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Everything posted by Adriandavies

  1. Just out of curiosity but what type of rig have you been using in Oz? When I started doing AFF there I used what I think is called an SOS (front mounted rip cord for main deployment with a single cutaway/reserve rip cord mounted on the left hand side). A lot of Oz DZ's seem to use this system. At the time I didn't know anything different so when i went to jump back home I had a few changes to make. This may cause a bit of head scratching when you come to jump in the States as you will have to convert to some sort of BOC either with rip cord or throw out. If so you may have to do a check out jump with an instructor and you will have to re learn your emergency procedures! Its just a thought but it may help you get established more quickly.
  2. As I get older I get more responsibilities, the latest being a mortgage and a wife. I have life insurance to cover them both BUT my policy only covers death following a skydiving accident not any sort of permanent disability. Does anyone out there know about policies which cover a mortgage but which pay out during either circumstance. My current policy is a mortgage protection plan with Virgin Money. Alternatively does anyone know about health insurance policies which cover disability and will pay off a mortgage? Thanks. Adrian