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Posts posted by squirrel

  1. Quote

    Obviously forgot to use sell check.

    Agreed. I used a word in my original post that spell check would not catch, but "imrove?" Its not a word.

    Where is Darwin when you need him?

  2. looking to get a DVR or some type of recorder to record TV (we have direct TV). Direct TV wants $100 (deposit, but we still don't own the gear) plus a monthly charge. I prefer to buy items outright. Is there a stand alone device that can record using the Direct TV scheduler/program guide?

    Where is Darwin when you need him?

  3. Quote

    ... but you CAN be too connected in this day and age...

    absolutely 100% true. people not expect you to always answer the phone, or read a email/text immediately, and if you dont, there it something wrong with ... you. my wife and i shut off the phones at night, to avoid the useless jabber, work and non work related. i remember the good old days when you would be working outside, the phone would ring, and you would just continue on. and the caller would realize you were either not home, or simply busy...and not freak out.

    Where is Darwin when you need him?

  4. I read somewhere that the "return to the phillipines" was shot several times to get it "right." so, what does that tell you?

    Where is Darwin when you need him?

  5. i remember my 1974 stick shift honda civic geting 35 mpg while cruising at 90 mph. i really miss that car, so basic, so simple. hit a dear one night and rolled 3 times, car totalled.

    Where is Darwin when you need him?

  6. well, that does mean you will have to finish the bottle. no self righteous wine connoisseur would do other wise. (learned that in a wine tasting seminar) :)

    Where is Darwin when you need him?