
Help with importing audio tracks on Sony Movie Studio

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I recently had problems with my Sony Movie Studio crashing so I decided to re-install it. After the installation I tried to import some clips and they import without the audio track.

I have played the clips using windows media player and the audio is there. I also re-installed Architect (the accompanying DVD authoring software).

Additionally, I imported a couple files from a friend's go pro HD and it imported the audio tracks just fine.

Any help appreciated.
Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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what is the source of the clips that import without sound?
If they're copy-protected files, for example, they'll import image, no audio.
Where did the clips with no sound come from?

Thanks for the reply, Eagle. These were clips shot with my CX-100 at the recent FLCPA swoop comp at The Farm. I also tried to import some older clips (also from that camera) and they also had no audio.

Just as a test, I imported an .avi file and the audio imported just fine.
Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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when you reinstalled, did you re-register?
Also, did you install DVD Architect AFTER VMS? Architect carries the MPEG decoder you need, so it needs to come after VMS install.

I did register both programs after the re-install. Not sure about re-installing DVD Arch before or after VMS, as I re-installed VMS and then read online about re-installing DVD Arch, but did a second re-install of VMS after it still didn't work.

Do I hear you suggesting I uninstall and re-install both programs, re-installing VMS first?
Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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Although it's a PITA,
I'd recommend uninstalling both, reinstalling;
then DVD Architect.

BTW, if you've downloaded any codec packages such as KLite or similar, this can take over the NLE's ability to properly decode MPEG streams... Be careful about downloading video codecs/video tools when dealing with standard NLE software...

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Although it's a PITA,
I'd recommend uninstalling both, reinstalling;
then DVD Architect.

BTW, if you've downloaded any codec packages such as KLite or similar, this can take over the NLE's ability to properly decode MPEG streams... Be careful about downloading video codecs/video tools when dealing with standard NLE software...

Thanks - I'll do that. As far as codecs, I haven't downloaded any. I don't even know what they are.
Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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I had the same problem a while back.

After being accused of using a bootleg version of Vegas by somebody on the forum, which I don't, I did a search on google and was able to download a free codec that solved the problem.

Hope that helps.


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There are generally two reasons why an MPEG decoder in Vegas, Canopus, or Adobe Premiere Elements fail:
~bootleg copies (the MPEG decoder isn't part of the package)
~Failure to install either the authorized codec pack (which comes with DVD Architect or DVDCreate)

Installing third-party codec packs should never be necessary for any of the above mentioned NLE systems.
If you have Vegas Movie Studio 9, then an upgrade (free) is required to update to VMS9a, which has the proper decoder for MPEG audio.

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There are generally two reasons why an MPEG decoder in Vegas, Canopus, or Adobe Premiere Elements fail:
~bootleg copies (the MPEG decoder isn't part of the package)
~Failure to install either the authorized codec pack (which comes with DVD Architect or DVDCreate)

Installing third-party codec packs should never be necessary for any of the above mentioned NLE systems.
If you have Vegas Movie Studio 9, then an upgrade (free) is required to update to VMS9a, which has the proper decoder for MPEG audio.

Damn. Did a complete uninstall/renistall of VMS and DVD Arc, re-registered then both, opened both programs. Still no audio.

I also tried the instructions on this link, which sounded like my problem. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ux9_ZoY4T_g

It also failed to fix anything.

Any suggestions?
Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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