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  1. Oracle and most other DBMS I have worked with uses more than one TCP connection between the client and the database. We all agree on this. According to the Oracle web site you need to use Session Multiplexing. This limits the connections to a single port. More than likely you firewall admin has only opened one port for your application to work with. I have run into the same problem with MS SQL sever and thats how we solved the problem. I'm sorry I dont know the exact command but I hope this gets you going in the right direction. Randy
  2. I hear you, the market is really bad for IT people these days with some exceptions. I have been layed off since mid July with little activity. Hang in there and network, talk to people. Right now its not what you know but who you know that will get you that interview. BTW, anyone out there that needs a IT project manager? Randy Jackson
  3. I have been jumping for a couple of years now and have had problems with my contacts a few times. If my goggles are not tight enough during a track, the goggles will lift and a lens will blow off my eye. I have gone to a full face helmet and haven't had any problems. Regardless if I'm waring goggles or my full face I always have a back up, either glasses or spare contacts The majority of the people I know that where glasses wear them under goggles. I only know one person that has perscription goggles. Good luck Randy