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Posts posted by Maxx

  1. Quote

    But yer i agree, its pretty dull to watch a hundred or thousand people just running down a road for 26 miles

    And I think its pretty dull to watch some tiny spots in the sky coming down and then seeing some people land somewhere on a field...
    Swooping, of course, is a different game :P


  2. Can anybody send me this stuff to Germany?
    I'm in desperate need of some strong energy drinks.. Even redbull hasn't got the same amount of "wooosh" like in austria or the US.
    PM me if you can buy this..


  3. Quote

    Has nobody informed you? The rule on is that if you win the lottery, you are required to buy all of us new rigs

    Now that is going to be difficult.. 250$ for 45'000 new rigs? :)
    Maybe I am going to spend it for a new main.. My old one has over 1000 jumps on it, but still flies well though..
    And this PSP thing also catched my attention.. hmm...


  4. No shit!

    I just won the lottery! There were 14bn in the jackpot and I got 4 out of 6 winning numbers right + the bonus number. I don't know how much I get for this, because the quotes are not out yet.. But I compared it to last week and there were about 250$ for 4 right numbers, so it should be around 250$! If I had got one more number right it would have been around 100k+$ ... DAMN! DAMN!

    Nevertheless, 250$ (minus 15$ for the ticket) is a whole lot of money for me.. So what should I do with the money now? Jumping season is almost over in Germany so I won't spend it for jumping..

    Happy greetings,

  5. I think his name was "Markus" and he was from the UK, but I don't have any contact info any more.. We met at the collegiate nationals in Lake Wales last year and did some cool jumps together. I grabbed my avatar from his video! If anybody knows this guy (Freeflyer, I think 800 jumps, named Markus), please tell me..


  6. I had 2 astral journeys in my life.. One when I was a very young kid and one when I worked really hard to do it.. I can't describe it how it was.. Kinda like your first freefall ;)

    The gateway series is the most comfortable way to explore this because you don't have to read tons of books and reports.. You just turn your cd player on and listen.. It's a guided meditation where you first learn to totally relax and concentrate on nothing and then you go further and further into the material.. you can choose which way you want to explore and because of the guide it never gets too spooky because you are always guided back where you started from!
    I did this 2 or 3 years ago very intensive and it really opened my eyes.. From time to time I still listen to a hemi sync CD just to relax.

    If you don't believe in it - forget it. You really have to open your mind and soul to explore this.. Then it really works and doesn't feel spooky or uncomfortable.

    Forget about the religion and cult stuff.. You do this for yourself! I'm a christ, but not a strong believer in god. I just wanted to explore the borders of the human mind.. and if Einstein says we are only using 10% of our mind - I can say I have at least "seen" 10 percent more.. ;)


  7. If you wan't to go further into this stuff, google for OBE (out of body experience), "remote viewing", "hemi sync" and "astral journeys".. The easiest access to this stuff is the gateway series from the monroe institute! Do it only if you want to find out how you can actually meet people in your dreams and see yourself sleeping *while* your sleeping and other wicked stuff... This is not for people with a weak personality and a narrow mind.. this shit can get spooky very fast, so please be careful.


  8. Hey Shannon,

    I have a lucid dream once or twice a week, or when I'm really hungover and nap during the day.. It's very cool.. I can also move small objects and put them wherever I want, or just keep them hovering in the air.. I use my hands to point and control where they are going. And I can fly too! Just run a little bit and go in to a track-like position and off I go.. If I want go gain height I can kinda flap/whiggle my arms like a bird. If I stop flying I come really smooth down to the ground and flare the last meters. But most of the time I find myself running of little slopes or jumping from buildings.. It really is an awesome feeling!!!

    After I had the first dreams of this kind I tried to do it when awake..but unfortanetly it never worked :(

    Keep on lucid dreaming! ;)


  9. Can't say a word about the PC version, as I only tried the PS2 Version..
    I bet the controls with the keyboard are a bit funky. Go and buy yourself a PS2-like USB gamepad and see if it's better then..

    On the PS2 you can steer the camera-angles manually, but you don't have to.. Most of the time you will see everything perfect. I must admit that it's a little bit tricky when it comes to shooting.. but thats for every shooting game where you don't have a mouse..

    What do you mean with crappy game play?

    I found the most fun was the story and everything you can do beside completing the missions ;)


  10. Then you are a lucky guy. Congratulations on the 4 bucks! Go and buy something you always wanted to buy, but couldn't afford and then go and spend the 4 bucks for some beer to celebrate your luck!

  11. No, I am doing it without the cheats on the PS2 version.. I don't know if this exit point also works on the pc version.

    You really have to time the jump very good as you need 1-2 steps to accelerate enough...

    Give it more tries, eventually you will get it then..
