
new nikon D80

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I wondered when the Prosumer cameras were going to switch to SD memory instead of CF. I was in a local computer store this week and they only had 2 types of CF cards but over 30 different SD cards. SD memory is cheap right now, can get a gig or more for less then $20 almost all the time.
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It would be neat to be able to get SDCards for a few bucks a piece (128mb or maybe 256mb) and just give them to the student since they can take it to walgreens like film then.

Probaly impractical, but it sure would be nice to not have to spend time burning a CD.
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Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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Cost on even the smalled SD cards is still $10, but if the price fell to $2-3 each, thats not a bad deal at all. I still perfer the CD since I burn 2 copies, one for me and 1 for them. That way I get originals of all the pics for my own useage.
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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