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Posts posted by storm1977

  1. Quote

    I know you want right in the world. I firmly believe that you are a decent ,caring, human.
    Don't let the propaganda get the better of your mind.

    Nice tactic, but it goes both ways.
    The liberal hatered for GWB in this country is out of control.
    These liberals seek not what is in the best interest of the USA, but instead, any mistruth with they believe can or will undermine the President.
    That is not to say, however, that everything reported is a "mistruth", but it does get difficult sometimes to decipher the truth.

    There has been a sad change in american politics over the last few years. The Left has become so angry and their ideology more extream, that they run the risk of becoming exactly what they hate.

    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  2. Quote



    >So you believe that the Koran is "human" an entitled to
    >those "human rights"?

    No, I don't. But the prisoners we hold are entitled to them.

    So, how is ripping pages out of the Koran violating human rights????

    If you ACTUALLY read what I wrote, you would see that I only mention Being "Pussie" when refering to the "Desicration" of the Koran.


    I enjoy watching people! I really enjoy asking people to survey their thoughts an seeing what they come up with.
    So storm 1977, eventhough desecration of the Koran is not a violation of "Human Rights", how can that act possibly be reconciled with our long term strategy of Peace in the middle east and an end to terrorism?
    Surely (or maybe not) you can see that any disrespect our government( or it's agents) direct toward any Islamic icon will brood ill will between the Muslims and the USA.

    Still think messing with a book ain't no big deal?



    THe foundation of your thoughts are strong, however, as we have experience, there isn't much we can do to avoid Muslim Fundimentalist despising us for the simple fact that we are not muslim.

    I have heard your argument many times, yet, it is baseless.

    These people detained at GITMO are detain for a good reason. These people either tried to, or were intent on kill us. Therefore, we are detaining them and not allowing them the ability to harm us.
    Whether we, destroy Korans or not, it is hardly the motivation for the muslims around the world to "Want to kill us".

    It is after all just a book.... As is the bible. Until these savages (and by that I mean jihadist muslims) realize the hypocracy of their ways (destroying bibles but being outrages by the destruction of the Koran) There will be no solution to this problem.

    So, as I stated before.... Fuck'em. Short of tourture, make their lives in captivity as miserable as possible. Why do they deserve anything more?

    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  3. Quote

    Have you not read much news lately? We are torturing, raping and killing them. Dozens of US military personnel have been implicated in such crimes.

    Funny Bill, all the searching I have done has not reveiled ANY cases rape or murder at GITMO. I am guessing then you have some sort of "Inside" info on the subject.
    Also strange that I watch and read the news a good deal more than the "Average american" and still am not hearing about "Rape" and "Murder" at GITMO.

    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  4. Quote

    >So you believe that the Koran is "human" an entitled to
    >those "human rights"?

    No, I don't. But the prisoners we hold are entitled to them.

    So, how is ripping pages out of the Koran violating human rights????

    If you ACTUALLY read what I wrote, you would see that I only mention Being "Pussie" when refering to the "Desicration" of the Koran.

    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  5. look at this guys pictureB|
    He has Crazy Chainsaw murderer written all over
    his face!!!

    Kinda comical looking if you ask me

    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  6. This is what he carried to the border:
    carrying a homemade sword, a hatchet, a knife, brass knuckles and a chain saw stained with what appeared to be blood.

    Ummmm.... Don't you think they would have at least questioned him a bit???
    This borders (no pun intended) on crazy ;)

    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty



    BOSTON, Massachusetts (AP) -- On April 25, Gregory Despres arrived at the U.S.-Canadian border crossing at Calais, Maine, carrying a homemade sword, a hatchet, a knife, brass knuckles and a chain saw stained with what appeared to be blood.

    U.S. customs agents confiscated the weapons and fingerprinted Despres. Then they let him into the United States.

    The following day, a gruesome scene was discovered in Despres' hometown of Minto, New Brunswick: The decapitated body of a 74-year-old country musician named Frederick Fulton was found on Fulton's kitchen floor. His head was in a pillowcase under a kitchen table. His common-law wife was discovered stabbed to death in a bedroom.

    Despres, 22, immediately became a suspect because of a history of violence between him and his neighbors, and he was arrested April 27 after police in Massachusetts saw him wandering down a highway in a sweat shirt with red and brown stains. He is now in jail in Massachusetts on murder charges, awaiting an extradition hearing next month.

    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty


    Who gives a shit if anyone mishandled the Koran(sp?) at Gitmo?
    Show of hands....
    Seriously... F***'em. We aren't tourturing these prisoners. So what if we rip pages out... Who cares if they piss on the Koran right in front of the prisoners. Who really cares.

    I say do it more!!!!!
    Make these bastards upset, make their life hell short of tourture.

    When did we all collectively become the sypathetic PUSSIES of the world???

    Seriously get a fucking grip people.

    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  9. Quote


    Maybe not, but many other studies link smoking pot to (Of all things) Lung Cancer... One of the diseses smoking Pot is supposed to sooth the pain for (ironic)

    It is like treating cancer with radiation which causes cancer... Never really understood that one ;)

    So cancer from (radiation/smoking pot) takes 30 years to develop, and may not develop at all, but you already have cancer and will die next year without treatment.

    Reserves sometimes malfunction. Is that a good reason to skydive without a reserve?

    Understand it now?

    what about chronic arthritis????
    It starts with one thing and leads to others.

    Yet Chronic arthritis never killed anyone!!!

    BTW- your elitist attitude still sucks and needs to go.

    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  10. Quote

    In light of Busch & Nextel Cup driver Shane Hmiel's indefinite suspension for his second failure to pass a drug test in as many years, would anyone here be opposed to submitting to random drug testing if it was ever imposed on us as sky divers?

    This came to my mind because sky diving is a sport just like NasCar, and it's just as, if not more dangerous. I have personally seen drugs on DZ's. Personally i don't care for it. Even though i choose to not do drugs doesn't mean others will not do them.

    How do you feel about "Sharing The Sky" with someone who "may" be UTI of some type of illicit substance? And would you submit to a random drug screen?

    I would submit, and i don't care to share the sky with someone whom i think could or may be UTI. What do ya'll think?

    Yes, I would submit to taking random tests!!!

    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  11. Maybe not, but many other studies link smoking pot to (Of all things) Lung Cancer... One of the diseses smoking Pot is supposed to sooth the pain for (ironic)

    It is like treating cancer with radiation which causes cancer... Never really understood that one ;)

    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  12. Quote


    So, if pot is (for arguments sake) as effective as let's say codine why not take codine??? Codine does not have the long term health risks associated with Pot.

    Because codine is addicting and the more you take the more you need. Codine greatly upsets my stomach. [:/]

    What are the long term health risks associated with pot?


    See... Codine was an Example..That is why I said "For arguments sake )mainly used codince cuz I can actually spell it :-)

    Addictive or not, it is regulated by your doctor (or should be). Don't tell me that pot used medically isan't addictive either.
    FYI- There was a guy on the CBS evening news last night !!! Comical to say the least.
    He says, "Due to his tumors" he has to smoke pot 30-35 time A DAY!!!!! Yeah... sure you do!!

    Long term health risks with Pot??? That is a silly question. Look at any study regarding the inhalation of smoke toxins...


    Smoking marijuana is associated with increased risk of many of the same symptoms as smoking cigarettes--chronic bronchitis, coughing on most days, phlegm production, shortness of breath, and wheezing, according to a Yale study published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine.

    In addition, marijuana smoking may increase risk of respiratory exposure by infectious organisms, such as fungi and molds, since cannabis plants are contaminated with a range of fungal spores, said Brent Moore, assistant professor of psychiatry at Yale School of Medicine and lead author of the study.

    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  13. Quote

    Schroeder meets Chirac and demands a caption contest, see attached image.

    If you are going to HUG me, at least have the common courtesy to give me a reach around!!!

    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  14. Quote

    What a shame that current "drug" laws can make a useful drug iillegitimate because a law says so.

    What exactly is the difference to them here? That there is a sub culture that enjoys it in a recreational application and it can be produced by natural means? That they cannot tax it?

    Let the patient suffering from chronic pain, cancer, nausea, AIDS wasting, lack of appetite, schizophrenia, glaucoma and especially nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy continue to suffer - because Congress calls it "illegal"?

    Just re-god-damn-diculous

    Alias, of all the studies done on the subject, not one has determined that pot is affective anymore than other medicinal treatments.
    On top of that, Smoke is a toxin.
    Like it ir not, it is BAD for you in the long run.

    So, if pot is (for arguments sake) as effective as let's say codine why not take codine??? Codine does not have the long term health risks associated with Pot.

    It is such a stupid argument to make that people "Need pot". They don't.
    Again, in all test and studies done, Pot was NOT found to be anymore effective than other "Legal" treatments already on the market.

    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  15. True... it will make them money!!!
    That is the bottom line!! (Pun intended)

    However, I can not help but laugh everytime I see
    the comercials for these made for tv alarist movies.

    I mean seriously... These things are sub B level movies.
    Who signs on to act in these things????
    I saw Randy Quaid in that TV movie... night of the twister or what ever it was called....
    I watched about a half hour of it and thought.. "You know your career is down the tubes when..."

    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  16. Judge Andrew Napolitano was on tv yesterday and made some interesting points on how Felt could be arrested in the near future for bribary.

    The complete act of bribary has not yet occured, however, if Woodward writes a book and profits, and then gives any money to Felt, that would be considered the second half of a bribe.

    The statue of Limitations for bribary is 5yrs, however, that wouldn't begin until the bribe was completed which wouldn't occur until money changed hands.

    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  17. Quote

    and that's not a price we are willing to pay to destroy someone who threatened us.

    Also, it is not like they "Threatened us"
    Actually, they would have "Attacked us".

    And bill this is why you couldn't be president. You obviously can't make the "Hard" choices. If NK lobbed any type of missle over here, Nuke or conventional, they MUST be attacked with no concern about China PERIOD.

    Worry about China later, defend yourself against the aggressor now.

    So if NK lauches at us, yoiu would do nothing????
    What would prevent them from launching again tomorrow????
    and the next day????
    and the day after that????

    Being Passive doesn't solve the problem.
    Attacking their ability to launch more weapons does!!!

    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  18. Quote

    the fallout drift into their country,

    I just had to point out that the Fallout would more likely land in the US not China.... The prevailing winds are westerly (From the west).

    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  19. Is it just me, or prior to the war did the UN not care about this material????
    It was "Duel" use as they kept saying and Sadaam (the evil dictator) wasn't using it to make bad stuff. But now suddenly UNMVIC is concerned....

    U.N.: Weapons Material Taken From Iraq

    Friday, June 03, 2005

    UNITED NATIONS — U.N. satellite imagery experts have determined that material that could be used to make biological or chemical weapons and banned long-range missiles has been removed from 109 sites in Iraq, U.N. weapons inspectors said in a report obtained Thursday.

    U.N. inspectors have been blocked from returning to Iraq since the U.S.-led war in 2003 so they have been using satellite photos to see what happened to the sites that were subject to U.N. monitoring because their equipment had both civilian and military uses.

    In the report to the U.N. Security Council (search), acting chief weapons inspector Demetrius Perricos said he's reached no conclusions about who removed the items or where they went. He said it could have been moved elsewhere in Iraq, sold as scrap, melted down or purchased.

    He said the missing material can be used for legitimate purposes. "However, they can also be utilized for prohibited purposes if in a good state of repair."

    He said imagery analysts have identified 109 sites that have been emptied of equipment to varying degrees, up from 90 reported in March.

    The report also provided much more detail about the percentage of items no longer at the places where U.N. inspectors monitored them.

    From the imagery analysis, Perricos said analysts at the U.N. Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission which he heads have concluded that biological sites were less damaged than chemical and missile sites.

    The commission, known as UNMOVIC (search), previously reported the discovery of some equipment and material from the sites in scrapyards in Jordan and the Dutch port of Rotterdam.

    Perricos said analysts found, for example, that 53 of the 98 vessels that could be used for a wide range of chemical reactions had disappeared. "Due to its characteristics, this equipment can be used for the production of both commercial chemicals and chemical warfare agents," he said.

    The report said 3,380 valves, 107 pumps, and more than 7.8 miles of pipes were known to have been located at the 39 chemical sites.

    A third of the chemical items removed came from the Qaa Qaa industrial complex (search) south of Baghdad which the report said "was among the sites possessing the highest number of dual-use production equipment," whose fate is now unknown." Significant quantities of missing material were also located at the Fallujah II and Fallujah III facilities north of the city, which was besieged last year.

    Before the first Gulf War in 1991, those facilities played a major part in the production of precursors for Iraq's chemical warfare program.

    The percentages of missing biological equipment from 12 sites were much smaller — no higher than 10 percent.

    The report said 37 of 405 fermenters ranging in size from 2 gallons to 1,250 gallons had been removed. Those could be used to produce pharmaceuticals and vaccines as well as biological warfare agents such as anthrax.

    The largest percentages of missing items were at the 58 missile facilities, which include some of the key production sites for both solid and liquid propellant missiles, the report said.

    For example, 289 of the 340 pieces of equipment to produce missiles — about 85 percent — had been removed, it said.

    At the Kadhimiyah and Al Samoud factory sites in suburban Baghdad, where the report said airframes and engines for liquid propellant missiles were manufactured and final assembly was carried out, "all equipment and missile components have been removed."

    UNMOVIC is the outgrowth of a U.N. inspections process created after the 1991 Gulf War in which invading Iraqi forces were ousted from Kuwait. Its staff are considered the only multinational weapons experts specifically trained in biological weapons and missile disarmament.

    The report noted that the commissioners who advise UNMOVIC again raised questions about its future. Iraq has called for its Security Council mandate to be terminated because UNMOVIC is funded from past Iraqi oil sales and it wants to be treated like other countries, but the council has not taken up the issue.

    France's U.N. Ambassador Jean-Marc de La Sabliere said Thursday the commission's expertise "should not be lost for the international community."


    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  20. but you know what.... There are a lot of people that live in the USA who really don't like this country or the flag. People that true hate everything that this country stands for. People who wish to change the constitution, people who wish to change our history, people who wish to change everything that make america great....

    And those are the poeple this sticker was talking too.

    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  21. JFKs famous... "Ask not what your country can do for you" quote is the exact opposite of what the liberal adgenda is these days....

    The liberal adgenda is now completely about what the Government should do for its people.
    The mainstream left has now drifted so far left that it thinks that "moderate Dems" are exactly that. The truth is, the moderates are what we would have called Liberal 20 yrs ago...

    They are now looking for a cause, when there really isn't one. It made sense in the 60's and 70's, but what is their goal now???

    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty