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  1. I had the 5th line mod done to my vtec 285 recently, and have done only a hand full of slider down and slider up jumps. Nothing to report so far - Norway in early June so more slider up - will keep you posted..... BASE 802
  2. EddyS


    When a few of us bought Bullet-cams from www.rfconcepts.co.uk we had a load of ideas of how to remote them at the exit point or beneath as well as the options for mounting on the body or within the canopy. They come with a 2m cable, but you can get a lead of over 20m (which I did). I even considered attaching it to the bottom skin of my canopy and packing it, to get the opening shot from there looking down! I haven't yet tried this..... I guess the McConkey angle form the canopy back at the jumper might be interesting and less of a rigging issue... but a McConkey is way down the line for me. BASE 802
  3. EddyS


    These are way cool - but could they keep up? BASE 802
  4. EddyS


    Yeah, the harness gave it away for me not the canopy. I understand that McConkeys originated on a paraglider . BASE 802
  5. EddyS

    PC Stow

    Yes mate - only because I don't know. That said you've seen me perform? And despite not being able to see your hand in fornt of your face at the exit, I think I made an impression with my off heading? BASE 802
  6. Initially I didn't tell my folks (my gf was involved from the start - as get-away driver!) Initially she was cool with it - it was early days in our relationship, over time she is no longer keen, can't come on our beautiful European trips and watch, but accepts it's what I do. On the folks front - I wrote a letter and distributed it, like Mac, despite them understanding my passion for skydiving I felt they would need/want to blame my best friend should something happen to me, because they knew he was into BASE and it would be an obvious link - as it happens he's my mentor, so perhaps the emotional link there is something to consider..... Max? Later I decided that hiding it was almost as selfish as doing it, and so I visited and told my folks. Starting the 1st sentence was almost as hard as getting off my first object! Probably because I felt I had been deceiveing them for a while already. Their response was sooooooo cool. The asked sensible questions - I guess based on an understanding of skydiving that I never really credited them with. What a relief. Of course they worry, but as my letter says "To those that worry for me, this may be considered a selfish path, but I hope they can understand that I wouldn’t be me without the option and ability to follow this route." Take care BASE 802
  7. EddyS

    PC Stow

    Mac, I believe I have watched the same jumps and footage that Neil refers to, and agree whole heartedly that it "appeared" to take longer with a 46. I get the impression though, that your intial conversations about this are with the same people that Neil and I discussed it with, and therefore you maybe still only be one (or one committee) opinion forward with this. Might be worth confirming that you are getting "different" views/opinions?..... Out of interest, are you doing this to "get it done", or because it's needed? Is there no-where else you can "get it done" that would afford you the opportunity to try the 46 v's the 42 theory, not need to do a 1 sec etc? Neil and I are of a similar opinion when it comes to going stowed - we'd do it lower than our personal hard deck only if "needed", never "just because".... Stay safe BASE 802
  8. EddyS


    So Mr Bill McConkey PCA is the next challenge?! Can't wait for that footage..... BASE 802
  9. EddyS


    I think the shot of a guy PCA-ing another as his canopy opens is a straight 2 way - not a Mr Bill/McConkey combo. They just run together on the video?.... BASE 802
  10. But they aren't there.... There have been 2 further Dead Air Dummies videos compiled - but distribution has been restircted due to commercial interest. Watch this space BASE 802
  11. EddyS

    What's in a number?

    Thanks to everyone for their perspective, support and congratulations. Peace be with you BASE 802
  12. EddyS

    What's in a number?

    Exactly my thought and feeling along the way. Hence it not being a mission. - but it is sweet to complete the 4 BASE 802
  13. EddyS

    What's in a number?

    PS - Got it on my 69th jump. A 69 I'll not forget in a hurry BASE 802
  14. EddyS

    What's in a number?

    Getting each of the four object types jumped as soon as possible and registering for my number was never a "mission" for me. Not something I was desperate to complete. However, I very quickly only needed a B to join the list, and my mentor told me that "buildings come along", so I was happy to wait. Having nailed my first B recently I wrote my letter and waited the prescribed 4 weeks for processing - a very fair way to deal with things IMHO. And so my number may not be that memorable to anyone but myself - or mean that much to anyone outside our circle, but I am very proud to join the 801 on the list before me (especially #475 my mentor) and all those to follow (especially #803 my study buddy - with me every step of the way). So I just wanted to thank you all for despite BASE being the most selfish act I commit (almost ) it is the community and camaraderie of BASE jumpers that makes 802 mean what it does to me. #802 BASE 802