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Everything posted by skysaintj

  1. Nobody forces me to pray , as i was not brought up as a christian etc so i don't have that history ....But like I said it takes time to know how God works in your life specifically if you have made the choice to follow Him , I have at an earlier time in my life and for a very long time tested God and if He was real cause i did doubt and even denied His existence at some point ..but to many times i have been down and out in situations and to a point where i could not turn to anything or anyone but God - as soon as I prayed and not a second before that ,miracles(only way I can describe it) flowed out of life to straighten me up and make me strong again every time !! - It took a few years of experiencing God and being willing and totally committed to allow Him to work in my life -(it was an experiment) and then getting used to the way he does that - Now I realize very quickly when God is trying to show me something etc.. I also know that for every person it would be different ...I'll say it again You have to make a totally commited choice and God will reveal himself in ways that you would undertand and comprehend ...That process of getting to know Him better never stops - the thing is if you don't go that narrow difficult at first way you'll never know , i have been down all the other easy paths of society etc.. and have always returned to God cause really the rest of it suck BIG TIME ! He is the only Truth and i don't believe it anymore , i know it ... He's the only thing that have passed all tests from my personal point of view and the world and everything makes so much more sense now...God will change your view on the world - All i can do is tell you about Him cause i know Him...God will not force you to love Him - some churches will though and that's why i don't attend to them...... If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it
  2. Getting there dude hang on your ride will only get worse from here i mean tight thats what you call a weak grip turn your hand jubilz If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it
  3. I am curious. If being part of this religion makes him happy then why change it? Trying to push atheism on someone can arguably be seen as the equivalent of a churchgoer trying to convert someone to his/her religion. To each thier own. Cheers If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it
  4. It's kind of like so many in the "Theory of Evolution is indisputable" camp, who are quick to label anyone who questions their theory as a creationist nut job. It's about defending your beliefs. Good point - most people here have made their choice and they will stick to it forever or are there some who have changed their whole belief system lately like Anthony Flew did.... If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it
  5. dr.phil ....Your choice is to believe that the idiot trying to make some money out of christians etc..really believes in God and that is what all christians are out to do ...ok there , i've said it again IT'S YOUR CHOICE !! I've not given a cent to any church , in fact i have not been to church in 10 years , but i pray and experience God everyday in my life cause it's the choice i made..The more you get to know God cause it does not happen overnight the more you get to know about Satan and his trickery , he is quite brilliant sometimes as i have come to know but i'm getting better at defeating him in the choices i make as the Holy Spirit guides me to better days daily.. If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it
  6. OK .. fair enough of you to ask proof and only undeniable proof right ... but I think it's personal experience (experiencing God cause you gave him a chance to show his love and because you have made the choice) allowing Him to in work your life ...After prayer for certain people i have seen 2 people get up from wheelchairs after being paralized for round 20 years , i have seen people get healed from cancer,aids and all kinds of deseases and even broken backs right in front of my eyes - if you try and find out you will find medical records for these as proof that whatever desease,illness or the fact that they were paralized from birth to the day they were healed - the records are there and only explained as a miracle , lots of doctors have given God a chance after experiencing him through other peoples lives - how would you explain this ? I have said and asked this before and i will say it again because i can - Why do you think the longest threads on all the forums i have visited points back to something relating to God,Religion,Evolution,Creation etc (your root belief system) You should ask yourself why is that ??? ... At the end of the day the only thing there is to all this , is that God leaves us with a CHOICE and that will be the case until you die. That is what the Gospel and the Bible is about .. the Good News that there is salvation for those who choose to accept it.If you don't accept it God will make the choices after that that cause i don't believe every person will be judged the same and i don't want to try and think what God would do because that's just stoopid ..all i'll do is limit Him in my own mind and so many people do that from the start ..not a good idea On the science side of it - If science has proven 100% that evolution is true or that God is truth we would not have this debate and all the forums and all the scientists either experimenting , trying to prove evolution or other scientist experimenting trying to prove the opposite....There have been theories which looked good for a while on both sides ... The evolution theory is fading very fast , well that's just my choice to believe that right - I'm sure you have your own ideas and also already made your CHOICE .....what the reasons are behind that choice i believe is different for all of us. If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it
  7. Watch this A pretty high res version of the HUDF can be found here (I strongly recommend taking an hour or so to look through the archives of that site - it's truly humbling) and a cool Q and A about the image can be found here. Some of the facts that jump out - 10,000 galaxies in a patch of sky that appears smaller than a large crater on the moon, light from the faintest objects reached the telescope at a rate of less than 1 photon per minute, and the image took 11.3 days of exposure time to build up. And one more thing you need to look at it to find out - it is amazingly beautiful
  8. You were shown the money when you received your formal education. What you do with the tools in your toolbox is a choice you must make for yourself. There we go ! Finally some wisdom !!! People we have a winner ! somebody please pop the champagne Bhwhahahahaaaa ! you guys really crack me up There are many scientists,professors,ex-atheists and ex-evolutionists with more knowledge than you and me that promote macro-evolution as the fraud of our time and that have changed their views about this bullshit theory so at the end of the day you are left with a choice - but you're to scared to change probably cause you've failed before and it seems like it hurt pretty bad...sorry about that then ok i'm off to the pub wanna talk about it there or don't you get out anymore ? Later freaks If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it
  9. My wife's grandfather, an immigrant from The Old Country, quit school after the 3rd grade because his family needed him to tend the sheep. He came to this country as a young man, learned barely passable English, worked in a small factory in a small town, and never read a book or newspaper in his life. He believed the moon landings were a fraud perpetrated in a TV studio. If he couldn't see it happen with his own eyes, it didn't happen. His excuse for such ignorance and lack of ability to think in the abstract or extrapolate conclusions was a complete dearth of any kind of meaningful education. But when I see intelligent, educated adults in 21st Century industrialized nations engage in essentially the same kind of reasoning process, it makes me want to weep buckets. There's simply no excuse for it. OOoooK ! i can see evolution is very slow that side Show me da money greenish ! If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it
  10. Dear lord, its called a rhetorical question! Look it up if you've never heard of it, they're quite common. Perhaps you could apologise to Dr Carroll for your blatant misrepresentation by buying the book and finding out the context? Its on Amazon. You can't ask a question and then forbid people from telling you the correct answer. With the exception of some sharks, crocodiles and possibly cockroaches most species around us are in some form of transition - some far more noticeably than others. Yes, I saw that - it did make me giggle! The creator you envision would be endowed with unlimited intellect, innovation and creativity. The unfathomable murk of quantom theory, gravity, sub-atomic particles etc would (if he existed) attest to that. Why then, would he re-use and modify existing "off the shelf" parts that, when taken too far from their original role, start to show serious limitations? Look at us - if we are, as you say, the pinnacle of gods creation why have we been lumbered with a lower back, hip and knee arrangement bodged up from what the primitive apes had left over? So god's been able to knock off early that day but we're left with an awkward, injury prone arrangement that works just well enough to let us go upright but wears out 30 years before the rest of us! It makes no sense, god wouldn't need common design, evolution demands it. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ All the above is explained in the degeneration link added on an earlier post - Your evoltion theory is actually degeneration. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ By the way, I asked a question on a different tack about creationism and intelligent life in the universe - what is your view? Like i said before I am really open to any "real" proof not guesswork relating to discoveries and then claimed as fact . I believe we are the only civilitation in the whole universe because we are the only one we know about - i believe in the possibilty that there might be life outhere but i don't believe there is - how can anyone believe that if they haven't seen it ? If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it
  11. Look, I'm sorry J but that is absolute bullshit! Where do you get this information? The vast, vast majority of credible scientific research that takes place on the subject is strengthening and adding to evolution by natural selection. In the scientific world it is one sided. Evolution is the only scientific theory that is on the table regarding the origin of species. There is, currently, no credible alternative. It is the major triumph of IDists that they have managed to create, in the public eye, the image of scientific controversy and debate where in reality there is none. Ag nee regtig hoor ! OK ? - Where is the trillions of transitional fossils ? ...and don't come that that kak of we are all in transistion cause there should be millions of inbetweeners walking around .. Darwin's theory requires that things evolve via "numerous, successive, slight modifications." However, the cell requires a large number of parts in order for it to function. This is particularly true with regards to the workings of DNA and its replication enzymes and protein-creation mechanisms. All of these parts must be present or the cell would not function. Thus, it is precisely because evolution cannot produce complex features "all at once", that evolution fails as an explanation for the origin of the first cell. It does not take a genius to think about that and come to a conclusion ... this specific fact is logical and could stand alone against this puffy theory... Irreducibly complex biological features thus cannot be built in a "step-by-step" evolutionary manner. As evolutionist Robert Carroll asks, "How can we explain the gradual evolution of entirely new structures, like the wings of bats, birds, and butterflies, when the function of a partially evolved wing is almost impossible to conceive?" ....Furthermore, it is assumed that similarities are the result of common descent and not "common design" (compare limbs of mammals above as evidence for "common design")....and developmental Evidence: Many who take evolution in school may hear the phrase, "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny," meaning that evolutionary history is supposedly reflected during the growth and development of an organism. Commonly cited evidence is the alleged presence of fish gills in human embryos during growth (which are NOT true gills but rather are merely small wrinkles in the neck that appear during development). These ideas were put forth by 19th century embryologist Ernst Haeckel, who today is known to have fabricated and exaggerated his all macro-evolution theories If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it
  12. Now this is evolution !! - this was really a unbelievable theory - until proven !!
  13. ".............half-baked and silly disproofs that are based on deliberate misrepresentations ........."
  14. ".............half-baked and silly disproofs that are based on deliberate misrepresentations ........."
  15. Oh is that what you were doing earlier, thats just so clever! Y'know, first time you did it - I didn't even notice. How embarrased am I!! But I can totally see it now, you've changed one letter, and now evolution is evil! Thats just so clever - I would never have thought of doing that. Did you think that up all by yourself? Did you? Wow thats just great - I'm going to have to remember that one - evilution - wow, seriously, thats genius, really is. You can't see me, but I'm giving you a round of applause 'cos thats just blown me away -so inventive with the o and the i and the different meanings.... Well done you!
  16. It's a conspiracy - the black helicopters are already on their way. Degeneration theory ..? and Kallend & Billvon what is your view on this ? really interested If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it
  17. Desperate must be serious i agree If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it
  18. Degeneration : the end of the evolution theory Latest news !! Not EVOLUTION, but DEVOLUTION ...huh !! evilution - devilution ...what da ...never mind Me myself and i..... If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it
  19. >> It's amazing to see how desperately society is looking to comfort it's conscience If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it
  20. bIL bill billlll YOU GOTTA WARN THIS MUG OTHER WISE YOUR JUST PLAYING FAVOURTIES, I know you like me but you have to play fair with all of us BTW second prizes for lack or origniality Hey. I already tried to defend you. If I were a mod I'd ... oh well. Ban PJ. RATTER AAAh ha ... Now that will be what you call evolution If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it
  21. ... Squeaky !!! go play outside we'll call you when dinner is ready If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it
  22. Oh believe me champ, it was funny in a very different way than what you intended. Soorry bro ...Put on some clothes then will ya If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it
  23. Good question mmmhhh .....Where is Dr. Emmett Brown when you need him ? If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it
  24. Two things I find hilarious: 1. That after (supposedly) reading the point by point rebuttals of your arguments and the external sources you have been shown you creationists still think that your position is not only plausible but actually defeating evolution on the grounds of scientific evidence! Your stubborness in the face of reality is breathtaking. 2. Even your attempted satire takes after your 'theory' and is riddled with internal inconsistencies If there weren't so damn many of you out there I'd be laughing so hard I'd cry. ....Comedy my idea with the post sparky I laugh all the time when i read these posts .. and yes i must admit sometimes i cry If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it
  25. Nope - easy... z(i+1) = z(i)^2 + c = Primordial Polynomial in a Complex Variable Soup Give you the irrelevant details in a few... If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it