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Posts posted by jumper03

  1. What's the incentive to go beyond the A license? The A licences lets me jump by myself, gets me on group jumps, packing myself, etc.

    Can anyone make a convincing argument as to why you should get the B, C, D licenses?

    (not that I'm NOT going to do it - I just want to hear from the old hands whats so good 'bout the higher ratings).

    Scars remind us that the past is real

  2. Quote

    I don't have proper running shoes, and I haven't ran on pavement in almost a year.

    I wouldn't run another step until I got the right shoes! I found out the hard way that shoes are probably the most important running necessity (unless you like running barefoot).

    I've been training for the Cape Cod Marathon in Oct - my first - so we'll both run our first races! Good luck!

    Scars remind us that the past is real

  3. Quote

    ...we have a nice day up here in New England. So i took advantage and used it to complete my A liscense. Thanks Dave and everyone at Jumptown for helping me to finish my student training.

    You were at Jumptown saturday? I was there too - I'm finally off of recurrency training and ready to get it on! Let's hook up and jump! Anyone else here jump at Orange, Mass?
    Scars remind us that the past is real

  4. Quote

    4. I have jumped with my glasses, but I've found that my glasses give me slightly different depth perception than my contacts do, so landing with my glasses was...humorous, to say the least! :D

    Good luck!

    Hmm... This would explain the several large grass stains on the back side of my jump suit!!

    Thanks for all the feedback gang. After having these huge over the glasses goggles all up on my forehead this weekend, I'm going to go the contacts/new goggle route, I can't wait! Now I can look cool with shaded goggles too! B| Maybe I'll ask santa to send me a full face helmet in the future.

    Blue Skies!
    Scars remind us that the past is real

  5. Hi all,
    Question for the blind among us -
    I'm going to finally bite the bullet and get contacts after a lifetime of groping for glasses. I jump an open face helmet with goggles over the glasses now. Can you jump contacts with the full face helments? What about the newer goggles for the open face helmets? Anyone got any experience with this? I need to know if I'll have to budget in a new helmet with the contacts! :)
    Any help/advice appreciated.
    Scars remind us that the past is real

  6. Quote

    IMO, if a relationship is going to work, it's all about compromise. Both parties have to be willing to make it work.

    No arguement from me. I totally agree. I tried to go the way of giving up diving to give more time to my S/O and that sure as heck didn't work. I just think it would be easier to find someone that shares your passion for jumping.

    Buyer beware!
    Scars remind us that the past is real

  7. Quote

    Is it possible for a skydiver and a whuffo to have a long lasting relationship?

    Hello all! I'm new to the forums, so just let me say this place is awesome!

    As for your question, my own personal experience is that it doesn't work. I started jumping in '97, then meet my future wife who did do a tandem but that was it - no more for her. We got married in 99 and I did my last jump in 99. Something never seemed right and I would always catch myself daydreaming at my desk or looking up at the sky with a vacant look on my face - a lot of my wife's friends thought I was being anti-social (I was just really concentrating on holding my slot but how do you tell that to someone who has no clue?) The marriage didn't last and we're in the middle of the divorce now. A couple of weeks ago, I went out to the first DZ I could find and did my recurrency dives. The first jump, after landing, I fell to my knees and cried - it felt so good to be back in the air, to be back in the company of people who really enjoy life and who have the addiction! If you can find a wuffo that "get's it" more power to you but I think those nuggets are few and far between. (as with anything however, those are just my opinions!)