
How to get video back to memory stick from computer to camera

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We are taking video from sony cameras and storing the mts files from the memory stick on the computer, and using sony vegas platinum. once the files are on the computer and the card is reformatted, how can you send the files back to the card so the camera can recognize them to do a photo capture?

Camera is a cx 12

We understand how to do screenshots from the computer but the quality is low, and is best done from the camera itself. suggestions?

Thank you.

No Drogue, no JUMP!!

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You can't.
You can store rendered mp2 files and AVCHD files in the MP_ROOT and STREAM folders, but if they've been touched, the camera won't play them.
You can store images in the DCIM folder (assuming you've not messed with the file structure) and the camera will SOMETIMES display them.
the Index structure of the AVCHD system is very, very particular about what it shows/plays.

All that said, i'm assuming what you want to do is write the files back to the card to play movies?
The card can be used as a storage/Xfer medium from computer to computer without the camcorder in the flow.

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Thank you for the info. We are trying to get the video back on the camera to use the photo capture feature. to create stills from a skydiving video.

is there a way in sony vegas to get higher quality screen shots from the video once it is on the computer that would deliver higher quality still photos? (not the small thumbnail sized photos).

thank you again.

No Drogue, no JUMP!!

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once its shot/recorded, it's compressed to its max size (1920 x 1080)
Grabbing stills in camera or grabbing stills in Vegas...same thing/result.
Set your preview in Vegas to BEST/FULL and hit the "Capture Snapsnot" icon in the preview window. This will give you MUCH greater flexibility than grabbing stills from the camera.

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the Index structure of the AVCHD system is very, very particular about what it shows/plays.

DSE, I messed up by erasing the CX100 files directly from a PC instead of with camcorder. Now I can no longer Log-and-transfer into FCP - probably due to messing up the index file.
I then copied all the files from the memory stick to a PC for a backup and reformatted the whole stick using the CX100.
Now, since everything is reset, FCP can read the stick from a memory reader.
I really need to get the backed up MTS file back into the stick so I can log-and-transfer into FCP. Is there a way? Simply copying to the stick, both matching files in "CLIPINF" and "STREAM" directories does not work.
I rather not use Handbrake since I like dealing with Apple's ProRes files converted directly from MTS during the log-and-transfer process.


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Format the card in the camera, and all files should log/transfer correctly. Each time you reformat, all of the AVCHD cams rebuild the directory structure.

Yes, but I need to put the PC backed up files back into the memory stick, so I can play it back on the camcorder, and so I can import into FCP. Can this be done? Thank you.

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Well... it sounds like you can't put the files back on the memory stick to work in the camera for playback. However, if you copy the file structure and put the files on an external hard drive Imovie & Final Cut should access them. I do it with iMovie all the time. Just log and transfer the files by choosing the AVCHD folder that you create with all your files in the appropriate folders inside that folder... for example:

Your folder structure should look like this (where dir name is inside parenthesis)...

(AVCHD) <---or whatever you decide to name it... doesn't need to be AVCHD

Gary "Superfletch" Fletcher
D-26145; USPA Coach, IAD/I, AFF/I

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