
need advice on cameras

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I am starting to become interested in videoing some of my jumps. Currently I have 247 jumps and have discussed this idea with both the DZO and our local camera flyer. Both are of the opinion that I am at a suitable level of awareness to begin playing with a camera. I am aware of the dangers of becoming too fixated on your target, as well as having a line snag on your equipment. I am curious about what other problems people have encountered while sooting video. I am also curious as to what people think of the Sony HC 36 as a choice of cameras for a beginner. Thanks for your responses.

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Being pre-occupied with your camera when you should keep your attention on checking your gear/spotting/briefing/PUTTING ON gear/.....

Almost breaking your neck on a hard opening.

Almost breaking your neck rolling out a bad landing.

Almost breaking the CAMERA rolling out a bad landing.

Getting bowled over because some jumper really wants to get his picture taken/be on video.

Loads of other stuff here:

ciel bleu,

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The models keep changing, but you want:
- a Sony camera
- takes mini DV tapes (no DVD or HD camera's, solid state camera's are geting there but still not high-quality, microMV tapes are also not recommendable)
- needs to be able to take a wide-angle lens

Nice to haves:
- DV out (most cheaper European models do not have this)
- bigger lens thread size = better quality
- a LANC port if you want to use a cam-eye
- personally I dislike docking stations a LOT

I think all current models are topmount-only models, if you want a sidemount look for a 2nd hand pc-style camera.

BTW there should be another thread with camera flying "things that happen", it's referenced in the link I gave you but can't seem to locate it [:/]

ciel bleu,

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i ahve the hc 42 and i love it.. use a cheap wide angle .45 and it should be fine unless you can afford the nice ones. the cam eye is a small pain as you have to connect it thru the helmet. i have a bone head with a D box. i would recommend the shaped box from cookie if you can wait. i have a still camera and got a cheap 35 from someone at the DZ upgrading. it is expensive but rewarding..

dont let life pass you by

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I started video and TM after I got out of the Army in 98. I did it to have a job, lasted about 2 years and then went back to 8-5 work, and now I only do video on weekends and have not done a TM in 6 years.

Stay Safe,

BSBD...........Its all about Respect,

USPA#-7062, FB-2197, Outlaw 499

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I started flying a camera at 350 jumps or so, videoing CRW. After that I learned how to fly a wingsuit and soon started videooing that. At the moment I film mostly 4way, with the occasional wingsuit, CRW, tandem or student jump thrown in. Plus I film a lot of swoop comps.

I started skydiving to do 3 things: CRW, wingsuit, and photographing both. Check, check and check B|

ciel bleu,

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