
Hip rings for freeflying?

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Everyone I know with hip rings who sit flies has to tie their leg straps together to keep them from falling off. My current rig doesn't have any articulation but I'm getting a new one and trying to decide whether it's worth it. Any thoughts on why/why not hip rings for freeflying?

It's the Year of the Dragon.

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By looking at your profile, you seem to be a rather small girl. The problem of leg straps sliding down isn't really due to hip rings but usually because a rig doesn't fit custom enough or with small girls. No rig fits a small girl really perfect, even if it is custom and girls usually have trouble with the leg straps now and again so they tie them together. Hip rings may induce this problem a little more because of the added flexibility they provide. But I tend to think you will see the problem once in awhile whether you have rings or not so I would get the rings just for added comfort. I personally have rings and have never had my leg straps slide down, but I am also 6 foot one inches tall and have a longer torso which I believe is the key. With smaller girls, I just don't think rigs will fit in this way to keep the leg straps in place all the time. But if you are getting a custom fit rig, you should not have too much of that problem. Hope that helps!:)

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Hi :)
While I agree that the need for a bungee doesn't really have much to do with whether the harness has rings or not -

- I do have to disagree that custom rigs don't really fit small girls. My rig fits me PERFECTLY. (I took pictures of me wearing the smallest rig I could I find - and showing the areas where it was still too big!) :)
Either way, the origin of those bungees does lie in keeping the legstraps in place - whether the harness is articulated or not, whether your rig fits or not. Just a bit of added security, if you will.

Also, sometimes for really small girls - hip rings are more uncomfortable. When you've got alot going on in a small space (3-rings, chest strap, handles, rings) and they're all up against each other, sometimes the hip rings bump and rub your hip bones. I would try out as much as possible before deciding - rings are a comfort issue, not so much a safety (bungee) issue.

Chris mentioned he is 6'1" - he's got some wiggle room in the torso area that you (possibly) and I do not. ;)

edited: Rereading again, if your rig doesn't fit perfectly, be SURE to get the bungee, it is absolutely a safety issue in that case. Although I recommend having one either way. Your rigger can sew a loop on either side of the straps at your butt and attach a bungee there permanently - match your rig - no hassles. :)

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Hmm... yes, as a "really small girl" I get told a lot that things "generally won't fit me, ever". That has included RW (I'd have to wear too many weights to fall "normally") as well as jumpsuits. One time a guy at a gear store told me that there is no such thing as a tighter freefly jumpsuit for someone my size... that I would just have to learn to fly in a stand all the time. hee hee. ;) Of course, neither of these things is true, and I don't think it's true of rigs either, although of course there are issues around squeezing lots of stuff into a smaller space.

I guess you have both answered my question... I have personally never needed a bungee on my current rig, which is not articulated but is slightly too big (bought used). I think I'll give them a try as long as there are bungees in the world. I do like the extra comfort on other people's rigs that I've tried.
It's the Year of the Dragon.

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The hip rings are BOMB! Get them for sure, you won't regret it.

They do not contribute to the leg straps sliding down, that's mainly a fit issue... plus your body position in a sit sorta lends itself to this problem.

My leg straps fit quite nicely and didn't slide too too much but I've got them strapped together for good measure, it's not a bad idea.

I'd hate to have a premature in sit with my legstraps even part-way down my thighs :S

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Dude, if you get your married butt out to the DZ on Sunday morning we are! I ordered the Unisyn harness, hip and chest rings, by the way...

Edited to add: It's a Mirage MXS and no matter what, it's gonna be more comfy than the rig I'm jumping now...
It's the Year of the Dragon.

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Well, I fly a Voodoo and have absolutely no need to bungee my leg straps together as the rig fits perfectly and the leg straps stay in place. Voodoos are fully articulated and are geared towards freeflying. Might want to keep that in mind...


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Cool, dude. Voodoos are very nice--might have considered buying one had I not had a big phat discount on a Mirage. I think it's more about fit than anything else, judging by my experience and what people here have said.

Blue ones--T
It's the Year of the Dragon.

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