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Dropzone Reviews posted by blueblur

  1. Jumped 11/14/2012 (two weeks before the last review...) This was my second tandem and my wife's first (she's hooked now, I already was...). We had great tandem instructors, mine was a tall lanky guy with over 10k jumps and he was only 34! Good ground schooling and facilities (not high level big-city stuff, it's Hawaii, if you aren't familiar with the local living style, this fit in). We did some pretty good maneuvers in the air, head down flying and some flips and spins. Unlike the previous reviewer, my tandem guy offered and really tried to talk me into starting my A license with them! Told me I could get through ground school in half a day. Only reason I passed was I had an appointment to spend a grand on a tattoo two days later. I had none of the attitude or issues previously mentioned!

    All in all, a great experience and I will definitely be jumping solo there after my A is done!