
Issue with CX115 + royal .3

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Hi All,

I bought a CX115 at the weekend, when i put on my royal .3 lens and set the focus i can see the corners of the step up ring int the picture. Am I doing something wrong with the settings?

I'm thinking of getting a raynow .43 for filming tandems. Will i have the same issue?

Thanks in advance,


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The CX series are more wide at full width than their PC counterparts were (generally speaking). So no...you're not doing anything "wrong." You're just using a wider focal width and the stepup ring is gonna extend the FOV to include the edges of the lens. not much you can do about it save it be to go to a proper lens or zoom past the ring.

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Somewhere on here in my thousands of posts, there is a link to lens comparisons on a CX.
you'll be happy with the Century .55, .5, Raynox 3032, Century BAby Death, Opteka .3...I'm forgetting a few.
Most of them will need a 30-37 stepup, but a couple will need 30-43 step up.

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I have the old cx100 With the Raynox 5050 hd pro.

I did a comparsion test of the century .55x the century .5x and the Raynox that I have today.
I was filmed the same thing for 10" with the three lenses.
The result was nothing different than my Ranox 5050.
Except the colors (better on century lenses )and the century .5 HD was a bit wider than my Raynox.
I see the videos on a 46" FULL HD 100hz tv.
So I decide to go for the century .55x because of the size.
It is very small and light and I didn't noticed any different in image quality at all..I saw the videos to another 4 people and they have the same opinion.
So, ther is no reason to buy something bigger and more expensive than the Century .55x.

I dodn't know how can I upload an image to see the lens but here is a link to see it..


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