
Picture Quality?

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I was wondering what the difference in picture quality between SP and LP on a MiniDV camera? Is LP really worth the extra half hour? The camera's a trv22.. although I doubt that matters and the footage would be used more for school, short films etc.
Thanks :)

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The issue -isn't- image quality per se, but rather drop out tolerance. Drop outs are inconsistancies in the tape medium itself.

MiniDV does -NOT- have any sort of error correction scheme, so any drop outs on the tape medium show up REALLY WELL in the form of little blocks over the image. You'll definately see this if you recycle your miniDV tapes enough and occasionally you'll see it right out of the box on brand spankin' new tapes.

If you're just shooting fun jumps of your friends, then shooting in the longer playing mode might not be that big of a deal, but if you're shooting for anything of any real value . . . I personally, wouldn't do it.

Think about it. Blank tape is probably one of the least expensive things you can bring to a film shoot. Hell, lunch is probably going to cost more. However, once you have invested the time, money and effort to actually try to put something on the tape, well, it's almost priceless. Well, it's at least worth the price of having to go back and reshoot the scene again, which, I'm guessing is -way- more than the cost of the tape.

Anyway, you're going to be -seriously- bummed someday if you have shot something worthwhile ONLY to have it f'ed up by a crappy drop out.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Not to mention that a lot of cameras have trouble playing back tapes recorded in LP mode which were recorded in other cameras.

I say stick to SP. The tapes aren't really that expensive. Nothing worse than having that 1 important money shot, only to be ruined with a dropout or a digital breakup while recording in LP.

I don't think a professional videographer would risk it.

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