
Peregrine vs. TandemVids?

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The DZ were I work is looking at programs to simplify tandemvideo editing. I've found two programs:



Based on the videos above i favor Peregrine because it seems to be more dynamic if you (for some reason) break your usual pattern. Would be great if any TandemVids user out there can tell me how this can be solved in tandemvids, what happens if there is one less or one extra clip?

Also looks like Peregrine doesn't need vegas in the background AND can spread the work over multipel computers.

The only problem is that Peregrine is not said to support PAL. Have had a few talks with Bill and sent him some testfiles but no answer in a good long while. Should i keep bugging terminal concepts about PAL or go for TandemVids?

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Both of the systems you mention require Sony Vegas.
Both of them *should* support PAL because Vegas doesn't care.
The original system (Production Assistant) offers PAL or NTSC, is tech-supported 24/7 by Sony, was developed for televisionl broadcast by skydivers.

They're all three essentially the same things, so figure what you want to spend and what sort of tech support options you want, you'll be happy with any of the three as far as how they work.

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i've never used Peregine, but in TandemVids its easy to drop an extra clip (for example if your instructor has bumped his record button etc). If there is not enough clips i just usually do a clip duplicate, trim out the end of the 1st clip, and then trim the start of the 2nd... Easy to do if its a simple scenery shot etc. Very simple and quick once you are aware of how you can manipulate things...

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