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Posts posted by NorrinRadd

  1. BillyVance

    I remember one escape jump was done at Eloy some 15 years ago or so... Don't remember the guy's name, but he was handcuffed, then locked in a big bag which was then tied up and suspended inside a steel cage, with a lock on the cage door! He had to open the door, reach out to retrieve the chest-mounted parachute and attach it, then climb out and deploy. :S

    He made it, but not with a lot of time to spare.

    Yikes! The idea of it just makes me pucker up...
    I imagine the guy doing this stunt will have his escape all worked out well ahead of time, and on a timer. Still... if anything goes wrong...
    Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

  2. CanuckInUSA

    At least 2-3 of these 13 events occurred in Canada. Maybe more, who knows. It would be naive of Canadians to think that the US government isn't spying on Canada like they do in the US. The only difference between Canada and the US is that Canadian's heads split in two when we talk. Other than that, there is little difference. Mexico? That is another story. But up here in Alberta Canada (one of the few places where the economy is still doing reasonably well), I hear more Spanish being spoken on the streets than ever before. Obviously not as many Latinos here yet as in many US states, but they are coming. Of course as long as they are willing to work and not sponge off of the system, I have no problems with the Spanish speaking peeps.

    Relative to many countries, pretty much all of Canada is doing well economically.
    Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

  3. rwieder


    Talk about ignorant... go preach somewhere else.

    Your from Canada ya freaking canook, you go preach some where else. I don't appreciate your claims that these type of incidents are prevelant in the USA. Well, considering your climate in cnookada, I can see where it could happen more here than where you live. Talk about ignorant...go preach somewhere else Ya Jerk.

    What the hell? What are you talking about?
    Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

  4. Quote

    "It kind of falls in the same category as when an adult buys juveniles alcohol illegally. Some version of that situation may apply here," Ray said.

    Umm.. not even remotely. Buying minors drinks is illegal. Buying an adult is perfectly legal. Adults are allowed to drink. An adult is responsible for their own behaviour when drunk. She got 38 years for her own choice to drink and drive, a choice which killed two people. I think that is where it should end. Unless the guy was holding a gun to her head and forcing her to drink them, he should be left out of it.
    Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

  5. It occurs to me that there just may be some fire-fighters in this group. I myself am planning to take a pre-service fire-fighting course this fall at my local community college. It is a government endorsed program.
    I would like to know if any of you fire-fighters can offer me any words of advice on nailing a job (once I have finished the course). I am very fit, aside from a well-healing lower back issue. I am also 44 years old.
    Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

  6. Gravitymaster

    ************Good to see you have figured out why you need to self-medicate yourself. One day your worthless, pothead friends will figure it out too.

    It's good to see you never miss an opportunity to be nice.

    Do you lecture your own worthless, drunken friends about their pointless need to have a beer after work or a glass of wine with dinner?

    Projecting again I see. I don't hang out with Drunks or Potheads sorry.

    You don't hang out with anyone that drinks?

    Do you live with a puritan sect or do you simply not have any friends?

    I know this will come as a surprise to you, but not everyone who drinks is a drunk. However, everyone who smokes pot is a pothead. If you need an explanation of the difference, just ask and I'll break it down for you.
    Go ahead. Break it down. Because from where I stand it sounds an awful lot like you are just being judgmental.
    Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

  7. turtlespeed

    But you can't sensationalize it.

    You can't make money on lower amounts of extreme weather.

    It doesn't pay to not have global warming.

    Sure it does. It pays the big oil companies to keep us in the dark.
    Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

  8. I appreciate the advice. After doing some reading, I have been hearing some mixed results about inversion tables, too. My PT does some light traction for me, and I get a little swimming, too.
    Getting a PT and following her advice was the best decision I could have made, I think. My recovery has been amazing.

    Welcome to the sport! :)
    Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

  9. flyhi


    Andalusians, Thoroughbreds, the occasional Arabian, and a ton of Quarterhorses. Used to perform in a show doing stunts and dressage. Photo from more than ten years ago, with Precious, an Andalusian stallion. From when I was just starting at Medieval Times.

    You're going to be a freeflyer, aren't you?

    I was thinking about it, yeah...
    Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

  10. swisschris62

    How is "hippy sex" different then regular sex?
    I imagine the difference being an over abundance of hair ( in different regions) , maybe a little extra stink and....I don't know.
    Care to enlighten someone who has never been there?

    There definitely are hippies there, but there are plenty of non hippies too. And after a week of hot desert sun, dust, dance, and very little showering (desert), most folks are gettin a little ripe.
    Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

  11. DougH

    ***>No bartering tandems for hippy sex?

    Oh, you don't need to offer a tandem to get hippy sex at Burning Man.

    I am sure you don't, that was pretty tongue in cheek.

    I can see why you wouldn't want to do tandems there. Tricky landing conditions, hot windy, turbulent. Getting a 14k tandem rig ruined by nice alkaline dust. No pay off since everything is on the barter system.
    Gifting economy, not barter :)
    Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

  12. oldwomanc6

    ***If life is soo short why are you promoting an activity that will shorten it???


    I think the same could be said of every poster here (at least the ones who have actually skydived). :P

    Personally, I think it is a balancing act between a long life (and who doesn't want that?) and enjoying it. What good is it to live to be 100 if you didn't enjoy it along the way?

    It's been 30+ years since I had a Twinkie, but not because they're unhealthy, but because I wouldn't have enjoyed it.
    I cannot say I really ever felt a draw to twinkies. But I do indulge in poutine on a semi-regular basis, and that stuff just CAN'T be much better for you than a twinkie. But man... soooo goood.... like gravy smothered, cheesy crack...
    Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

  13. Amazon

    ******Guess it's true what they say about the Frenchies,,they hate us Americans..eventhough we bailed you out during WWII.
    Ahhh,,it's awesome living on the top B|

    And if it were not for the French, the US would still be a Commonwealth colony :)
    Don't bet on it... It would have taken longer but the colonies had been rendered ungovernable by and from England. The internal civil war between those who wished to remain British subjects and those who wished to determine their own destinies.. no matter how bitter the atrocities was not going so well for the boot licking loyalists in many of the colonies.

    If it was not for Benedict Arnold.... you wouldnt be stuck in the CommonWealth.

    What is the point of having a perfectly good if poorly executed policy like Manifest Destiny.... That was such a failure... just think of how many immigration issues would have been solved if it had actually been carried out. No Mexico... no Banana Republics, No Canukistan.;)

    The Brits were more interested in India and the West Indies.. where the REAL money makers for the Crown were.
    That is possible! But it is more likely the attempt would not have been made. Independence was not attempted until the US determined that they did in fact have the support of the French.
    Either way, it seems to me that the US and the French should be a lot friendlier to each other. They have both helped each other out when it really counted.
    Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

  14. Wish I could say whether I liked em or not. But I honestly have never had one. Not even one. My folks did not buy pre-processed food ever as I grew up (my candy experience was solely from Halloween), and as an adult the ingredients list just kinda freaks me out.
    Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

  15. Rick

    ************Guess it's true what they say about the Frenchies,,they hate us Americans..eventhough we bailed you out during WWII.
    Ahhh,,it's awesome living on the top B|

    And if it were not for the French, the US would still be a Commonwealth colony :)
    I see what you did there!;)
    Yep. Bring up a point of history many Americans seem to forget ;)

    hey we'll make up our own version thank you very much :P
    Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

  16. GooniesKid

    Ahh, the Burning Man extravaganza event.

    Been there. It's like a poor-man's version of a rave but very dusty.
    I'd rather bungee jump with the bungee attached to my testicle than endure Burning Man again.

    Not for everyone, that is true. Sorry you had a bad experience. I would rather think of it is a collection of the craziest creative minds ever. And definitely not a poor man's rave... at $380 per ticket, plus flight there, plus supplies... yeah. I look at around $1200 to go.
    Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

  17. billvon

    >Has anyone here done this?

    Yes, two years ago.

    >Were you involved with the Burning Sky theme camp?

    Yes, everyone who jumps there has to work at the camp.

    >What were your experiences like?

    Great people and a lot of fun. However don't expect to get a lot of jumps in. Conditions are terrible - hot, windy, and the playa dust does not come out of gear. Bring extra closing loops because you will have to extend it several times to deal with the several pounds of dust your main will pick up.

    The goal is to do this. Your photos make me feel rather excited. No BM this year... money is tight. But next year...
    Ty for the advice, too! That dust gets into everything. Everywhere. For months. Worse than glitter.
    Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

  18. GooniesKid

    ******Guess it's true what they say about the Frenchies,,they hate us Americans..eventhough we bailed you out during WWII.
    Ahhh,,it's awesome living on the top B|

    And if it were not for the French, the US would still be a Commonwealth colony :)
    I see what you did there!;)
    Yep. Bring up a point of history many Americans seem to forget ;)
    Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?