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Posts posted by Waldschrat

  1. Many thanks for your quick answers. :)I have an older (but not too old)F111 33" PC at home.
    I think, i try this size for the first jumps and buy next week a slightly bigger.

  2. I bought a used second rig with a RavenIII 249ft^2 main.
    The Rig is a old PDF accuracy rig.

    It appears to me that the PC is too small, especially when i jump this rig with my wingsuits.

    The diameter is 58cm or 22,83"
    Material is ZP

    any opinions?

  3. Hello johan420....How is your fight going?
    I've heard this track and this words from Peter Gabriel and i must think, (realy don't know why....)on this Thread.

    "When I allow it to be it has no control over me,
    I own my fear so it doesn't own me"

    Peter Gabriel, Darkness

  4. Thanks for the responses

    Do you have riser inserts? Sounds like they would have helped with the cutaway.
    No Antitwist riser or retrofit hardhousings in the risers.
    If my head were pinned to my chest, and the canopy isn't flying perfectly straight and not reacting to harness input at all, I'm chopping. It's going to take too long, esp. if I can't move the twist to below the links and see which way I have to untwist.
    At the first time after the malfunction the canopy was turning slower and my head was not pinned totaly on my chest at this time. I don't give up to fast and so i see my chance.
    BTW, you can chop without unzipping.
    You seem to have a chest mount alti somewhere centered. With your head pinned down, you want either an alti on a wrist which you can swing into view, or one mounted to either side you can see past the nose of the helmet, or a different helmet. Now did you or did you not have a right arm belt mounted alti? If you can see that one, you don't need the other one, do you? Also, there's Eyeballs Mk. One.
    Again, sorry for my bad describing.....pictures in the attachment.
    The violent spin started after freeing your arms, when you went to the risers. What good would using wing cutaways do over unzipping?
    Maybe a little time, but after thinking i am agree with you.....marginal difference.

    You pulled at 3500'. Your Dytter was set for 3200m, 1900m, 1100m, which is roughly 10000'(why?), 6000' (why?), 3500'. Why not set it for separation, opening, hard deck? Could you please explain this? I really don't get it, and I think I would like to discuss.

    Speed and distance try, solo flight, chin to chest looking slightly backwards and i orientate on markant points.
    Flight Plan: Exit, turn right, beep, turn right, beep, turn right, beep, deployment altitude. (match with alti)
    Yes, I think I can follow you, and I don't necessarily agree with all your conclusions. There are other, in my not very humble opinion better, options. But I'm sure glad you're still here to talk about it.
    Which other conclusions?
    (I'd take this to PMs because I can just see the thread being kidnapped. Kidnappers, please constrain yourselves.)

    I doesn't think so.

    Regards H.

  5. Equipment: New Phantom WS, Springo160, right arm belt mounted, analog altimeter, Z1 full face helmet. , one dytter (3200m, 1900m, 1100m warnings)

    Experience: 140 WS flights

    .....after a uneventful WS flight, i pulled at 3500ft and experienced a hit in my back, my head was pulled on my chest, canopy was flying with a slow left spin.

    I decided to open my zippers quickly, after i unzip the second armwing and grab the risers over my neck, the canopy started spinning more violently (possible through shifting my gear) and all my efforts to untangled the line twists wasn't successful.

    I decided to chop but only after i take two hands to cut away, i was successful.
    ....short wild freefall, then i came belly to earth and deployed the reserve with a clean opening at 1450ft

    During the hole incident i couldn't see my chest mounted alti.

    conclusions: i wear a second alti at my wrist or GPS in height mode in future.
    i will immediately using my wing cutaways at problems without experiments.
    event. i buy another helmet with more visual field.

    Sorry for my bad english, anyhow i hope you guys could follow me.

  6. Quote

    it means use your chi (or qi, but mind you, not your Q.I., as intellect is often our enemy). It is a phenomenon well known in the internal martial arts: a small guy with skinny muscles will send flying a muscle builder, three times his/her weight. These people obviously don't use their muscle power (they have little of it), they rather use a formidable source of endless energy, they don't get tired and keep smiling achieving incredible performance. When applying this principle to our art, the problem comes from the fact that we must lock the joints and precisely this is what prevent chi from flowing, so Robi how about designing a new sail in which the pilot will not need to go into a rigor mortis state?

    Ninja wingsuit skills? :P

  7. ...about the hotel link on the "fly like a brick" website

    Now i am understanding, why the reception man asked me...if i want a champagner breakfest,: "..you take a reservation for a double-room with your friend....."


    ......The warm welcome....



    Bar – 24-Hour Front Desk – Garden – Terrace – Non-Smoking Rooms – Free Parking – Elevator – Heating – Gay Friendly – Breakfast Buffet

    I am little bit worried :o

  8. Quote


    Allows the law in belgium any stimulantia?

    Why do you think the monday in Amsterdam was sceduled:P

    So...to avoid the stimulants problem:)So you can add us to the list.

    We, that means my pale Oliver and me. We own both 2 suits mid-range/HP, but we have not so much flocking experience..
    Hans should know us from westerland/sylt

    Sadly it appears that my boss will cancel my long scheduled holiday.

    So i have to set priorities and will pack in my boring job, this week.

    So far, regards

  9. Quote


    From where is the air inflating, if you are flying on your back?

    In non-vented suits with ribs, its the tension on the wing, and the ribs inside that help form the profile. So no actual inflating of the wing is at work there..

    Its the mylar material pushing the wing in the correct shape.

    Yes, i understand, the only realy ribs value ;)
    ....but is the Blade backvented?

  10. Quote


    The hard ribs do hold the shape of the wings better, but there is no pressure inflation at all on the suits. The Blade on the other hand does have fantastic wing inflation when backflying.

    Be safe

    From where is the air inflating, if you are flying on your back?

    edit: Did you guys think my V1 could be equippet with backvents?