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Posts posted by ACMESkydiver

  1. I know, I'm full o' chatter today. :ph34r:

    I have Google searched and I'm befuddled.

    We have a drop-down 15" video monitor in our truck that was hooked up to a Movies2Go slot-in DVD player just like this one on Ebay: Movies2Go.

    The Movies2Go unit was stolen out of my truck in my driveway on Christmas Eve. :S

    At least they were nice thieves and left all the cords and wires and thingies...they just ripped the unit out of the dash and disconnected all of the A/V cables.

    So, rather than try to buy another Movies2Go unit which will probably be stolen again (we've been hit 3 times. the neighborhood next to ours is full of nasties), is there a way to play a movie from my IPhone?

    I don't have the IPhone yet; I'll be getting it in the mail tomorrow (yay!). It is a refurb 8g 3G; debating whether I should change my mind and bump it up to a 16g 3Gs.

    Movies aren't for me or Joe, they are for our autistic sons. Little Joey goes nuts if he can't see something on the screen if we're driving more than 20 minutes...and by nuts, I mean hurting himself or others. :(

    Handheld devices are NOT an option; when Joey has a panic attack, he starts throwing anything that is not tied down at the driver -me. [:/]

    So can ya help me out? Point me in the right direction? Refine the Google search just a smidge? :)
    Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

  2. Quote

    I'd go with the plant idea for the mailman.

    As far as the hairdresser goes... wine or gifts is not going to make up the money she lost. Send her some of her losses, plus a small gift.


    I was thinking that, too...I was going to buy her these microwave health meals that come 6 to a case and are shelf-stable because she hardly ever gets a minute to eat at work. That and a new purse (she loves my line of purses! :P) and I have new charms bracelets that came in...

    and I'll pay her cancellation fee. Whatever that is...
    Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

  3. Quote

    Dammit, I read the heading wrong. I thought it said, "Sex and AAD".:S That conjures up all kinds of images. I mean, WTF would you be doing that you would need your AAD during sex?:$:D:D

    Edited to add: Give him some of your adderall. It will have him so jacked up, you wont have time to think of ANYTHING but the moment.:ph34r:

    We tried 1 pill of Adderall ONCE for our son and we will NEVER, EVER do that again!!! B|:o:(B|:o:( It took a hyper autistic kid and put him on speed. :S He was like the Tasmanian Devil after a Starbucks triple shot...:D

    As for me, doc put me on Phentermine (I think that's right). Yeah, the weight-loss med, but it helps w/ADD...well, it's supposed too, anyway...:|
    Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

  4. Quote

    How about a card with some gift cards to a few favorite restaurants in the area that do take out? We all know that in times of extreme sorrow that eating is the last thing on your mind, much less deciding what to eat, where to eat and then having to cook it.

    That's a good idea...but unfortunately I don't know where they live specifically. Maybe I'll look at a chain restaurant that delivers everywhere...hard to find around here other than pizza, but it's definitely worth looking into!


    As for your stylist...I have no idea. If I stood up my barber, I would most likely bring him a couple of cigars out of my humidor or something like that. Maybe a small bottle of decent whiskey. Then again, I go to an old school barber that still uses a straight razor and warm shaving soap!

    I know she likes wine, and her salon is right above a wine tasting place...but I have NO IDEA what kind of wine! I don't drink wine much so I couldn't pick a good one from a garbage one...:S
    Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

  5. It's no secret many of us have Attention Deficit Disorder. :P

    But what if it starts to interfere with your love life? :|

    Last night my hubby and I are downstairs after everyone's gone to bed and he's feeling frisky. >:( During, all of these thoughts race through my mind:

    Damn, the kids left the TV on in the playroom, I'll have to turn it off
    Gyad my back hurts; am I getting too old for this position?!
    Oh no; we're on our new couch and I don't want to mess it up! >:(
    -No worries. We're on top of a blanket.
    Washing blankets is sooo easy in my new washing machine!
    What the hell do I get for Bonnie to apologize for no-showing her for my hair appointment?
    Did we lock the upstairs gate? OMG, what if someone wakes up and we don't hear them come downstairs because the gate is open!!
    Did my undies just get stuck between the couch cushions??
    Did someone leave the garage light on again?!

    -Are we going to finish this episode of CSI NY? It's after midnight. :|
    Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

  6. I need help here for a couple of socially awkward situations...

    First, we have gotten to know our mailman pretty well over the past few years. He's a nice guy named Jon, his wife sells her art over the internet, etc.

    We hadn't seen him in a few weeks so when he delivered a package to our door last week, Joe was asking him how he's been...I guess it turns out her was in a car accident. Hit by a drunk driver, and his 3 month old baby son was with him. His son died. :( News story Jayden's obituary

    And then another occasion...this one is all my fault. I have a girlfriend that is a professional hairdresser that does my hair. It is not cheap. I have booked appointments with her, 3 that I know for sure, that I have COMPLETELY missed. Just had the time off by two hours (how in the hell can I do that?!? Why am I thinking 2pm when it was 12 pm?!?) or completely spaced off the appointment altogether...I did it again on Saturday (3rd time) :(.

    I am SO embarrassed. :( I am not THIS flakey usually. I have no idea what in the hell is wrong with me when it comes to her appointments!! She left a long voicemail on my cell, and as you can imagine, she was VERY upset at me -I had booked my daughter AND me together, which would have been big bucks for her. [:/]

    I bring up the money issue because for a hairdresser, appointments are money. I have lost her probably $300 in income on my no-shows she said on the message, and I believe that, because each time was double booked for my daughter and I or my sister and I...

    I am SUCH A JERK!!! :( I did talk to her on the phone but I just suck at these things...she said she'd try to see if she could squeeze me in somewhere and call me back. She hasn't called back. I'm not worried so much about my hair as I am with her being rightfully upset...

    SO THEN -what do you get for these type of gifts? I think it's too late for flowers for Jon and his family (Jayden died a few weeks ago, we only found out last week) I was thinking maybe like a gourmet coffee basket? Truffles? Any thoughts? All of these cute made-to-order gift basket things online are 'Congrats' and 'Celebrate!' and stuff like that. tough to find something to help a grieving family, or tell a friend you're sorry.

    If I send Bonnie (my hairdresser) 'I'm Sorry' flowers, is that a gay-lover kind of thing? :| Her husband works with my husband and we don't need any more drama! :ph34r:
    Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

  7. Quote

    We still don't have texting on our phones

    Now ya tell me! I thought you guys just didn't like me! :o:ph34r:

    Skymama had some GREAT advice up there! :)
    I have a 13 year old daughter, too. And an 18 year old neice, and a 17 year old neice, and a 17 year old nephew all living with me. -Just wait until you have multiple females at teen or above under one roof. OY. :|

    I haven't seen my 17 year old neice without her head tilted down texting away since she got her cell phone. -Seriously. I have NOT seen her not texting, unless she's asleep. She texts while she's eating or talking to you (which REALLY pisses me off >:().

    Anyhoo, I feel for the original poster, daughter has had limited texting on her phone, and she knows our 'open account' policy: her computer password, her phone password, her email accounts, and texts are all subject to search at any time. There is no expectation of privacy for a 13 year old girl. ;) -ok, ok...except her diary. That's the only thing that I just personally feel a girl sometimes needs to 'get it out' and not have people nosing through...but daddy doesn't feel the same. Fortunately, he has forgotten all about it already. :ph34r:
    Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

  8. I use a more handy two-letter word frequently. It's all due to having 6 kids and 2 very er, 'straight-laced' adults living in our house with us.

    It's 'sh'. B|

    We say 'Sh! Hush up I can't hear the message!' and 'sh...he, I mean, needs to get over here and finish the dishes.'

    -but the most COMMON use for the word 'sh' around our home is 'Sh....gyah, dang it I burned my hand on that piece of sh...uh, oven again!!!' >:(>:(>:(

    'Sh' is handy. It's almost as handy as 'Fu'...:P

    Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

  9. -Does anyone else wonder about the phrase 'Brace for impact' anyway? I mean, you get injured if you brace...shouldn't it be something like 'hang loose for impact'? :|

    Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

  10. Quote

    you also fixed your spelling rendering my pun impotent you ninja editing fuckstick.

    LOL'd at that one. :D

    No. Seriously. :| I actually laughed out loud. -How many times do you actually laugh out loud when you LOL? Not many my friend; not many. :|

    I need some more fucking coffee...
    Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

  11. I've never had a cat (mom was allergic, now my kids are allergic) so I can't relate completely, but I sure can relate to the loss of an intelligent pet. [:/] Even though he passed away too soon, it sounds like you gave him a wonderful life. :)
    ...and you and your wife sound SO CUTE!!! I've never met her of course (just pics you have posted) but I bet we'd get along great. I kinda did the same thing to my hubby when he was deployed with a bunny-rabbit...:):ph34r:

    Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

  12. I would.

    I'm not a pediatrician, but I would take her to one. My daughter had 'failure to thrive' issues as an infant; not gaining weight, etc. They put her on pediasure for several months just to get her to gain anything.

    I wouldn't totally freak out, but I would book that appointment.
    Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

  13. Quote

    Oh, and don't get me started with the stupid freakin swine flu - PEOPLE if I sneeze it's allergies - not the fucking swine flu!!!! :ph34r:

    OI :S


    That's funny! We had entire schools closed down up here because there was 1 confirmed case of swine flu...ok, give the kid a week off, and keep school in session.

    I guess the hardest hit have been the colleges -makes sense. There's more close contact going on in college. :):D
    Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

  14. Quote

    My guess would be it depends whether or not you have been touched by a disease in one way or another. I'm sure there are people out there that would say "Fuck Autism,I don't know anyone who has it".

    Yeah I guess so. I didn't know jack about it until my boys were diagnosed.

    I figure if it's for safety, like knowing the signs of heart attack or stroke, well that makes sense. There is a higher possibility that we would have an encounter with someone having a heart attack or a stroke. -My hubby and I each have, and knowing the signs was a good thing.

    I don't see the point in buying T-shirts and freaking key chains and tattoos to help raise awareness for something that 99.99% of the population will never see anyway. :S They'd have a higher chance of hitting the state lottery than ever having or meeting someone with this exact, precise, specific gentic mutation. :ph34r: I think everybody has some kind of genetic f*ck-up running around in their ol' DNA somewhere anyway. :D

    Seems that way on any chat group for some rare, unheard of illness. Have to 'raise awareness' for Dysmorphic Eyelash Disorder. Sheesh. :S
    Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

  15. I totally get those things that are common and deadly or devastating...breast cancer awareness makes sense. Autism awareness makes sense (check it out; we are now at 1 of every 58 boys will develop autism :()...

    -but what I don't get is the more obscure and rare diseases. I was on a message board regarding some health issues, and everywhere there are products to buy for 'Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome -Vascular' awareness. It's not common; some estimates place it at 1:250,000. It's deadly, but there isn't anything you can do about it...:S

    There are HUNDREDS of diseases out there. Do we really have to be 'aware' of all of them? How much information are we supposed to hold in our lil' heads anyway? I would hope that medical professionals would pick up a few...though I am the LAST person that would ever condone relying solely upon a doctor.

    When does it cross the line from 'awareness' to 'paranoia and hypochondria'?

    Anyone else thinking WTF every time they see a new bumper sticker or T-shirt that reads 'Dwarf Scandinavian Hypertension DeLowe's Syndrome Awareness'?? :|
    Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

  16. Yeesh...hope everything went well! Maybe I'll give you two a call and bring the twins over to play. That will fix a shoulder RIGHT up. :)

    Lots o' well wishes for restful naps, funny movies, fast internet speeds and good drugs. B|

    Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

  17. Quote


    There should be a disclaimer at the top of the thread "WArning, this thread may cause carpal tunnel syndrome, View at your own risk."

    CTS in BOTH wrists - right wrist from over-clicking, and left wrist from fingering yourself.


    Some of us are right handed...:S Geesh!

    Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

  18. Damn you for posting that clicky!!!! >:( I just keep saying "Just"

    I have so much work to get done and I haven't eaten today! I'm getting a damn headache from low blood sugar because I can't tear myself away from this site long enough to eat!! :D

    Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.