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Posts posted by flyinfishman

  1. Thanks for posting the info here guys, I tried the Forerunner yesterday at Richland skysports.

    I used Photomaps and it works great, although the sat photos are somewhat outdated (1994 I think)

    2.12 miles at 71 mph fwd. average.

    Anyone know how to have photomaps use the latest 2002 color photos in the urban areas?

  2. I also pack grommet to reserve container on my Talon.
    Since opening the corners, having inboard stows on my bag and leaving at least 18" of free stow, I've had 0 openings with line twists in the last 70 or so wingsuit flights.

    I've thought of placing the grommet to BOC, but after 100 wingsuit flights with no problems, I see no need to change it.

    I know a lot depends on body position too, but I don't think the bag rotating on that axis would induce line twists.
    It hasn't for me at least, especially after getting the mods.
    my .02

  3. NW diving is the best! I was first certified when I was 16, living in British Columbia. I started ice diving soon afterwards- now THAT'S cold! I became a PADI instructor at the ripe old age of 18, joined the Navy and dove some cool spots like Tasmania, Bali, Palau, Guam.

  4. Steve,

    Thanks again for the training dives,
    Everyone at SDO was great, it's a beautiful DZ.

    I have the deployment down now, and today after working on my flying position, I found a very quiet place I had never been before!

    I'm glad I had that big old Falcon 195 on the first one...I got thrown around like a rag doll, but it didn't care a bit.

    Thanks to BirdMan (Kimberly rocks!) for a great looking suit, it's perfect!

  5. Thanks! I will keep you in mind once I get the suit in.
    I'm 6'3 180 so I may need to wait until I get a suit of my own before taking the first flight.
    Canopy is pretty docile- a Falcon 195
    I'm looking at getting a GTi and upgrading my PC and bridle.

    Wish I could come down there for the boogie this weekend, it should be fun.
    ( need to save my money for the suit! )

  6. Hello all,
    I was wondering if there are any BMI's out there in Washington state or Oregon?
    I know Action Air in Davis CA, is a dealer and offers the course, but I'm hoping to find someone closer to home (Kapowsin DZ) for formal instruction.
    This forum has been a great place for information, thanks in advance for any replies!
    :)Seattle, WA