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Posts posted by MrHixxx

  1. Fellow Riggers,

    I have noticed that some riggers will seat the heel of the closing pin all the way to the closing loop and some will seat it with the heel against the grommet. I wrote Capewell and their response was "The Army does it one way and the Navy does it another." I would like to hear from folks in the field as to how far they seat it in and why if they chose to explain.

    thanks, Jon

  2. I also have a 21 cell Xaos 98 loaded at 2.2. It is the best opening canopy I have ever jumped and excellent for camera.

    death,as men call him, ends what they call men
    -but beauty is more now than dying’s when

  3. We lucked out with Charlie. Kim is breaking 2 other mares as payment. If she drops a pinto in a few years, she'll be paying for herself and the stud.

    She has a really good personality. Kim and I both were able to approach her day one with out much fear from her. Hell, I don't think she had even been out of the stable when we loaded her in the trailer with very little difficulty. I wish we could say the same for her little sister Sparki (I call her Spooky) that we picked up for her boss's daughter:S :S:S. After we got her back to Kim's, I walked over to the neighbor's and let her run around in their backyard for a bit. next to where the other horses were. She was all perked up and having fun talking to the other fellas and running around. I then brought her back to Kim's and brushed her out and was scratching her shoulder blades and whe was makin' faces at me and nearly fell over from enjoying herself. It was a good afternoon...

    death,as men call him, ends what they call men
    -but beauty is more now than dying’s when

  4. Brought my little filly home today. I named her Charlie. She is 9 months old 63/64ths Arabian with Pinto in her. We have a 100% Arabian bay stud that we are hoping to eventually make some 99% Pinto Arabian babies with. She is a sweety...

    see pix, Hixxx
    death,as men call him, ends what they call men
    -but beauty is more now than dying’s when

  5. Here are my favorite puppy pics of my Pitbull Chewy. He has blosommed into quite the muscley lughead in the past few months. His about 9 weeks in the early pictures and he is about 9 months now. He's gotta lotta luv to give.

    death,as men call him, ends what they call men
    -but beauty is more now than dying’s when

  6. Well you can't lose with neutrals...

    White skins and ribs with black diamonds, crossbraces and stabilizers.

    Silver skins and ribs with black diamonds, crossbraces and stabilizers.

    Silver top skin with black diamonds, silver ribs with black crossbraces, White bottom skin with silver diamonds.

    death,as men call him, ends what they call men
    -but beauty is more now than dying’s when

  7. I ride someone who rides, does that count??? Kimberly (aka Mrhixxxluvbitch) raises and trains Arabs. She has 2 geldings, 2 mares, and a stud. She is taking delivery on a liver colored 6 month old for me for breaking a 2 year old pinto mare this Sunday. I have 2 years to learn how to ride on one of the geldings, while I take care of my little girl who I have aptly named "Charlie".

    death,as men call him, ends what they call men
    -but beauty is more now than dying’s when

  8. "Let's walk around and see the little butts in front too..."

    "Hey, one of them has Sponge Bob in her undies, we better let him out."

    "Looks good, time for the smell test..."

    "Hum, smells like hot garbage, better throw me in the dumpster."

    death,as men call him, ends what they call men
    -but beauty is more now than dying’s when

  9. Here's a few...

    Blood, Sugar, Sex Majick, Chili Peppers
    The Rain Song, Zeppellin
    Summertime Rolls, Janes Addiction
    Stinkfist, Tool (snicker, snicker)

    death,as men call him, ends what they call men
    -but beauty is more now than dying’s when

  10. Quote

    Of course, you'd do this to take up slack, rather than routing it this way routinely, right?

    I do it routinely this way. It allows adjustment of the length more easily, because the knot isn't tensioned as tight as it is against the disk. It also allows removal of the loop quickly by pulling up on it, which is a bonus for me as I change the loop every repack regardless of its condition.


  11. Quote

    I'm driving a couple hours, and I find the mailbox, turn up the winding drive, and see a sign that reads: "Home For Wayward Donna Mills Look-a-Like Nymphomaniacs". Just as I'm climbing down from the cab, to go up to the door . . . . . . . .

    Lemme guess... You were then accosted and rendered unconscious by 10 Marylin Monroe look-a-like adult film star midgets in league with satan who are in direct competition with the Donna Mills group for a distributership of signature line of dildos fashioned after Muppet Show characters. You then woke up on a steet corner in a dress and you are wonderin' how to explain it to the boss...

    Well am I close???

    death,as men call him, ends what they call men
    -but beauty is more now than dying’s when

  12. I think it means he is free in the William Wallace in Braveheart way...

    xxx, Hixxx
    death,as men call him, ends what they call men
    -but beauty is more now than dying’s when

  13. Well, living here in Nebraska we get our fair share of inclimate weather, but this atrocity makes clubbing baby seals seem like child's play.

    death,as men call him, ends what they call men
    -but beauty is more now than dying’s when

  14. Amen brother, I would rather have a hairless kitti than a shaggy badger. It was my Valentine's day gift this year and the boy was even nice enough to go to bed early so ma and pa good stay up and play games...

    death,as men call him, ends what they call men
    -but beauty is more now than dying’s when

  15. I used to play in a metal band. I mostly just tinker around to cds nowadays. Here is my baby that I bought back in 1980 listening to Chris Squire and Geddy Lee, I've had it ever since.

    peace out, Hixxx
    death,as men call him, ends what they call men
    -but beauty is more now than dying’s when