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Posts posted by ZegeunerLeben

  1. Quote

    Someone else also wrote to say someone did an early jump when the Bridge was under construction. This would have been with gut gear and from one of the pillers. circa 1971 . . .

    >>Wow that's quite a feat, wouldn't that be one of the earliest BASE-jumps? I didn't think CB made the first El-Cap jump until 1978 or so.

  2. >>You know I've often wondered why that object doesn't get legalized along the same lines as TF, it's a fun safe-ish place to jump. I think Dennis organized some legal events there in the mid 90's, with judges even, in black and white striped shirts. It'd be nice to lobby the parks for access, citing the increased tourist income Auburn would recieve, as TF has. Someday maybe.

  3. >>Thanks guys, I've been urging temperence on his part, and I've seen him walk away when everything's perfect so he's listening to that inner voice. I know it sounds like something really horrible, and yes it wasn't exactly superhappyfuntime, but a remarkable number of really positive things have come out of it. Sometimes the truly devastating events in our lives serve to teach something important we really needed to learn. Big thanks to those who offered their support during a difficult time (you know who you are).

  4. >>On a BASE jump on October 31st, 2004 John impacted a concrete roof just as his canopy hit line stretch (Those last 10 days of Oct. really sucked). He smashed every bone in his feet, broke both ankles, shattered every L & T verterbrae, had 4 blown discs, had two titanium rods fused into his spine, a fractured hip, and had seven feet of crushed intestines removed. He has some partial paralysis. He almost died on the operating table, almost died from renal failure in post-op, had another surgery. Alomst died again from a blood infection. When he woke up the first thing he heard was the doctors arguing whether he'd a para or a quad. They told him he'd never walk again.

    >>Today, 7 months and twelve hours since the accident, not only is he walking, he made his 58th BASE jump from a local A. I remember seeing him in the hospital when he was on the resperator, flying out to visit him when he learned to transfer into the wheelchair, taking him to pool after work to help him learn to walk again, watching him stand on his own and use the crutches, and when he took his first steps unassisted. Now the full cycle of recovery is complete...I have to say it's one of the more remarkable things I've seen in my life. The BASE fire burns hot in his belly. It's what he lived for, died for, and came back to life for.

  5. Quote

    My rigger then showed me a simple way to check things out, if the canopy was left attached to the rises for the whole time. This involves finding the lines attached to the stablizers, tracing them back to the risers, and making sure that they go all the way back to the rig without twisting around any of the support lines, and that they attach to the outside edge of each riser.

    >>That's called a "4-line check", and that's a good tool to have. If you ever disconnect and re-attach a canopy to your harness/container, you should do one.

  6. >>I think it's just the nature of the beast. The odds are, something bad is going to happen if you do this long enough. Your friends will start getting crippled or killed, as you yourself may be. It might be right up close and personal, or you may just get a phone call. I suppose the trick is to use your brain to objectively evaluate what you can and can't do, and see how it matches up with the jump your attempting. And then roll the dice.
    I think BR said it best:

    You were born and you will die. You may die while BASE (fixed object) jumping as others have. It is your responsibility to prepare yourself and your heirs for any eventuality that may arise from your participation in such activities as parachute jumping. Parachutes sometimes malfunction, even when they are properly designed, built, assembled, packed, maintained and used. The results of such malfunctions are sometimes serious injury or death.

  7. Quote

    The difference, at least to me, is that I can find an explanation for the other malfunctions.

    This one... boggles my mind completely.

    >>Maybe he had a tail inverson and a wildly osciallting PC that wrapped it up. I dunno. Kinda creepy.

  8. Quote

    Is it being promoted anywhere but on the DZ itself? Should I bring some dollar bills?

    >>It's pretty much a Lodi thing, and oh hell yes bring some dollar bills, it's going to bigger and better than last year, if you can fit in that DC-3 :P
    I think Otis has over 20 jumps now and will be getting his license soon! :D

  9. Quote

    This risk is huge when you put them through the grommets, but not the keeper rings. If you actually take them out of the keeper rings as well as the grommets, the risk is a lot less.

    >>That makes sense. If the toggle blows and is routed through the slider grommet, it has a much higher chance of hanging up the slider than if routed outside it.


    There would be no point in doing this.

    >>Yep you're fast on the trigger Jaap! You got me before I finished editing! :$ :D


    The point of doing it vice-versa (grommets but not keeper rings) is that you can push a toggle through the grommet to release it.

    >>I'd still be worried about the toggle catching on the slider grommet before the slider descended, but like you said that's an acceptable risk on a skydive.

  10. Quote

    I've succesfully used the LRM on slider-up skydives just for the heck of it, and aside from being prepared for a slider coming down slowly, I don't see too much problems with it...

    >>My understanding is that if you use the LRM on slider-up jumps and have a blown toggle, it can entangle with the slider preventing it from coming down, which it would already be having trouble doing. Not a problem on a skydive, you just cut it away. Probably fatal on a BASE-jump, unless you route the brake lines through the keeper rings but outside the slider grommets, and that would defeat the purpose.

  11. Quote

    The information is out there. It is not hard to find.

    If you choose not to look. . . . . well, that is the choice you make. No sympathy for really obvious shortcuts.

    Sorry for being harsh, but people don't seem to learn...Flame away, but it does not fix the root cause.

    >>It's not really all that harsh. Not as harsh as the reality of having a broken back. We are all ultimately responsible for own decisions. If you find yourself standing at the edge of a cliff looking down at the road with gusting winds contemplating a jump, the realities of what of you're about to do cannot fail to hit home. You either choose to jump, or choose not to jump. It's up to you.

  12. >>I'd like to see a complete re-design of the PC. It doesn't seem like they've changed much over the years aside from the advent of ZP, venting and load-tape orientation. Once my design manual finally arrives I want to start stitching some prototypes.

  13. >>To me it looks like a high-risk situation; a short G&T or 1sec delay off a cliff. If you watch the shoreline when he jumps, you can see a slight rotation to the left, resulting in a 180 left into the face. Perhaps from dipping a shoulder, the same thing that bit Jeb. In any event, it doesn't look to me like he got enough object seperation on that short delay to recover. What I personally learned from that incident is that body position on short delay solid object jumps is critical, and I'm not good enough to do it yet.

  14. >>This is an old, recurring debate, which comes up every time there's a large social incursion from a foreign country. A lot of parallels can be drawn from when a large number of Irish immigrants came to the US during the potato famine. The US is a fluid, dynamic country, and its demographic never stays the same for long. I personally believe that the real danger with Mexican immigrant populations is our inability to integrate them into society. When foreign populations are successfully integrated into US society they slowly become accepted and eventually become “one of us”; they learn the language, work legitimately, pay taxes, and benefit society as a whole. And immigrant populations can and have integrated into US society while still retaining their national identity, language, and pride.

    >>Problems occur when foreign immigrant populations aren’t integrated. It’s when they stay in isolated groups, never learning the language/customs of their new home country, and only associating with others within their own group. When this happens, society fragments, and lines are drawn. It creates divisiveness, and is conducive to conflict. I personally feel that, for whatever reasons, Mexican immigrant populations haven’t always integrated well into American society, and fault lies on both sides stemming from historical conflicts and the marginalization of Mexican populations. This will change, one way or another, border patrol or no border patrol, though I feel that enforcing the border is critical to national security of United States. I also feel that these immigrants need to be brought into society and legitimized, so that they can work and pay taxes and contribute, thus easing the burden on social services. We just have to figure out how.

  15. Quote

    After all these years we should have come up with a name for this malady . . .

    >>You mean Basentery? Foot and object disease?
    "Uh oh, he's got basentery, better get him to an antenna..."

  16. Quote

    He asserted it was a BASE jump, not a suicide...but I have not heard a peep about it. Does anyone know if this is true or false? At first I was reminded about John A. who is still recovering from high-speed impact in Vegas, but that was Halloween and he's still alive.

    >>And you probably won't hear about it...the casino John jumped from said they won't release any information to anyone unless subpoenaed, and gave what was left of his gear back without pressing charges. They're tight-lipped in Vegas, probably the only way to find what happened to that jumper on New years is from his/her family.

  17. >>I got this from a dear friend in an email today. If some of you guys could read and sign it, that'd be great.


    I went to a party
    And remembered what you said.
    You told me not to drink, Mom
    So I had a sprite instead.

    I felt proud of myself,
    The way you said I would,
    That I didn't drink and drive,
    Though some friends said I should.

    I made a healthy choice,
    And your advice to me was right,
    The party finally ended,
    And the kids drove out of sight.

    I got into my car,
    Sure to get home in one piece,
    I never knew what was coming, Mom
    Something I expected least.

    Now I'm lying on the pavement,
    And I hear the policeman say,
    The kid that caused this wreck was drunk, Mom
    his voice seems far away.

    My own blood's all around me,
    As I try hard not to cry.
    I can hear the paramedic say,
    This girl is going to die.

    I'm sure the guy had no idea,
    While he was flying high,
    Because he chose to drink and drive,
    Now I would have to die.

    So why do people do it, Mom
    Knowing that it ruins lives?
    And now the pain is cutting me,
    Like a hundred stabbing knives.

    Tell sister not to be afraid, Mom
    Tell daddy to be brave,
    And when I go to heaven,
    "Daddy's Girl" is on my grave.

    Someone should have taught him,
    That it's wrong to drink and drive.
    Maybe if his parents had,
    I'd still be alive.

    My breath is getting shorter, Mom
    I'm getting really scared.
    These are my final moments,
    And I'm so unprepared.

    I wish that you could hold me Mom,
    As I lie here and die.
    I wish that I could say, "I love you, Mom!"
    So I love you and good-bye.


    When this petition has reached 5,000, please return it to:

    PO Box 541688
    Dallas , TX 75354-1688

    1-800-GET-MADD (1-800-438-6233)

    If you receive this petition and do nothing, your selfishness knows no bounds. Signing is such a small effort to make.
    After you have read the poem, please add your name at the bottom. And never forget, DON'T EVER DRINK AND DRIVE, not even once, thinking
    that it won't matter. IT DEFINITELY WILL MATTER!!!


    1. Adam Ross Kalesperis
    2. Deanne Perozzi
    3. Raphal Nash
    4 Courtney Easter
    5. James Chandler
    6. Tracy Lamont
    7. Traci Arbisi
    8. Faye Hollenbeck
    9. Devin E. Davis
    10. Starla Shaver
    11. Theresa Brehm
    12 . Lisa Brehm
    13. Courtney Barnett
    14. Erika Hurst
    15. Kym Moschgat
    16. Michael Hansen
    17. Matt Weston
    18. Laura Bunch
    19. Daniel L! awson
    20. Ashley Byrd
    21. Brian Chadwell
    22. Bonnie Morrical
    23. Susan S
    24. Michele Zader
    25. Denise Marie Haines
    26. Keshia Marie Siders
    27. Amy Sue Tresenrider
    28. Tracie Balthaser
    29. Diana Kaufman
    30. Brooke Newkirk
    32. Christina M.B.
    33. Crystal Mckenzie
    34. Kate Laroche
    35. Callie Firman
    36. Christy Turner
    37. Rebecca Turner
    38. Elena Thomas
    39. Missy Burke
    40. Erin McCalla
    41. Lindsay Potrafke
    42. Jenny Eckel
    43. Cassandra Dudgeon
    44. Amy Liebisch
    45. Eric Widmeyer
    46. Alisa Huth
    47. Pam Augustine
    48. Leanne Trdinich
    49. Megan LeDonne
    50. Kristen Kennedy
    51. Mara Bennardo
    52. Lisa Wilt
    53. Amanda Pieta
    54. David DiCosol
    55. Connie Carozza
    56. Jaime Jacoby
    57. Erin Edmunds
    58. Erin Berecek
    59. Becky Porter
    60. Alana Miller
    61. Carrie Vermillion
    62. Susan Spearing
    63. Gaye Sougstad
    64. Lynn Snider
    65. David Shores
    66. Carol Conway
    67. Natalie Fair
    68. Alyssa Lloyd
    69. Rebecca Wheeler
    70. Lisa Riedel
    71. Eric Vaughan
    72. Danielle Seaman
    73. Elizabeth Ambrose
    74. Katy Mahannah
    75. Susan Hall
    77. Meg Kells-Murphy
    78. Samantha Kaiser
    79. Travis Lincoln
    80. Randy
    81. Chris Virgate
    82. Matthew Burbl es
    83. Crystal Dambowsky
    84. Kyle freaken McEneany
    85. Krystal Scharn
    86. Laura Rothrock
    87. Bethany Bucci
    88. Amy Satkevich
    89. Christine Rich
    90. Courtney Reilly
    91. Lauren Tighe
    92. Jackie White
    93. Liz Farrell
    94. Kathryn M.
    95. Heather Anne Lowery
    96. Katie Jo
    97. Cara Brenner
    98. Emily Green
    99. Emily Harris
    100. Emily Chen
    101. Sarah Schererm
    102. Eric Eisenberg
    103. SlickDan Goldstein
    104. Abby Kimmelman
    105. Alyssa Lee
    106. David Hoffman
    107. Celia Kather
    108. Susan Ginn
    109. Carly Smith
    110. Anna Karis
    111. Alison Deffenbaugh
    112. Litzi Paredes
    113. Teresa Eldridge
    114. Stephanie Reese
    115. Jamie Turner
    116. Jenny Showalter
    117. Meg Wooldridge
    118. Kevin T chai
    119. Loan Nguyen
    120. Elizabeth Yorns
    121. Katie McGowan
    122. Angie Henderson
    123. The Troyfish of VT
    124. Natalie! Corrigan of VT
    125. Dyan! is Conrad
    126. Vasil Popov
    127. Marie Huitt
    128. Jessi McMahan
    129. Courtney Kelly
    130. Tracy Smith
    131. Jenny Fisher
    132. Sally J. James-in memory of
    133. Rachael Harness
    134. Jan E. Conley
    135. Kari M.Fellers
    136. Dawn Love
    137. Staci Smith
    138. Douglas Blair
    139. Brooke Rhea
    140. Rachel Hammons
    141. Brian Gallion
    142. Ben Morrow
    143. William Burden
    144. Erica M. Smothers
    145. Jason Wilchie
    146. Frank Smith
    147. Kevin Rider
    148. Matt Masley-In memory of Alison, killed by drunk driver
    149. Deepak Deean
    150. Liz Dedrick
    151. Jessa
    152. Maureen (MO
    153. Dawn O.
    154. Paul M.Peew ee
    155. Vanessa R.Venus
    156. Ryan Cabral (stangman )
    157. Rachel Miller
    158. Christy Fairlie
    159. Julie Snyder
    160. Alex La
    161. Mariah Reyes
    162. Brando! n Castrejon
    163. Ashley L
    164. Jeffrey Yamauchi
    165. Lois Kuo
    166. Priscilla Kuo
    167. Mei W.W
    168. Gennie W. Alasagas
    169. P.J. R. Alasagas
    170. Charina Gonzales
    171. Nieves M. Ague
    172. Calley Redd
    173. Alexandra Hart
    174. Lisa Peterson
    175. Amber Neil
    176. Mandy Cox
    178. Meghan Anne Meyer - In memory of James &Kendall died from a drunk
    180. Brandie Thomas
    181. Lorianna Moreno
    182. Kris Jensen - In memory of Pat Byrd, killed by a drunk driver on
    183. Katie Essig
    184. Jenny Haney - In memory of Shane Moore & Anthony Saucedo killed
    of 2000 when they were driving drunk.
    185. Kim Jones
    186. Sarah Bellamy
    187. Jon McInturff
    188. Elizabeth Price
    189. Lesley Kuras
    190. Kellyn Blossom
    191. Jenna Cullinane
    192. Katherine Gritter
    193. Ben Thompson
    194. Andrea Durell - In memory of the choad car...
    195. Erin Rae Lengkeek
    196. Tiffany Megan Lott
    197. Carrie Deathriage
    198. Melissa Mao
    199. Emily Leong
    200. Jill Burkholder
    201. Meghan Cloud
    202. SLS
    203. Karen Roy
    204. Kasey Kniffin
    205. Tom Miyashiro this is for u joe...
    206. Jesse Jet Bellefleur
    207. Pamichic
    208. Fionaap
    209. Ann McDermott
    210. Gina Cerrito
    211. Johnny Horn
    212. Melissa Coleman
    213. Morgan Saltsgiver
    214. Erin Warrner
    215. Jennifer Warrner
    216. Kayla JOY McKenzie
    217. Alison L.
    218. Denise M. Malagari
    219. Amber Lynn Chesebrough
    220. Holly Chesebrough
    221. Daryl DuLong
    222. Diana Lupa
    223. Todd J. Pipitone
    224. Eric W. Davies
    225. Kristin Landis
    226. Dave Woods
    227. S.Whitney
    228. Christina Sweeder
    229. Sanam de Lorme
    230. Linds ey Eigenbrode
    231. Meredith Keller
    232. Candice Roubin
    233. ANGEL**
    234. Kathleen
    235. Alex Rowe
    236. Rachel "T" Thompson
    237. Abe Thompson
    238. David Dare
    239. Sarah Gullemette
    240. Ben Cormier
    241. Devon Smith
    242. Ashley
    243. Amy
    244. Nicole Thibodeau
    245. Katie Wallace
    246. Jessica Shanahan
    247. Brianna Harmer
    248. Mary E. Sundberg
    249. Kristen Sundberg
    250. Lindsay Chandler
    251. Heather King
    252. Nyleen Veigas
    253. Catrina Basset
    254. Melissa Ford
    255. Ashlie Johnson-In memory of my beloved John Doe-
    256. Ashley Jackson
    257. Mark Pepperdine
    258. Colleen Pepperdine
    259. Monica Waldrop
    260. Rebekah Martinez
    261. Heather VonKahle - my brother was killed by drunk driver
    262. Kristina Yager
    263. Shane Peters
    264. PFC Jamison Hurley Military Police Corps.U.S.ARMY
    265. PFC Daniel Brown Transportation Corps. U.S.ARMY
    266. Kyla Parker
    267. Angel Acevedo -in loving memory of Jason Stofregen
    268. Linda Maberry - In Memory of My Son Jason killed 7/16/2000 by a
    drunk driver
    269. Stacy Stafford - In Loving Memory of Jason Stofregen
    270. Peyton Potter
    271. Shelton Potter
    272. Diane Calhoun
    273. Sgt Northrop, Linda USMC
    274. Lcpl Broadstreet, Monica USMC
    275. Ben Senter
    276. Chad White
    277. Eric Clark
    278. Julie Smith
    279. Dawn Hurley
    280. Melissa Baxter
    281. Dave Kothstein
    282. Mary Whisler
    283. George Whisler
    284. Joshua Whisler
    285. Dave Ivey
    286. Sheri Ivey
    287. Dave Ivey II
    288. Jessica Ivey
    289. Rose Ivey
    290. Dorie Masterstefone
    291. Michael mccarrhaer
    292. Maria Hamm
    293. Janice Hentosh
    294. Lisa K.
    295. Kim M
    296. Jim mcknight
    297. Carrie Taylor
    298. Shari Arroyo
    299. Jessica Crain
    300. Christine Robinson, Uniontown, OH
    301. Milly Rhoads, Canton, OH
    302. Janet Sherman
    303. John Collins, Marietta, GA
    304. Scott Fant -Marietta, GA
    305. Scott Williford - Marietta, GA
    306. Laura Segers -Marietta, GA
    307. Media Younce - Columbus, GA
    308. Michelle K.
    309. Sue K.
    310. Marla M.- in memory of my daughters friend
    311. Darlene Wallace - Elgin, IL
    312. John DiFrancesca, Libertyville, IL
    313. Jan DiFrancesca, Libertyville, IL
    314. Margaret Harmatuk, Spring, Texas
    315. Sharon Johnson, Spring, Tex as
    316. Karyn Batson, Ho uston, TX
    317. Kristen! Miles, Houston,TX
    318. Mia Villanueva, Houston, TX
    319. Mary-Marg! aret, Austin, TX
    320. Irma Villarreal, Harlingen, TX
    321. Sylvia G. Mora, Port Isabel, TX
    322. Mindy Rodriguez, San Benito, TX
    323. Rosie Rosales, La Feria, TX
    324. Rebecca R. Treviqo San Benito, Tx
    325. Pedro D. Treviqo San Benito, Tx
    326. David R. Treviqo San Benito, Tx
    327. Isaac L. Treviqo San Benito, Tx
    328. Leonardo E. Treviqo San Benito, Tx
    329. Cristal Amada Treviqo San Benito, Tx
    330. Rosanna R. Herr! era San Benito, Tx
    331. Arnoldo G. Herrera San Benito Tx
    332 Amanda Vazquez San Benito, Tx
    333 Carlos Vazquez San Benito, Tx
    334 Aydra Justine Vazquez San Benito, Tx
    335 Arnoldo R. Herrera Jr San Benito, Tx
    336 Ramsn G. Rosales San Benito, Tx
    337 Ninfa S. Rosales San Benito, Tx
    338 Alex Hernandez Chicago, I L
    339 James M Wiita- Superior, W I- my father died in a car
    was probably involved (1959)
    340 Timothy J. Rayond-Bradenton, FL
    341 Kathy Lyons
    342 John J. Mooney, CA
    343 Vicki Bond, CA
    344 Sara Rawlins, Laguna Niguel, CA
    345 Jennifer Hochstadter CA
    346 Aimee Van Niedlande, CA
    347 Shawna Moznett, CA
    348 Kristin Crapo, CA
    349 Traci Salinas, UT
    350 Libby Johnson, UT
    351 Cindy S., CO
    352 Connie Vickers, CO
    353 Craig Rob! inson, Co
    354 Cheryl De La Victoria,CO
    355 Nancy Taylor, CO
    356 Rachel Kaiser, CO
    357 Colleen Black,CO
    358. Mikaila McNeill,CO
    359. Kylie Barnes,Co
    360. Mariah Moyers,Co
    361. Amanda Harris,CO
    362 Bruce Leipold. Thornton CO
    363 Katherine Dreith Denver CO
    364 Barbara Bottoms, Arvada Co
    365 Tiffany Furrow, Thornton Co
    366 Robin L. Miller, Littleton, CO
    367. Patty Ross, Carmel by the Sea, CA
    368. Ron Ross, Los Angeles, Ca
    369. Kerri Benson, Los Angeles, Ca.
    370 Ricki Garito, Hewlett Harbor, N.Y.
    371 Karen Dorman, Hewlett Harbor, N.Y.
    372 Terri Feuerstein, Lynbrook, NY
    373 Paula Stoler New York, NY
    374 Richard Arnstine orange ohio
    375 Peter Wohlgemuth, Boca Raton, FL
    376 Herb Hughes, Alexandria, Va.
    377. Bob Tuck, R! ichmond, VA
    378. Robert Payne, Richmond, VA
    379. Cindy Payne, Rich! mond, VA
    380. Carol Payne, Jamestown, NC
    381. Joanne Henderson, Albany, NY
    382. Ellen Box, Albany, NY
    383. Rena Spanbauer, Albany, NY
    384. Castilia Commisso, Albany, NY
    385. Janine Lee, Albany, NY
    386. Ava Rodriguez, Albany, NY
    387. Dorine Phelan, Mechanicville, NY
    388. Kathy Golderman, Slingerlands, NY
    389. Cheryl Burack, Schenectady, NY
    390. Julie Richmond,MA
    392. Nancy Liu
    393. Audrey Hassard,Ny
    394. Dorothy Pellegrino, Ny
    395. Gabrielle Occhiogrosso, Westbury, NY
    396. Alyssa Aftosmes, Mashpee, MA (in memory of clark.)
    397. Kim Manning, Hyannis, MA
    398. Bobbi Paradise-Centerville, MA
    399. Laura Kheary-West Barnsta! ble, MA
    400. Staci Stumpf, Edwardsville, IL
    401. Barb Stumpf, Edwardsville, IL
    402. Rebecca Cowley, Granite City, IL
    403. Lia Cook, Collinsville, IL
    404. JC Lauterbach, London, OH
    405. Sharon Hawkins, Chilliothe Oh
    406. Connie Blankenship, Grove City, Oh
    407. Morgan B., Grove City, OH
    408. Judy Messer, Grove City, OH
    409. Janie Scheffler, Okeana, OH
    410. Andy Scheffler, Okeana, OH
    411. Holly Stone, Ross, OH
    412. Lee Payne, Hamilton, OH
    413. Heather Wilson, Kettering, OH
    414. Megan Taff, cartersville, Ga
    415. Jessica Gregory,Marietta, Ga
    416. Tanesha Donaldson ... in loving memory of Dennis Hudson. :-(
    417. Johnathon Sanford
    418. Adrianne M., San Antonio TX
    419. Amalea Raynis _ Hazlet NJ
    420. Kimbelry Schultz
    421. Donald J. Schultz-- FT. Lewis, Wa
    422. liza cornell
    423. Darleen Appuliese
    424. Carmen Gibilisco - Tinton Falls, NJ
    425. Tina Schneeider - Oxford, NJ
    426. Donna Zirkel - Rockaway,NJ
    427. Edie Arlen - Rockaway, NJ
    428. Erin Benjamin - White Township, NJ
    429. Jay Benjamin- White Township, NJ
    430. Alexa Uman- Rockaway, NJ
    431. Gabrielle Woodward, Montclair, NJ
    432. William K. Woodward, Montclair,NJ
    433. Thaddeus Pasieka, Union, NJ
    444. Michele Burke, Union, NJ
    445. Larisa Critchett-Rorrer, Pt. Murray, NJ
    446. Robin Rorrer Pt, Murray, NJ
    447. Tonya Foote E.Orange, NJ
    448. Lisa Campbell Hillside, NJ
    449. Nicole Morgan Belleville, NJ
    450. Janine Bastian - Woodridge, NJ
    451. Nicole DeFel! ice- L ittle Ferry, NJ
    452. Theresa Cantone, Clifton, NJ
    453. Jamie Brizzi, E. Rutherford, NJ
    454. Linda Nunziato Hasbrouck Heights, NJ
    455. Anna D'Amico, Hasbrouck Heights,NJ
    456. John J. O'Brien, Malverne, NY
    457. Colleen Ann O'Brien, Malverne NY
    458. Meghan Connolly
    459. ~Merren Elizabeth Fynn~
    460. Jeff Danese -In memory of my Grandma RIP 1929-2004
    461. Kathy Danese 462. R. Cobuzio
    463. Diane Schmidt, Watertown CT
    464. Alexia Draskinis, Watertown CT
    465. Betty Draskinis, Sanford, NC
    466. Ashley Margaret * Naugy
    467. Lindsay Bugryn-(Dancer of RMAD!)-Watertown, Ct.
    468. Britney-(dancer of RMAD)
    469. Alex Puglisi-(dancer of RMAD 2!!)
    470. Dora Hale (Aunt of dancer of RMAD)
    471. Joan Gurski, W. Hartford CT
    472. C. Pettit, Wallingford, CT
    473. Carey Timek, Wallingford, CT
    474. David Timek, Wallin gford, CT
    475. Cathy Weronik, Bradenton, FL
    475. Rae Ann F
    477. CHAD ERIC OWENS..LA!!!!!
    478. Kristin Patterson
    479. Brandon Bourgeois Baton Rouge, LA
    480. Caleb Shotwell, LA
    490. Austin Winslow, LA
    491. Jerry Stovall, LA
    492. Ayuko M., LA
    493. Dean T., LA
    494. Katie L.
    495. Abby S.
    496. Ashley B., LA 497.Meredith M.,LA
    498. Ashley Bares
    499. Kelsey Frazier
    500. Shara Frazier
    501. Emma Stieffel
    502. Roddy Stieffel
    503. Dalton Stieffel
    504. Rod Stieffel
    505. Diana Stieffel
    506. Cal Herman, Sr.
    507 J.Brock Neuenhaus,New Orleans, LA
    508. Gary L. Anderson
    509. Harriett Anderson
    510. Eliza Marie Anderson
    511. Bob J. Anderson
    512. Rachel Anderson
    513 Ken Anderson
    514. Kathryn Payer
    515. James Beatty, Oakland, Ca.
    517. Wendy McClendon, San Jose, Ca
    518. Brenda Freese, Modesto, CA