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Everything posted by mrwrong

  1. Isn't there some sort of minimum posts / day criteria to keep the postwhore title??? “The sum of intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing.” - George Bernard Shaw He who dies with the most toys, wins..... dudeist skydiver # 19515 Buy quality and cry once!
  2. Congrats So what's the plan for today??? Me, I'm back home after completing my workday “The sum of intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing.” - George Bernard Shaw He who dies with the most toys, wins..... dudeist skydiver # 19515 Buy quality and cry once!
  3. Look at it from the bright side.... Increased job security AND you've finally managed to go "all mobile" with the BB “The sum of intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing.” - George Bernard Shaw He who dies with the most toys, wins..... dudeist skydiver # 19515 Buy quality and cry once!
  4. Good afternoon How's life??? “The sum of intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing.” - George Bernard Shaw He who dies with the most toys, wins..... dudeist skydiver # 19515 Buy quality and cry once!
  5. Yep the idea here is that the kids starts to learn English in 2'nd or 3'rd grade (8 or 9 yrs old) and when they are in the 7'th grade another foreign language are available as an elective subject... All the lazy kids chooses metall shop instead Me I tried to learn French but sucked at it... Then I tried to learn German and sucked at that too So I just have to manage with Swedish and English “The sum of intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing.” - George Bernard Shaw He who dies with the most toys, wins..... dudeist skydiver # 19515 Buy quality and cry once!
  6. Support and installation for a clinical information system to customers all over the Nordic market... Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark... Most customers are quite "picky" that they wanna have the support in their native language... But as a Swede I have the "grace" that Swedish, Norwegian and Danish are quite similar languages so I can manage those customers..... To a certain degree at least “The sum of intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing.” - George Bernard Shaw He who dies with the most toys, wins..... dudeist skydiver # 19515 Buy quality and cry once!
  7. Don't ask me why but for SOME reason I've got the impression that you were living in California.... My bad “The sum of intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing.” - George Bernard Shaw He who dies with the most toys, wins..... dudeist skydiver # 19515 Buy quality and cry once!
  8. No shit!? Ya think!? I wonder if they'll do any C17 Globemaster III jumps anytime soon... A 10 mile long LZ “The sum of intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing.” - George Bernard Shaw He who dies with the most toys, wins..... dudeist skydiver # 19515 Buy quality and cry once!
  9. Are ya any good with SQL and such???? And ready to trade the Cali weather for the "semi Russian" Swedish weather?? “The sum of intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing.” - George Bernard Shaw He who dies with the most toys, wins..... dudeist skydiver # 19515 Buy quality and cry once!
  10. LOL..... Well every generation has it's own patented solutions to most problems “The sum of intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing.” - George Bernard Shaw He who dies with the most toys, wins..... dudeist skydiver # 19515 Buy quality and cry once!
  11. LOL.... Yeah... You've become weak “The sum of intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing.” - George Bernard Shaw He who dies with the most toys, wins..... dudeist skydiver # 19515 Buy quality and cry once!
  12. Well... It was only due to the number of people in every load and that they calculated for a 50% off DZ landing... We are a bit "anal" here in Sweden when it comes to safety regulations.... Every load was 80 jumpers.... Minimum 8 / group.... “The sum of intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing.” - George Bernard Shaw He who dies with the most toys, wins..... dudeist skydiver # 19515 Buy quality and cry once!
  13. not here... my people would just employ two new workers instead of one and pay them half as much Hmmmm..... That's an interesting version of "active management" How you doing buddy??? “The sum of intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing.” - George Bernard Shaw He who dies with the most toys, wins..... dudeist skydiver # 19515 Buy quality and cry once!
  14. Good to know I'm in good company, jealousy-wise There used to be a Herc boogie every other year here in Sweden... Until the Swedish air force pulled the plug on all of the sponsoring of such events... Gadaaaaamn that I was just a low number rookie when the last Herc boogie was in 2004 Can't remember by heart but I think that you had to have atleast 300-400 jumps to participate... As a belly jumper... Free fly jumpers had to have like 600 jumps “The sum of intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing.” - George Bernard Shaw He who dies with the most toys, wins..... dudeist skydiver # 19515 Buy quality and cry once!
  15. Morning Cheach.... Well.... You better clean the Dr from that smut.... Thanks for the sympathies... It will work out in the end... Or perhaps I have to find another job *LOL* “The sum of intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing.” - George Bernard Shaw He who dies with the most toys, wins..... dudeist skydiver # 19515 Buy quality and cry once!
  16. *SIGH*.... Morning Patrick.... I'm sorry but out of jealousy I'm obliged to hate you from now on Well we are going to move current staff around a bit and another IT guy will have to change work group now in order to solve this.... But it does suck that we're going through yet another turbulent phase.... It'll all work out in the end though, I think... “The sum of intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing.” - George Bernard Shaw He who dies with the most toys, wins..... dudeist skydiver # 19515 Buy quality and cry once!
  17. This was the best I could find. Hope it helps... Scroll down to "The Right Side (8.0)" Some describing text and a photo. ETA: No it wasn't, I managed to dig up the manual, coulden't print that page as a new PDF file for some reason so I took a screen shot of it... Hope it helps
  18. Happy Friday back at ya!!! “The sum of intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing.” - George Bernard Shaw He who dies with the most toys, wins..... dudeist skydiver # 19515 Buy quality and cry once!
  19. But but but....... If he cuts them off he might cut himself a vagina.... And then ha can just put them back in there.... “The sum of intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing.” - George Bernard Shaw He who dies with the most toys, wins..... dudeist skydiver # 19515 Buy quality and cry once!
  20. Happy b-day!!!!! “The sum of intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing.” - George Bernard Shaw He who dies with the most toys, wins..... dudeist skydiver # 19515 Buy quality and cry once!
  21. Nope I'm not..... Him I'd call idiot “The sum of intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing.” - George Bernard Shaw He who dies with the most toys, wins..... dudeist skydiver # 19515 Buy quality and cry once!
  22. After only 2 minutes of that clip I'm more than willing to fess up to being a pussy ANYone is a pussy compared to him..... “The sum of intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing.” - George Bernard Shaw He who dies with the most toys, wins..... dudeist skydiver # 19515 Buy quality and cry once!
  23. Yep, it's way too easy to come up with excuses when the weather sucks... And it does suck alot here in Sweden “The sum of intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing.” - George Bernard Shaw He who dies with the most toys, wins..... dudeist skydiver # 19515 Buy quality and cry once!
  24. Yeah... If I'd known that before I wouldn't even have went there.... Well I guess I'd better find another one instead... But their open hours was just so great... No other gym in this small town can provide that “The sum of intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing.” - George Bernard Shaw He who dies with the most toys, wins..... dudeist skydiver # 19515 Buy quality and cry once!