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Dropzone Reviews posted by Sonicfreefly

  1. Did find a couple of visiting jumpers to hang out with for the short time I was there. For the most part, these seem to be the only people I could find with any decent social skills. Staff are very rude and abrupt. "Big fish in a small pond" attitude.
    The jump tickets are dirt cheap and if you can ignore the rude staff the loads turn quickly. I guess you get what you pay for.

  2. This is one of the best dropzones I've jumped at.
    The locals take you in like you are one of there family. No sky Gods.
    The Otter is the cleanest one I've seen to date that hauls jumpers. Had no problems getting on a load.
    The landing area is the largest and flattest grass landing area I've ever seen. The surrounding area has plenty of outs.
    The facilities are top notch and kept very clean.
    World class coaching available. I can go on and on, but if you are in the area I would highly recommend you drop by.