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Posts posted by NorrinRadd

  1. Nope. Not falling for it. You still have not answered: When was the last time you commented on this skydiving forum outside of Speakers Corner, and the very occasional appearance in Bonfire? The last time you commented in, say, general skydiving, or safety and training, or gear, or any of the disciplines?
    The only time you post here it is to belittle others, bait them, or try to make them seem foolish. Always people who have a political ideology opposite to you. Where is the skydiving? Sure... SC is here for discussion of fractious topics.. but it is still a skydiving site. You merely troll and push your right wing ideology.
    Say what you will. Your track record speaks for itself.
    Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

  2. Funny... I have read a couple posts now on the danger of drama involved in dating at DZ's. But that danger is present in ANY social circle. The danger of showing up at the same parties as ex's, the danger of seeing ex's with old friends.. this is not a danger endemic to DZ's. It is pretty much everywhere. It is part of the human condition.
    I guess what I am saying is live and love. Try not to foster drama, but don't live in fear of it either.
    Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

  3. Don't know why it took me this long to realize the veiled look at the use of drones in US covert missions, in Star Trek: Into Darkness.

    Admiral Marcus: "Mr Spock. You said the province Harrison is hiding in is uninhabited?"
    Spock: "Affirmative, sir."
    Admiral Marcus: "As part of our defensive strategy, 31 developed a new photon torpedo. Long range and untraceable, it would be invisible to Klingon sensors. I don't want you hurt, but I want him taken out. You park on the edge of the Neutral zone, you lock onto Harrison's position, and you fire and you kill him and you haul ass."
    Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

  4. oldwomanc6

    Hot tubbing when it's snowing is the best! Watching it swirl around as you get the occasional snow spray on your face. :)

    I think, maybe this year, a towel/robe warmer is what I want for Christmas. :)

    throw in some nice red wine, or a glass of single malt scotch, and the S/O, and you have described the perfect winter evening B|:)
    Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

  5. There are racists set against many races. There is no 'war against whites"... it is just a bunch of losers hating. A fringe group. Just as there are fringe lunatics hating blacks, jews, asians, so on and so forth. Your subject line makes it sound like this is some recently uncovered conspiracy.
    Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

  6. DougH

    Call me wrong, but I think you focus on your specific jumps objectives and skills better if you aren't already all filled up with preconceived notions because of stuff you self taught.

    I imagine that in some cases this might happen. I know that with my own progression.. because it has been so slow with so many setbacks, I have been learning as much as I can on my own. That said... I am prepared to throw it all away if any of it contradicts what my instructors are teaching me. In other words... I am getting a decent foundational understanding of the sport by linking up the ideas that are held most common... most agreed upon. When I go meet my instructor, though, I go there with a mind that is ready to listen and learn.
    Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

  7. Hot tubbing in the rain... love it! It just sucks having to leave for things like refreshing drinks, etc. Ever hot tub during the winter? That is really fun, too. Exits are even suckier, though...
    Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

  8. CanuckInUSA

    Some people are obsessed with becoming famous and/or the best, but I am not one of those people.

    Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

  9. You could move to Canada! Then you wont have to deal with USPA rules!
    But then again, Canada has very similar rules, and a similar governing body.. the CSPA, so you may not like it here either... Same with Britain, Australia... in fact pretty much everywhere that is in cahoots with the FAI. Weird how the whole world of skydiving pretty much seems to be in agreement about rules of safety...
    Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

  10. A friend was once a victim of human trafficking. She has talked to me about what life is like in places where prostitution is illegal... it is not good. Prostitutes are very often victims. When I see something like this, it makes me happy, because it empowers them. Even if it is only a little, it is better than the alternative.
    Here is my friend's site:
    Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

  11. If you are replaceable, then it means you would need to be replaced. Which means you are doing something that people find valuable.
    Also... live your life for yourself, first and foremost. Don't be unkind and selfish, but these are your years.. you gotta fill them with the stuff that you find valuable to yourself.
    Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

  12. I am only guessing here, but since prostitution is legal in Switzerland, I suppose having a clearly identifiable place where the regulators can check up on things, and where there are panic alarms for the sex workers to use, makes it more difficult for the pimps to move in. Not impossible, of course, but more difficult.
    Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

  13. Awesome! Nice to know about the panic alarm for the prostitutes... their job is rough enough.
    Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

  14. My lady is finishing off her master's degree... which means she has no money for things like skydiving at the moment. But she has told me sha has always wanted to try it, and she has been down tot he DZ twice with me now, and is getting more and more excited about it! So once she has that degree finished, one of the first things she will do is dive into the big blue sky. Perhaps by then my skill will be enough that I can precede her first tandem and maybe video it! Who knows.. a bit down the road. All I know is that sky is something I would really, really like to share with her.
    That said, I have told her.. and I mean it sincerely... I do not want her to feel pressured into it by me. She wants to do a first jump, and if she likes it, she will continue. But if it does not catch her fancy, I would never ever pressure her into doing something that is inherently dangerous like skydiving.
    Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?