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Posts posted by Amazon

  1. jumpervali

    10 years ago I used to pay $5 a load or $50 a day which ever was greater at the end of the day. Not a lot of money but the fly time was the hidden bonus.

    That right there is the answer.... you get all those hours... for "free" that many parlay into better ratings and a real job with an airline.....

  2. I could fix that thing in a heartbeat.. but what for?? Its 4 feaking years old...

    opt for the new..... even if you get Win7 up.. you are still embracing old tech that will not run like a newer proc.. with more ram.... and the low end ones are cheap...

    If the OP has a real fondness for this particular computer.... put Redhat on it...

    but a new Convertible Tablet/slaptop HP with a touchscreen.. with 12 GB and a 1 TB was a whopping $649on sale at Costco.. I am very pleased with it. more so than my old I7 1 TB with 8 GB ram...17" Inspirion with a 3D LED and solid state drive.... it was big.. heavy and I gave it to a friend after I wiped it and put Win 10 on it for her and her kid.

  3. ryoder

    In 1965, Safer showed U.S. Marines torching a Vietnamese village with flame-throwers and Zippo lighters, while the villagers—men, women, and children—bitterly sobbed while their homes were set ablaze.
    President Lyndon Baines Johnson demanded Safer’s sacking for the report that exposed the truth about the war in Vietnam.
    “Your boys shat on the American flag,” LBJ fumed to CBS President Frank Stanton, adding that this obviously unpatriotic scoundrel was probably a Communist.
    Drawing on CBS News lore, 60 Minutes executive producer Jeff Fager recalled in an interview with The Daily Beast that when LBJ was informed that Safer was not a Commie, but simply a Canadian, the Leader of the Free World replied, “I knew there was something about him.”



    My step father was a cameraman for WBBM for 45 years and I got to meet some of the great icons over the years when I was young going to functions at the station.....Many of those people gone and others are leaving now. CBS had a group of really great journalists in those early days of Television. :(

  4. Coreeece

    ***I can't believe this has dragged on for this long...

    It's the "new game" thread. It's like playing russian roulette for a month without anyone blowing their head off. . .

    I am odd. I guess. I expect things in my life to work... when they don't it is time to replace them...
    Best to just pass the old non working stuff off instead of spending so much time and energy.....

    I do that more and more as time passes... Cutting away the dead wood makes for a much less complicated s life. Today I am cutting away a "friend" hate to do it but he has the worst case of ADHD I have ever seen in my life. Friendship is a two way street. The friendship got stuck on a one way street and I am taking an exit

  5. Mine are all stored away...nice and safe... ll the rounds we used at LP for water jumps.. lovingly dried out every year and stored in the back bedroom... Same with the belly warts.. till have a bunch of old squares and containers.... I should have a sale. seriously. Everyone wants them.. free of course.... not happenin... seen the price of that vintage stuff on eBay??

  6. JerryBaumchen

    Hi Robert,


    RIP: Morley Safer

    WOW!!! CBS News just did a one hour program on him this past Sunday.

    Jerry Baumchen

    I's tellin ya.. that retiring shit is lethal.

  7. BillyVance


    Turns out there was a known fault, identified and made known to the chain of command, but ignored. Go figure.

    If you were one of Hitler's stooges, would you really want to tell him it's not going to work? :o:P

    Breaking my rule.... but here goes....>:(


  8. FlyingRhenquest

    ******Hi, I'm new to skydiving and I'm doing some traveling around western and south western USA. California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah and New Mexico, and I was wonder where do you recommend to go or what is the best drop zone on this area. Thanks.

    Just go to Eloy AZ just south of Phoenix AZ off Interstate 10 headed south towards Tucson... they also have a rockin tunnel there too.
    Or their own website

    Doesn't it get up to about 8 million degrees there in July? Flying in that tunnel in the afternoon must be like flying in a blowtorch! Heh heh heh

    It IS really nice in December!

    Get up early..... jump your butt off till some dust devils start popping up anywhere out in the dusty desert.... go get some food in the café...then go chill in the pool till it starts to cool off and then jump your butt off till the sunset load.

    Done deal

  9. ivanestebanc

    Hi, I'm new to skydiving and I'm doing some traveling around western and south western USA. California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah and New Mexico, and I was wonder where do you recommend to go or what is the best drop zone on this area. Thanks.

    Just go to Eloy AZ just south of Phoenix AZ off Interstate 10 headed south towards Tucson... they also have a rockin tunnel there too.
    Or their own website

  10. oldwomanc6


    I got one of these PMs on this site. I was feeling neglected before this. :D

    "She" was my first. :)

    It seems to have stayed away.. I tend to skeer folks that way.. even wee little moderators.

  11. ryoder

    So, Nat, is this the kind of guy you are seeking?;)

    The guy on the right seems to have done well in life....;)

  12. mjosparky

    ***there's a lot of people moaning about "WEAK PLOT"

    It's POINT BREAK FFS, not Shakespere.:S:S:S

    The original plot was rubbish.
    It's an action movie. Stalones plots suck, Arnies plots suck, Stathams plots suck. die hard plots suck.

    They're not plot or character driven movies, they're ACTION FLICKS.


    Yea, what he said.

    Red Jumpsuits make you go VERY FAST!!!!!

  13. riggerrob


    After reading that study, I concluded that couch-potatoes are at greatest risk of weak bones.

    Even a little weight-bearing exercise (e.g. walking) improves bone density. After a basic walking program, additional exercises contribute little to bone density.

    I have not read thru this whole thing.. but what I did read I never saw a mention of DIET.... without the nutrients. no amount of exercise will strengthen those bones and you are in the same shape... welcome to cast after cast.
    Broken bones heal.... the idea is to strengthen those bones so it does not happen again. Stressing them can help but the DIET has to match up....:(

    Foods to eat

  14. GideonY

    Thank you for your answer, I hoped to hear the opinion from somebody who actually used Corcorans or similar jump boots.

    Actually there is a guy in our DZ who always wears his military service boots for fun jumps. Those are commando boots, they are not exactly jump boots, but quite similar. By the way this guy is a medical doctor, so I assume that he knows what he is doing. Since I started this "boot exploration" session a week ago, I still did not have a chance to catch him and ask his opinion directly.

    From what you wrote I understand that jump boots are not needed for landings on ram air canopies. Yet I have two questions which I hope you can answer based on your experience:

    1. Is there any increased difficulty to land properly on square canopy while wearing jump boots ?
    2. Are jump boots contribute anything to leg protection in the rare case when landing goes wrong ?

    1.) If you are coming in fast.... you may need to slide or run out the landing. running shoes are far better at that than something like my Corcorans that I had a cool set of Vibrams put on... ( I loved my Corcorans since I had broken them in REALLY well and I wanted to use them on rough terrain).. but under a ram air.. as others have said.. good grip is not something you really want.

    2.) Spotting is your friend... Learn to do it and you will alleviate a lot of any needed leg protection in off landing.. which still can happen to the best of us. I even had a big ole diamond back hit the upper side of the boots once... in Florida on a dumb ass load that I did not spot and had to do some significant hiking to get to a road. Choose who you jump with carefully.. even a square cannot overcome all cases of spotting dumbassery.

  15. GideonY

    Anybody have experience with military jump boots, like these

    (the picture attached)

    Are they providing significant protection for the leg ?

    I started jumping in 1972... I started jumping in jump boots and later in the military I jumped my Corcorans ( jump boots) at a time when many civilians were still jumping "French Jump Boots" Cute little padded things they were.

    We jumped rounds.... we pounded into the ground on every jump.

    We do not do that anymore, ram air canopies to not deliver you to the ground in that manner. Jump boots are not needed unless you intend to land with a very heavy load of equipment that you release below you on a lanyard and then ditch your parachute gear and go fight a war.

    Look around at your DZ and see what the experienced people are wearing and how they are accordingly.. I will stop there.

    ( Psst just in case you are thinking it... please don't..I am NOT a little itty bitty floaty butt. I have over 100 military jumps under rounds including C-9 canopies... A LOT of civilian jumps under ragged out surplus gear and many hundreds of jumps under Para Commanders and Papillion canopies. and I still have OEM landing gear without any of those fancy titanium after market parts that seem to be all the rage)

  16. MEGA like...on that.

    I have watched too many of my generation pass away... some ran away into the woods and came out years later a bit more reflective... the ones who survived their isolation. Others just turned into total wankers.. drugs.. alcoholics and some of those started dying early on in the 80's. Then there were those like some of the guys I worked with who survived the war but did not survive wasting away from Agent Orange, aircrew who had flown Ranchhand. there have been a LOT of vets who just rotted away from the inside from that crap.

  17. akarunway

    *** RIP Andy Grove

    Andy Grove, who fled from Nazi and Soviet oppression to become one of the most powerful business leaders in the global tech industry as the chairman and CEO of Intel, died Monday. He was 79. The cause of death was not reported, though Grove was a longtime sufferer of Parkinson's disease.
    Grove was the first hire at Intel, which was founded in 1968 by former employees of Fairchild Semiconductor. Grove joined on day one as the company's director of engineering, became Intel's president in 1979, and its CEO in 1987. He stepped aside as CEO when he developed prostate cancer, but he continued to serve as chairman of the board until 2004. During his leadership, Intel successfully transformed itself from a maker of memory chips to the world's largest manufacturer of semiconductors, growing revenue from $1.9 billion to $26 billion.

    "Steve, I don't give a [expletive] about Apple."

    That transformation, which Grove charted in two widely read management textbooks, earned him a reputation as one of the smartest thinkers in Silicon Valley and made Intel a rare company that continued to grow after dramatically altering its core business. Grove was idolized by some of tech's best-known leaders, including former Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who called him in 1997 to ask whether he should return to Apple. ("Steve, I don't give a [expletive] about Apple," came the response, according to Walter Isaacson's biography Steve Jobs.)

    Intell can suck my cock. Last time I flew to work on one of their projects I drug up after. Fuck them.

    Is that kind of action common at the Ronler Campus?? Was clean room attire required??

  18. JohnMitchell

    It sure looked photo shopped. :D

    Although many years ago there was a dad who built a small harness sack for his daughter and took her on a few jumps. That quietly faded away. :S

    Jumping when pregnant? I know that subject has been discussed to death, with very strong opinions on both sides. Vskydiver's OB told her "Do what you normally do. And I don't want to hear about it." :D

    4 healthy kids, all with bunches of prenatal jumps. B|

    I wonder if any more of them will become licensed skydivers... :)

  19. JohnMitchell

    Quite the chart. Sucks to see suicide so high. . . [:/]

    I know.... :(

    Anecdotally I have known way too many that opted out in that way. I wonder how many were Vietnam Vets... Those who died over there but did not realize it till many years later.[:/]

    It always seems harder for those of us who knew them in better times after they make that decision. It is particularly hard for those of us who find their lifeless remains >:(