
Looking to buy new altimeter

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The Altimaster Galaxy, made by Alti-2, is awesome, and the company has amazing customer service and a sweet lifetime warranty on their products. Price: around $150.

Oh, and it now comes with a glow-in-the-dark face, for night jumps (and extra cool-factor).

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Which are the best?

Get thee to a gear store and try a few on your hand. The best one is the one that you like the best. They're all going to do what you want them to do....

I jump a Robnyk Sapphire alti. One of the lowest priced altis out there, works great, has a larger face than some other wristmount altis and I prefer the mount on it over the type on the Alti 3 Galaxy and FT50. Downsides - plastic case, manufactured outside the US, sometimes "off" by a couple hundred feet at altitude when compared to other altis in the plane.

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You will have a nuber of choices. There is another thread going on in this forum onthe Evolution I altimeter.


I have not seeen one yet but have been talking with them via E-mail as well as getting some opinions from other people. Taking both of these into account they seem to offer a great altimeter. I am ordering one and will put up a review when I get it but so far the information I have received and the great response from the company is making me very comfortable with buying one. Besides getting a personalized altimeter face is not a bad deal either!

Good luck in getting an altimeter!

Scott C.
"He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"

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