray "Space Death" me "Dr. Death" Ayers Elsinore "Godflicker" Jenkins "Ma" Handbury "Twitch" Terry Ward "Stonley" "SKR" Skratch "Capt. Hook" Al "Swovelin Sisters" "Janner" bestowed by Paul Williams "Purple Patty" 'Perusa' Hinckley, Mid 70's "Red" Kosteba "Kong" Bohr "Wildman" Wallace "Streak of Shit" Mahr "Whitey" Jim "Fedo" Boogie King "Dirty Billy" Bishop "Monkey" Jorgeson "Pirate" Brink "Twink" "Eagle" Buchman "Jet Man" Baron Pat Works nee Madden Travis Works, Jr .B1575, C1798, D1813, Star Crest Solo#1, USPA#189,
  17. From Wallace's Outlaws, Texas '60s: "Nasty Old Man" "Hawkeye" "CG Godfrog" "Weird Bob" Pat Works nee Madden Travis Works, Jr .B1575, C1798, D1813, Star Crest Solo#1, USPA#189,
  18. "Wildman Wallace" this 'student' haz a thousand jumps Pat Works nee Madden Travis Works, Jr .B1575, C1798, D1813, Star Crest Solo#1, USPA#189,
  19. "Crazy Pat 2-Cats" since Mid '90s -- as in, "Works, you got more lives than Two Cats" Pat Works nee Madden Travis Works, Jr .B1575, C1798, D1813, Star Crest Solo#1, USPA#189,
  20. Yikes & golly. Everything i've written March 2011. Massive shitload exceeds my mind and lifespan. Go figure. Just loaded 1st third of "Works' WIKI" on my Beta NSM-Wiki. Now, with 75% yet to-load it had 18,000 hits/ 30 days. My, my. Hey, tell what You see: GO: Cheers, Pat Pat Works nee Madden Travis Works, Jr .B1575, C1798, D1813, Star Crest Solo#1, USPA#189,
  21. Idea / Question: Should we cross-link to and with Pat Works' Skydiving WIKI ?... just a notion i had. Whatever, can the National Skydiving Museum use your Glossary? Or should I ask Brian? Me thinks You guys site is a wonder and resource. ... Over long times ago. Back to Have a safe New Year Pat {Beta, but please Share Alike} Pat WORKS' SKYDIVING WIKI Preview Works’ WIKI/ Blog /Stories and Lies Web Site. I'm developing an "eMuseum" that contains a WIKI regarding all things Skydiving. My skydiving Wiki shares parachutung events from 2,200 years ago to today. It is avilable to tryout and test. ------------------- NSM-WIKI - Works' Words Pat Works nee Madden Travis Works, Jr .B1575, C1798, D1813, Star Crest Solo#1, USPA#189,
  22. Pat Works nee Madden Travis Works, Jr .B1575, C1798, D1813, Star Crest Solo#1, USPA#189,
  23. Senility/Dementia - brain diseases causing a decrease in the ability to think and remember Pat Works has More lives than two cats
  24. Over the long haul, Few stay. Family: Jumpers depart when family commitments dictate. Dead jumpers don't make good parents. Work: some professions forbid risk sports such as football, baseball.... I was fired by Hunt Wesson Foods for skydiving Money: In college I could afford to either a) eat; b) jump; c) Party. Health: major illness like MS or polio; injury Fun: There isno attraction to skydiving when it quits being fun Age: If you live long enough the aging process will degrade your strength, thinking; coordination;reactions. You are old enough to know the risks of senile skydiving and smart enough to stand down. Pat Works nee Madden Travis Works, Jr .B1575, C1798, D1813, Star Crest Solo#1, USPA#189,
  25. Skydive WIKI Works’ work: Mary Todd is Webmaster; Dan Poynter is Museum Chief Curator, Trustee; The World is our Oyster: Mind treasure: Source based Academic research surprises. Link to: Pat’s ‘on spec’ WIKI. 36+ months of Pat’s works research Parachuting ‘Was-then’ & ‘Now.’ skydiving Tribal memories. * * * Skydiving eMuseum WIKI * * * Historical information regarding all things SKYDIVING. Add skydiving stories, memorable jumps, art, songs and poetry. Also BLOG; Ask questions, make comments or discuss skydiving Look, speak, share, and share alike. Pat Works’ works. Mary Todd’s Web Mastering Dan Poynter is Curator, trustee and da spark plug. Kearnsey Profile Videos by Jeff Curt Curtis III Museum Spear-Catcher and COE Our target: the world of parachuting Keepers of the flame: You & those who feel the same. RULE OF ORDER: PULL PRIOR TO IMPACT WIKI TOPICS TO-DATE (PRELIMINARY) ) 1. Skydiving 2. Barnstormers 3. Barnstormers + Chutists 4. BASE 5. BASE + Wings 6. BASE Jumping, B.A.S.E., 1978 7. First B.A.S.E.-qualifying Jump and a BASE Timeline from 1603 8. Competition 9. NCPL 10. National Collegiate Parachuting League, NCPL, 1957 11. The Third Alternative 12. World RW Cups 13. Competition, 10-Way Speed Star formations, 1967 14. The 1st United States Freefall Exhibition Team 15. CReW 16. Canopy Relative Work (CRW), Canopy Formation (CF), or "CReW" 17. Equipment 18. AAD 19. KAP– 3, automatic parachute activation device, 1950 20. AADs 21. Gear at the time of the first 10-Way Competition 22. Parachute 23. Parachutes 24. Barish Sailwing 25. Round Flat 1.1 Parachute 26. Freefall History 27. Baton 28. Baton Pass 29. America's First Baton Pass Jump, 1958 30. Controlled Freefall 31. Formation Skydiving - FS 32. Formation Skydiving Meets 33. Freefall-RW, FS 34. Freestyle in 1963 35. Skysurfing 36. Skysurfing, history 37. Giants of the Vast Sky 38. Giants 39. Historical People 40. Accuracy Competitor C. Wallace, Texas, 1963 41. Jacques-André Istel 42. Lew Sanborn, D-1 43. Tiny Broadwick 44. “Skydiving: the art and science of sport parachuting” by Bud Sellick, 1961 45. ORG 46. Associations 47. Associations 48. National Parachute Jumpers-Riggers Inc., 1946 49. Parachuting 50. Parachuting Experiences 51. Parachuting Handbook 52. Parachuting History 53. Leo Stevens Award, History 54. Reserve Deployment (Chest pack; pilot chute removed), 1966 55. Pat Works 56. EAT! FUCK! SKYDIVE! 57. Pat Work's Books 58. The Art of Freefall RW, impact of 59. Why we say Blue Sky; Black Death! 60. Records 61. RW 62. RW Technique 63. The Importance of a Fast Exit, 1970 64. RW History 65. 3 Way Linked Exit, 1953 66. 9-Way Linked Exit, 1956 67. C.G. GodFrog Good Vibes Award 68. Competition, 8-Way Sequential Formations, 1975 69. Competition, Not-Round (Sequential) Formations, 1973 70. First RW Meet, 1960 71. Formation Skydiving 51 years ago, 1961 72. Four-Way Competition Starts, 1970 73. France: The First Baton Pass made the introduction of Relative Work “official”, 1956 74. RW People Versus USPA, 1972 75. Speed Star Competition, 1970 - 1980's 76. The First Ten-Man Star Competition 77. Safety 78. Stories 79. Jump Stories 80. NORM Elections 81. Top Solos 82. vRW 83. FREEFLYING - vRW Give us Feedback! Big THANK YOU to my Webmaster Mary Todd Pat Works, skydiver Pat Works nee Madden Travis Works, Jr .B1575, C1798, D1813, Star Crest Solo#1, USPA#189,