
Container like Vector, but with 1 kicker flap

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Sorry for bad English....

We have here (in Russia) manufacturer, which make a popular local rig. Previous version have had reserve container, pretty like Vector - 2 kicker flaps, PC... In his new model he make onky one kicker flap - only bottom.
Have you any consideration about that???


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I know about one kicker.
It's not a problem. But, all rigs, which I ever seen with 1 kicker - have top kicker flap.
In that variant, there is only bottom. On my opinion, its smart thing - easier to pack, and the main thing - much easier extraction of dbag, no risk of jamming reserve bridle, ets...
But, if it's so good - why other manufacturers dont do the some?

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If there is no kicker flap, designers have to be far more careful with reserve deployment bag design.
For example. PISA's NARO has no kicker flaps, but it has a stiffener sewn into the d-bag.
Flexon, Talon, Voodoo have an even more sophisticated d-bag, and they also have a small diameter spring. Talon springs bottom out with only a thin layer of d-bag fabric separating them from the pack tray.

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Yes, I know.
As we can see many rigs without kicker, and TSoed, its working...
But, I'm thinking about stupid-protected gear, which is max protected from bad workmanship, or speeddy rigging - and variant with bottom kicker flap is the best, on my opinion (it can be wrong easely...)

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