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    South Africa

Everything posted by Administrator

  1. Skydive Venezuela
  2. Skydivevenezuela - Practicas para el Record Nacional
  3. Jumps with Claudião of Fly Factory Freefly Shcool. Free Fly Rocks! Blue Skies
  4. Skydivevenezuela - Higuerote
  5. Miss Ann flew all the way from Michigan to challenge her freefly skills with some spaceball coaching. She did really well!
  6. My 100th skydive. 6 way at Zhills 5/5/08. Funneled the exit. My bad. Completed first formation. Half sank out when we split and tried to spin. Still a LOT of fun. OH, and someone forgot I was pulling in place! VERY close call.
  7. Administrator

    My 1st Skydive

    My very first skydive. Friday the 13th, 2007. What could possibly go wrong? Nothing actually, everything went well. Thanks to Sally Hathaway, Paul Meagher, and Bill Brandon. You too Bob.
  8. Just playing around with video editing program. Footage from my first 10 camera jumps. Have fun.
  9. Three of us out of a helecopter at 5000 ft.
  10. Administrator
  12. Saltos BASE en Brasil
  14. Saltos de alumnos paracaidistas
  15. Video done by David P. Smith What's so funny is that after I landed, I thought I did bad...and when I walked in my instructor was like "were you on the same skydive as me??" I passed!! It was awesome!! Amy Demien completes AFF Level 3.
  16. Description of skydiving and flying a parachute
  17. Aff Skydive Level 6 and 7 camera Birky from the...
  18. My Level 1 AFF Jump
  19. AEROS Team in Elbrus Region
  20. Segundo salto VF2
  21. Tercer Salto VF2
  22. Cuarto salto de paracaidismo en formacion de dos
  23. 2 months in mountains with speed-gliders.
  24. My 1st mr.bill with phil over the skies of austin, tx. I was so exhausted from hanging on the strut for so long and the exit that I couldn't pull myself up to stand on his shoulders. was a blast though