
automatic shutter release for a digital

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I've just bought a digital camera thats got a really good continuous mode on it. Only problem is the shutter release button needs to be pressed constantly. To make matters worse, there's no socket for plugging in a remote. The only way of remote controlling is via infra red. I thought of getting a clamp that can screw down onto the button to hold it in place.
Was wondering if anyone had any ideas how best to do it, if there's anything on the market to help etc. Coz my DIY skill aren't great!!

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Thanks for the advise. Just a couple of questions:

I've got the Minolta S414 and I don't think the Harbonics adapter is complatible.

The clay mould idea looks great but can it handle skydiving without falling to bits?

How much would it cost to get a remote hardwired in?

I'm temped to just get a clamp, weld it to the helmet plate and use the screw mechanism to push the button down!



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