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Posts posted by linestretch

  1. Sorry, I was mistaken. The deal was the owner wanted the 8 year done early since it was going to be due in like 6 months. They said nope....gonna charge you for both....which is what ended up happening. It got it's 4 year...and then 6 months later (cuz I just pulled it out...yuppers, I said pulled it out) got it's 8 year. Still seems like a rip-off....but they hold the cards.
    my pics & stuff!

  2. Very funny I should see this because I have the same issues...and they are new. I contacted the manufacturor and was told it's the cad plating. After closer inspection, it does appear to be the plating but there are still some sharp raised edges that I don't like. I'm still waiting to hear back and no I won't post who makes them....not yet anyway.
    my pics & stuff!

  3. Too funny, I saw it too. Made me laugh. You could see a control tower in the background that obviously not in Perris. Also, the rig the guy was main, an old vector.....typical. And how they looked on the board to see that he was practicing for pulling lower and lower....from like 8k to 5k.
    my pics & stuff!

  4. Quote


    I don't pack rounds (the table is only a requirement for a certificated loft....I'm prett sure anyway),

    It still is required if packing rounds.
    See below:
    § 65.127 Facilities and equipment.
    No certificated parachute rigger may exercise the privileges of his certificate unless he has at least the following facilities and equipment available to him:

    (a) A smooth top table at least three feet wide by 40 feet long.

    (b) Suitable housing that is adequately heated, lighted, and ventilated for drying and airing parachutes.

    (c) Enough packing tools and other equipment to pack and maintain the types of parachutes that he services.

    (d) Adequate housing facilities to perform his duties and to protect his tools and equipment.

    [Doc. No. 1179, 27 FR 7973, Aug. 10, 1962, as amended by Amdt. 65–27, 47 FR 13316, Mar. 29, 1982]


    Thanx for the clarification. Then I can say that my floor which is wider than 3' and longer than 40' will do....right?
    my pics & stuff!

  5. I pack in the living room....plenty big enough. I don't pack rounds (the table is only a requirement for a certificated loft....I'm prett sure anyway), I have a line strung up across my living room (wall to wall) to hang canopies and do it every time, sewing supplies in a to the sewing maching that's in the corner, no special lighting, and I live w/ my son so he doesn't have a say about the space or riggin in front of the tube!

    works awesome for me.
    my pics & stuff!

  6. I gotta agree here. You should be COMPLETELY comfortable jumping w/ the video BEFORE you start using a still.....and more so before you start jumping a flash. Having said that, I've been using a 580 and use it all the time. It's heavy and adds to the many snag hazards...and the knowledge of understanding your camera. I love the effects you get. should be quite proficient at flying your body so you can get to where you want to be to take the shot....instead of just holding the switch and flying all over the place.
    my pics & stuff!

  7. Yuppers, he's still in bizness....and good luck. He's right down the road from me but I'll only go there if I ABSOLUTELY have to. Generally, you can get good deals w/ him. But man are there stories out there of people that have been the rig that was bought & assembled.....only to have it opened and it had a round reserve in it....not a square. Or him selling used cypres batts as new. Just go there knowing what you want and stick with it or he'll sucker you into buying a dolphin (not that there's anything wrong with them) and a hornet that says 'call ralphs' on it. 1-800-200-jump.....good luck.
    my pics & stuff!

  8. I thought it was very smooth as well....and the 3 teams per plane was nice as well. They did this in 2001 as well and I was surprised to see happen again. My only issue was the occasional backup w/ the video. At times, the line got pretty long. I went and packed and came back and just waited. It really wasn't that bad. All it all (for me) it was just another great experience!
    my pics & stuff!

  9. This was my 7th, so glad I made it (thanx Gordo!).

    I have a SHIT load of pics...mostly landings. Have a just might see yourself in there.
    (FYI...the thumbnails are 5 columns wide. If your screen is're missing a lot so scroll the fuck over)
    my pics & stuff!

  10. I chopped the one I had on backwards. And here's how it happened. A rigger removed the bagged canopy and stowed the risers in the bag. I watched him do it. I put the canopy on top of a locker. It sat there for a few days. Once the rig was repacked, I put the bagged canopy back on. opened very nicely but bass-ackwards. I'm pretty sure the bag was messed that the risers were swapped so when I put the bag down and hooked it up, the risers were on the opposite sides. There were no RSL rings to go by. There was no way I was gonna land it though I gave it a VERY quick "hmmmm, can I?". I did get it on video.
    my pics & stuff!