
Questions about MacBook Pro Sony HC3 combo

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Ok ...

Before we start, i know my questions will sound dumb to those that regularly edit video but go easy with the flaming !!!!

I have been very happy with imovies on my old mac and have just decided to bite the bullet and upgrade my computer and camera.

So i've just bought a 2GHz Macbook Pro and a Sony HC3 HDV camcorder (UK version if it makes a difference) and i'm trying to hook it up.

The first problem is that the mac doesn't seem to recognise the camera with the USB cable supplied so off i head and get a i-link to firewire 400 cable. This seems better as the camera is recognised, however imovies HD now seems to have a fit and keeps shutting down. When it doesn't just shut down it takes my old (non-HD) footage and imports it but as soon as i try to edit the footage it brings up black or pixellated screens where the images should be.

So my really stupid questions are

1 Which is the best method for connecting the two bits of equipment?
2 Do i need to alter any of the default settings to make the two pieces of equipment speak to each other properly?
3 Any advice for general settings when using this camera set up?
4 What sort of wide-angle lens would you reccomend for this set up?

Any good places where they would help me get to grips with my new system (again i'm uk based but i am looking to visit z-hills shortly)...

Thanks for all the answers ...

And yes it is sad - i've become one of those "all the gear and no idea" guys but i really get very little time away from work and would love to have this system ready for my states trip ....


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1: Firewire cable, 6-to-4 pin.
2: Plug it in, turn it on [in VTR mode], fire up iMovie
3: Computer-wise, nothing. I'll leave camera to those with experience.
4: Depends on how you fly, I'll leave that to those with experience.

As for the black pixelated screens you're referring to... I'd need to see it to make any real guesses. I don't use iMovie that much so nothing comes to mind immediately.
I really don't know what I'm talking about.

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Try looking through the discussions forum for iMovie on the Apple Support site. Here's a link to the iMovie forum. I see a couple threads regarding the Sony HC-3 so hopefully you will find a solution in there.

Also, if you are still under warranty...call Apple support. You're entitled to free tech support for 90 days....3 years if you bought Applecare. You can buy Applecare and extend your warranty and support up to a year from the date of purchase of your MBP.

Good luck!

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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after looking on that site it now appears that this is not an isolated incident so at least i feel less of a numpty. It does look like i'm at least using the right cable :)
Does anyone have any ideas on the best set-up to use with this camera - eg which lens would you reccomend ???



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