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Everything posted by tinab

  1. I don't post here often but have to speak up as the atmosphere at LP has definitely changed over the past years. Years ago – I felt safe walking back to camp on my own. For the past 4 (or more) years – I’ve typically left the bar early to ensure I had someone to walk back with. Certain friends have been known to stay up way past their bedtime to make sure I get back to camp safely. I recall hearing about a girl getting assaulted a few years ago. That was the last year I had left the bar late & on my own. Drunk dude stopped me on the road.....I was able to point him towards the fire & was pretty alert as I walked back to camp. I know I would’ve been in trouble if this guy had tried anything. (I'm 5 ft nothing and not sure I could've screamed loud enough to be heard by anyone at the bonfire). The next year - we stopped at Albertson's on our way to the DZ - and the young girl at checkout saw our skydiving t-shirts and asked if this was THE party weekend.....she'd heard what a great party it was & knew someone who had rented a bus so they could go out for the party. Note - these were non-skydivers.....there were problems with fights & theft that year.....and the next year was the first where security was hired for the Saturday night. We just want our party back and to feel safe again. I've never felt threatened by a drunk skydiver - but the locals have either had me avoiding the bar or heading for bed really early. We even talked about switching the nights for the Cock Chorus & Crack Choir one year......and changing our traditions to throw off the locals is just wrong. I was there when the local in these pictures passed out......and everything Shell said about looking out for his welfare are true. Several people helped him to the rail & supported him when it looked like he was going to lose it......blankets were being located when his friends finally came to collect him.....and I heard they were back on the DZ a couple of days later for breakfast. I've been going to LP since 1996 - and if an incident like this helps to keep some of the local element away - then I'm OK with that. I'd like to feel safe enough to enjoy the party again. Tina B.
  2. Fred usually allows the 180-day for Canadians - as long as the rig was packed by a Canadian rigger.....but if you want to be safe - then contact the DZ to ensure they haven't changed their policy. Blue skies, Tina.
  3. Fly commercial!! I rode up in the Otter one year.....long flight, cramped with gear & no bathroom on board.....booked a commercial flight for the following year.