
Seminar for Beginners: CReW

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September 24-26
Skydive Carolina (Chester, SC)
Organized by Frank Fowler

If you're a jumper who would like to try out CReW and learn the basics, come on over and spend the weekend with us. Details about this camp are online... and you can sign up for the seminar online as well. Just go to this web address for info and registration:

If you're an experienced CReW Dog who'd like to help coach some new folks, you're welcome to participate as well. Please visit the web page that's listed above and sign up using the online form.

Chris Warnock

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Experienced CRW Dogs are highly encouraged to attend and join in with us and /or do some great fun jumps with each other!

Would really like to see if we can keep the Otter full of CRW for the weekend.

Last weekend was a great beginner camp especially focusing on the collegiate group at CSS, was a great success and made quite enjoyable by both the talent of the newbies that attended along with a few CRW Dog buddies joining in the mix and giving special attention to the camp!

Great dives were made and several awards (4-stack) were earned, lots of smiles and CRW fellowship all weekend!

Let's make the next one an even greater success! Go to the Skydive Carolina site and check out the details!

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Im working on making it up there guys.

Long drive from Orlando.

We will see.

Anyone else in the central Fl area thinking of going?


no, but i'm thinking bout coming down from new jersey....

crw skies,
"Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone
"The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote)
"The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM

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Check-in for CRW Camp begins at 5:00PM Friday with the classroom session at 6:00PM so if you arrive mid-afternoon you'll have time to do the waiver thing, make a fun jump, get settled, etc!

If you are not going to be able to make the Friday session --Circle up at 7:00AM Saturday AM

If you haven't done so yet, go ahead and use the sign-up form on the Skydive Carolina site. If you have signed-up already and /or have emailed me directly you are all set.

Look forward to seeing everyone, we have a strong attendance for this camp and additional experienced CRW Dogs coming to support the group too.

See you all soon and take care,

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