
gaffer tape question

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I can't right now figure out what the other 1% would be, but it's out there somewhere.

Well you could do a very temporary patch on a canopy with it, but I don't thin I'd fix my Harness with it. How's that for the 1% basket?
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Nope, but you shouldn't make legstraps or risers out of it.

I'll be you could make a nifty wallet though. Maybe even a pair of pants.

Oh, and it holds down loose wires on camera helmets real good.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Well you could do a very temporary patch on a canopy with it, but I don't thin I'd fix my Harness with it. How's that for the 1% basket?


You folks never heard of the British, World War II-vintage Para-Jerkin? (Jerkin is a British word for "vest.")
The Para-Jerkin used silk suspension lines - lots of silk suspension lines - for leg straps, main lift webs, back straps and risers.
This one piece of obscure technology that I have no intention of copying with modern materials!
Hee! Hee!

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I had actualy! Saw what remaind of a well preserved one in a Aviation Museum last time I was in England (94-95' I think). Wild....

Somewhat related (talk about thread drift) the Loft, and gear store I used to work for in Northern Californis, used to "inherit" quite a bit of old gear. A Thunderbow rig, various PC's, old chestmounts.

Anyway one day we get a box of junk (might have been from Bill Garganos old shop in Woodland) and in the box there was a blue down hunters vest. What was unique was the harnes sewn into it, and the diagonal deployment "slit" on the back with riseres theraded through it. Looked fun, too bad I couldnt get the story behind it.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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