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Posts posted by mirage62

  1. Bill, Amazon and others......

    I get that you think it was a mistake to go there (I agree) what I don't get is WHY we are going back.

    You see you both argue greatly about how BUSH fucked up. It seems that pulling out all the troops was supported by the left (Nobody buys the argument that troops couldn't be left behind that studies that situation)

    Why the hell are we back? Obama promised to get us OUT of wars.

    Stick the "We broke it we bought it crap" all the administration had to do was NOT go back. Let ISIS run wild, big deal.

    Troops will die in Iraq soon.

    And most of the far left won't give a shit as long as they can figure out how to blame Bush.
    Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

  2. I know it's here SOMEWHERE, but wasn't the judges ruling suppose to out by the 22?

    Frankly I've become a little obsessed with this case. It has all the parts of a great story - depending on who's side your on.

    Local land owners rights abused by greedy business owner with aggressive customers......

    Business owner rights abused by a crazy vindictive person...

    I know which side I'm on :P

    Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

  3. Well I guess our legal eagles are playing it safe.... Wouldn't want to blow the call 😜

    Truthfully I can't wait, but if it goes MH way what realisticly can CCS DO? Kim doesn't strike me as the type that folds her tent and goes away and if she can keep enough donations coming in than it can be funded.

    You also have the elected guy who can cause problems. If I was MH I would pick and SUPPORT ($$$$) a candidate that has a more pro drop zone attitude.
    Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

  4. Reading both of these, looking at the cost of all this truly makes me believe that we need a loser pays for some law suits.

    I'd guess that a counter suit for cost isn't realitic, and KG may be able to raise enough money to bring another suit......

    Sad that someone like that can cause so much grif and $$. A shallow life it w appear.
    Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

  5. If you ever got to Skydive Atlanta and flew in there otter or King air you will see as close to perfect pattern and efficacy in climb as I have ever seen in jump planes. Trey the owner and sometime pilot trains his pilots to fly it right and increases the production of the airplanes. As a pilot it is very impressive and as a jumper I like the turns.
    Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

  6. I'm sure they can show flights that went over Kim's house in the past......so they better be able to explain why they didn't (if they didn't) on the day of the visits. I would guess they are trying to "prove" that what the judge heard and saw was not the norm?

    Any of you lawyer types know if this is normally allowed?
    Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

  7. I know you have a point, it seems that your qualifier is length in the hospital. I consider the hospital time as part of the equation. The mental damage is another, for me that makes any gun wound serious.
    Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

  8. Damn straight they were serious. Does it make you think they weren't serious just because they are still aren't in the hospital? I don't care your position on Ferguson, that's your right but man ANYTIME someone is shot it's serious.
    Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

  9. Quote

    It's not mine...

    Just why were the Brits there? I mean did our intelligence reports convince ya'll....or did your intelligence get it wrong to?
    Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

  10. Quote

    It sure looking like all of the other CBS news people in country at the time remember things a whole lot different than your humble bloviator.

    LOL, and THAT surprises you?
    Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

  11. Naaaa Bill YOUVE been around long enough to know how this works. The left gets caught with us pants down and they have to level the playing field.

    Fox, and Bill O'Reily, are often the target.

    I wonder often has Fox entrance into the market place forced the "traditional" news sources farther to the left than before Fox.

    Think about it.
    Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

  12. The point was that Atheist have killed will kill in the future. Just like Christians and it won't (and in fact normally isn't) religious based.

    Damn guys we sure are getting literal around here. :P

    Bottom line for me is that I don't care if you are Atheist....seriously. And when you are offended for legitimate "wrongs" by Christians I am sorry - or a society that has Christian principles.

    I don't even get upset with the snarky "invisible man in the sky" comments. Heck I don't even pray for your souls.

    But there is a lot of lumping all Christians into one group that goes on here. Just like lumping all Muslims is wrong so is that. Not all people of religion are Pro life....ect, ect.

    Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

  13. Quote

    Atheists haven't been murdering christians since the beginning of time.

    Well let's be fair here. Sure they have. There just aren't that many Atheists compared to Christians. The highest number I found was 4% (U.S. Population, Yahoo search) and others much lower. It seems a lot people don't care about religion but aren't ready to declare themselves as Atheist.

    But sure Atheist have been murdering Christians and the Christians have been murdering Atheist.
    Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little