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Everything posted by iam

  1. I've seen something similar to what nac is describing albeit a bit more simple. The pc just replaced the top lining of the protec it was in. I tried it on and it was quite comfortable. There was no deployment system. The owner of the helmet hope that it may deploy itself it it was tumbling groundward. Dont kbow if it would ever work but the idea seems logical. Ian p.s. I've never seen a cutaway with a helmet attached to it, but would it not fall pretty slowly anyway due to the drag from the main canopy if it was still snagged? "Don't ever knock on deaths door, just ring the bell and run away - it really pisses him off"
  2. Thanks for all the help, I have now managed to get the file size down to 120 Mb by exporting it as a .wmv file. Not too much loss in quality either. The reason i wanted it on a disk is because some people I work with have shown interest in skydiving, and the easist way to show them some was on my pc at work. I normally export the final dv to tape. Ian. "Don't ever knock on deaths door, just ring the bell and run away - it really pisses him off"
  3. I would like to save about 10 mins of DV that i have edited with Premier 6.0 onto a cd. I done exported the footage as an avi file but found out later that the file was nearly 1Gb in size....arghhhhh. What is the best format to save some footage to cd. I know there is a trade off between quality and size, but i'm sure there must be some format that i can save to disk. I did try yo save it as an MPEG but the system keeps crashing. Please help Ian. "Don't ever knock on deaths door, just ring the bell and run away - it really pisses him off"
  4. hey ltdiver, sorry for thinking you were doing the skygod bit on me. Ian "Don't ever knock on deaths door, just ring the bell and run away - it really pisses him off"
  5. Thanks for all your help, sorry if you though it a silly question ltdiver. "Don't ever knock on deaths door, just ring the bell and run away - it really pisses him off"
  6. Any tips on how best to keep your eye on the subject. I have always been trained to keep spacially aware when in freefall, maybe this has sunk in too deep, but i'm having problems with looking all around me and at the ground and at my alti...all this equals crap videos. This may also sound a silly question, but do you experianced camera jumpers jump with one eye closed while looking through the sight.... thanks Ian "Don't ever knock on deaths door, just ring the bell and run away - it really pisses him off"
  7. Thanks Craig, i'll give it a try next time. Ian "Don't ever knock on deaths door, just ring the bell and run away - it really pisses him off"
  8. Yeah its a bit wide. I use a pc101. I may trim it a bit, but the extra width saves it from being bumped on doors and things. "Don't ever knock on deaths door, just ring the bell and run away - it really pisses him off"
  9. This is what I made up, i've supplied the drawing in both jpeg and autocad format. Its made from 2mm Aluminium. Works for me. Its attached to a "Da Bomb" helmet "Don't ever knock on deaths door, just ring the bell and run away - it really pisses him off" camera bracket.dwg
  10. I sent the following email twice to L&B in December 2002, as yet i'm still waiting on a reply. "Is it possible to record CReW jumps with the pro-track. I do quite a few crew jumps each year which are not being logged by the pro-track. If it cannot log these jumps, is there any manual method of altering the pro-track to add these jumps so as my pro-track and paper logbook have the same amount of jump numbers." Can anyone here help? Thanks Ian "Don't ever knock on deaths door, just ring the bell and run away - it really pisses him off"
  11. Duhhhhh..........sorry, but what are reversed risers. Thanks Ian "Don't ever knock on deaths door, just ring the bell and run away - it really pisses him off"
  12. The electra is not Hybris as far as I know. I jump one and it can be a bitch to pack. "Don't ever knock on deaths door, just ring the bell and run away - it really pisses him off"
  13. Has any one seen or used an Icarus jumpsuit from South Africa. I'm looking to get myself a camera suit and they are extremly competitively priced. http://www.icarus.co.za/jumpsuit.asp Just looking for opinions. Thanks Ian "Don't ever knock on deaths door, just ring the bell and run away - it really pisses him off"
  14. I'm in the middle making the mods to mine right now. It not too difficult, but take a lok at this website first..... http://eosdoc.com/manuals.asp?q=1000FN++ Good Luck, and let us know how you get on. Ian "Don't ever knock on deaths door, just ring the bell and run away - it really pisses him off"
  15. canuck, I have seen the same thing with my pc101. I set it to infinity, let it go into standby mode. When switched back on it sometimes does not have the infinity setting..........dont know how to fix it! "Don't ever knock on deaths door, just ring the bell and run away - it really pisses him off"
  16. Anyone know where I can buy a "camera condom" for my pc 101. Somewhere in the UK would be best. Cheers Ian "Don't ever knock on deaths door, just ring the bell and run away - it really pisses him off"
  17. Thanks a lot Alex......been scratching my head for ages on that one. "Don't ever knock on deaths door, just ring the bell and run away - it really pisses him off"
  18. I'm not sure if i will be able to explain this very well, but here goes. I have been playing around with Vegas and Studio editing software, and i would like to be able to play and render some of my footage in reverse, i.e. the jumper going back into the aircraft! Firstly...is it possible with this software, and secondly, if it is.....how??? Thanks Ian "Don't ever knock on deaths door, just ring the bell and run away - it really pisses him off"
  19. [(who's islander was it? They are all different)] It was Tiggs Islander down at Hinton.... By the way the cam-eye is in the post. Thanks. "Don't ever knock on deaths door, just ring the bell and run away - it really pisses him off"
  20. My camera is a pc-101 mounted on the left side. I went float from a left sided door on an islander. "Don't ever knock on deaths door, just ring the bell and run away - it really pisses him off"
  21. Thanks to everyone who answered my question, there is a lot to learn, and i'm at the very bottom of my learning curve. I did my first freefall camera jump on Saturday(I have already videoed CReW). And to be honest I was quite excited, on the way up i had my helmet on and of and on again and of again...and so on and so on.... checking everything was ok. You get the picture i'm sure. Done a final pin check, got my mate to turn my camera on, filmed him giving me the thumbs up, filmed getting in the door......then nothing until I turned it back on again when i landed. I thought I was turning the F****ng thing of. What happened ? As i said the camera was on when i exited onto the camera step, then for some reason it switched of. Could it have been the weather....it was -25 at altitude. Anyhow i've now jumped with a camera on my head and i really appreciate you guys taking the time to help. Ian "Don't ever knock on deaths door, just ring the bell and run away - it really pisses him off"
  22. This may be like asking "how long is a piece of string", but what speeds do the top swoopers achieve when landing. Cheers Ian "Don't ever knock on deaths door, just ring the bell and run away - it really pisses him off"
  23. Thanks Phree, thats the sort of stuff i'm looking for..... Ian "Don't ever knock on deaths door, just ring the bell and run away - it really pisses him off"
  24. When the snow stops falling and the temperature rises above -20 i'm hoping to start camera jumping with my new DV and Helmet. I was hoping that all you experts out there could start to compile a list/thread with all your favorite do's and dont's. This could cover anything from safety tips to rigging up a camera. Anything goes basically. Thanks in advance Ian. "Don't ever knock on deaths door, just ring the bell and run away - it really pisses him off"
  25. I have a sony pc101, and there is no way I could transfer video to computer on my usb. It was ok for stills. Invest in the firewire card, it works well and the editing can be entertaining if not time consuming if you want perfection. "Don't ever knock on deaths door, just ring the bell and run away - it really pisses him off"