
need to upgrade still camera

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Are you a fun jumper, or a video guy for a DZ. How often will you be using it? What are you using now? What do you mean by "mid range?"

You can get good Canon New SLR's for the $500 range with the kit lens.


By Canon SLR standards it is not "mid range" but in my experience it will take fantastic photos and the photographer will usually be the weakest link in that system (meaning spending more on a higher model will probably not get you any better photos).

I bought that same camera for skydiving, and also use it as a 2ndary camera when I am doing paid shoots/events. If you do your part, and use decent glass... it takes pictures that are as good as the D cameras I have.

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I agree that any Canon Rebel will do the job. You can go even cheaper and get used. The best thing in the 'non-dslr' category would be the Canon G11 or G12, but for the price, you may as well buy a DSLR if you want the option of multiple lenses.

Orrrr, put a gopro on timelapse. :p

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