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Posts posted by sid

  1. Quote

    No, but I can tell you they don't know jack about CQB(close quarters battle) by the way they moved into that compound---straight up amateurs;)

    Is this supposed to be a trailer for an upcoming show?

    and how the hell would you know... oh wait...nevermind :S

    just kiddin' Scott (honest)
    Pete Draper,

    Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

  2. Quote


    Its coming for you Billy.. its gonna sneak up on you

    What sucks for Billy is he won't even hear it coming.:P


    ouch! (Funny though, but OUCH!)
    Pete Draper,

    Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

  3. Quote

    I liked Chris' way of putting it a little better. Something about the flow of the words...


    Do you have ANY idea how much I love you rl?
    Pete Draper,

    Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

  4. Quote

    It works when I say "Pack that, bitch!";)

    umm to clarify - it works when you say "Pack that canopy bitch!"

    Feliz Navidad MoFo!
    Pete Draper,

    Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

  5. Quote

    I don't go to the movies, Peter. You're off the hook. I'm just bustin' your ass...because I can.


    My ass will always be yours rl! All you ever have to do is say "come over here bitch!"
    Pete Draper,

    Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

  6. RL I am SO sorry - it was spur of the moment. It WON'T happen again [:/] je suis desolee
    Pete Draper,

    Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

  7. This movie is laugh out loud fucking hilarious! Just got back from seeing it and I am still smiling "when did we get fucking ice cream?"

    Go see it!
    Pete Draper,

    Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

  8. Quote

    Is THIS PhotoShopped?

    No - dude - we were there, remember?:SB|
    Pete Draper,

    Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

  9. Quote

    Shannon Tweed aint a bad asset either .. :P

    to whom he has "been happily unmarried" for many years
    Pete Draper,

    Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

  10. Quote

    Gene took the title "Rockstar" to a new level and he's nailed over 4000 pieces of ass in the process. B|B| Those that don't like him are probably just jealous.

    Don't get me wrong! I am a huge Kiss/Simmons fan! Kiss ARE the American dream. Moderate Talent + Hard Work + Marketing made them superstars! Simmons was smart enough to recognize that Kiss was the sum of the band and refused to allow egos to ruin his pot'o'gold! The man is a genius (oh, and a whore ) :S
    Pete Draper,

    Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

  11. ... and my hero. Now he's hawking Miller Beer on tv ads. I swear that man will sell anything if the $$$ are right. I can just imagine the following conversation....

    Business Manager:"Gene, you'll never guess what they want you to promote now"
    Simmons: "How Much.....?"
    Business Manager: "but Gene... it's.."
    Simmons: "Are you deaf? I said how much?"

    God, I love that guy!
    Pete Draper,

    Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

  12. Quote


    went to a really bad Karaoke bar right afterwards

    So what did you sing?

    Cover of the Rolling Stone (Dr. Hook)
    Pete Draper,

    Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

  13. Spent last night watching WWE Raw in Daytona Beach, went to a really bad Karaoke bar right afterwards and then had a Waffle House breakfast on the drive home!

    Don't get much more redneck than that right there!
    Pete Draper,

    Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

  14. Quote

    I need a good song for some skydiving bloopers. I wanted to use Lets Go by Ramons but it's too short.

    Suggestions please :)

    "I'm the Man" Buck o'Nine
    Pete Draper,

    Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

  15. Quote

    I think I love you.

    HEY! HEY! Back off, and play with your free fly friends, rl is going to train ME! >:(
    Pete Draper,

    Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?